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Please Fix Champion Bag System


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5 Trinkets - 5 useless tokens

3 Earpieces - 2 useless tokens

3 Bracers - 2 useless tokens

2 Implants - Not wearing since Rakata Implants are better by a lot

2 Headpieces - at least mods

2 Pants - at least mods

1 Offhand

1 Gloves

1 Belt

1 Chest



4 weekly for - 24

18 Dailies for - 36

18 Days each with 2 bags bought - 36


Total amount of Bags 96 - Missing Mainhand and Offhand. Out of 21 Tokens, 11 were completely useless, which puts me at a droprate close to 1/10th per token.


The game isn't even a month old and people already want full Tier 2.
That's because you label it as t2, which is kind of stupid.


We'll soon see the Level 50 bracket, what we'll also see is fresh 50s getting owned by fully champion geared people. Why? Because there is no "easy" (as in low time investment) to get entrance PvP Gear.


Look at my numbers, those 96 bags took a lot of time, i got 225 + 21 = 246 Centurion tokens, that's enough for 4 - 5 items if you get the set. And at least i still was lucky enough to get somewhat different tokens.

Edited by kaesebreze
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All this crybabying is ridiculous. The game isn't even a month old and people already want full Tier 2. What you want is communism, what we have is capitalism. If your friend wins the lottery, does that mean you should win it too? If everyone won the lottery, everyone who played would get less than what they paid to play back after taxes are taken out. Communism DOES NOT WORK. Stop asking for it. Hard work and luck are part of this game just as they are part of life - DEAL WITH IT. If everything is just given to you, you'll never learn what hard work can reward.


Here is what's going to happen - Everyone complaining now will eventually get their full champion set - or near it. Then, due to everyone here crying, they'll make a change and all the noobs will get their full set in a week. And guess what happens then? All of you go back to crybabying, but now you're on the opposite side of the fence. This kind of flip-flopping solves absolutely nothing. And trust me - You will be on the opposite side of this fence the second they make a change after you've had to suffer through it.


I hardly call rewarding people to spend more time pvping with pvp gear as Communism. If you want to compare it in that manner here is an example; put it this way, we all get "Paid" the same amount to pvp in the game, Ive worked more hours to acheive rank 52 valor via pvping yet I cannot obtain the gear that some who has worked less hours than me because of? the current system is communism, rewards without work. quite the opposite of what you said. I don't go to work so they can pay me in lottery tickets. I work for a paycheck. Ive worked in game, I want my pay check 0/28 is unacceptable. End of Story.

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Bunch of whiny WoW kids that expect everything handed to them on a plate.


First off if your 50 you are currently getting lots of commendations from warzones since you are playing against level 10-40s.


Second off, you want this to be easy so you reach end game gear in a couple of days playing? Then what would you whine about?


Suck it up, its no where near as bad as Aion let alone Lineage so grind it up kids.

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All this crybabying is ridiculous. The game isn't even a month old and people already want full Tier 2.


Nope, all people want is a consistent system that rewards effort and achievement instead of luck.

Edited by Tierce
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Bunch of whiny WoW kids that expect everything handed to them on a plate.


First off if your 50 you are currently getting lots of commendations from warzones since you are playing against level 10-40s.


Second off, you want this to be easy so you reach end game gear in a couple of days playing? Then what would you whine about?


Suck it up, its no where near as bad as Aion let alone Lineage so grind it up kids.


Noone is expecting everything handed to them on a plate, they just want a level playing field, not some random crap that does not reword the work you put in but rarther the luck you have opening bags.


And because they want a better system they must be "kids" and from "wow" lol.


PS: i played both those games you mention, it does not change the fact that RNG sucks as a way of rewording gear.

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funny did my dailys today 2x useless cent coms. (not even my companion needs the cent gear anymore)


then the extra bag from the vendor gave me my last piece of my champ gear.


now not even 1 month after release i have a full epic champion set incl. mainhand and focus.


meanwhile the guy that did the same amount of pvp both open world on ilum and warzones with me is still missing mainhand offhand and like 3 pieces of his armor.

Edited by Sheneria
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Bunch of whiny WoW kids that expect everything handed to them on a plate.


First off if your 50 you are currently getting lots of commendations from warzones since you are playing against level 10-40s.


Second off, you want this to be easy so you reach end game gear in a couple of days playing? Then what would you whine about?


Suck it up, its no where near as bad as Aion let alone Lineage so grind it up kids.


Your entire post is meaningless. I do not care that I am not fully epic'ed out, I care that my efforts and time are rewarded ENTIRELY based on RNG. There is no measurable system to obtain gear. The barriers to entry for gear are completely out of your hands.


Who cares if Aion was horrid or Lineage was horrid? Why repeat the same mistakes? You have no argument and resort to ad hominem ie kids and wow. Never post again.

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How do you acquire a bag in pvp warzone?


And when y'all say "token" do you mean "commendations"?


No. This is what we mean. Level 50 pvp gear works like this. A bag requires 200 warzone commendations 200 mercenary commendations (basically 800 total). When you open this bag. You have two possible scenario's. You get centurion commendations. These can be turned in for centurion gear. Which is the weakest pvp gear. Or you can get a piece of champion gear. A token to turn in for a certain piece. (Boot tokens for boots etc.) When you get a token you only get 1 cent commendation.


So it's 800 commendations per bag. A single piece of cent gear (for the big pieces) is 39 centurion commendations. 70 for a weapon. The off set pieces are around 24. while you could get champion gear you can end up opening 30 bags without a single piece. Which is 90 cent commendations. Which isn't even 3 pieces of the main set and just barely enough for one weapon.


Therefore. You can get lucky and be fully geared in the tier 2 set really quick or you can spend up to a month of hardcore grinding for the inferior set. Worse. If you keep getting the same piece over and over you're only profiting with 1 centurion commendation making the process even longer.


TL;DR. If you and a friend are pvping hardcore. He could be fully geared within a week. You on the other hand could take up to a month.

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To all the people posting on here, opened 3 bags got 4 pieces or whatever. just leave. Why would you even come in here unless you had the problem. go grind and get gear if its going so well. Im on my 25th champion bag with NO GEAR. Not duplicates but NOTHING AT ALL, outside these stupid worthless centurion comms which take a week to get anything, and when i do get it its worse than the gear others are getting thru luck in a day. This needs serious editing, and even if they did fix it those with the good gear will always have that advantage and will get the BM gear quicker because of it. Im valor 41 and have a champion bracer. thats it. I see people valor 20 who have all the main pieces of gear. complete trash.
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It's sickening seeing a back paddling, clicking, keyboard turning n00b getting destroyed due to lack of skill, but they are wearing full Champion set.


Just last warzone we get a fresh level 50 with all main pieces of Champion set, including weapon. The only thing he was missing were implants, relics, etc. He eagerly chats us up "hi guys! just hit level 50 this morning, looking forward to trying this new gear in PvP"


Battle starts and you see him getting obliterated by level 38 because he is trying to face an opponent by keyboard turning...




/facepalm /headdesk /headwall

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No. This is what we mean. Level 50 pvp gear works like this. A bag requires 200 warzone commendations 200 mercenary commendations (basically 800 total). When you open this bag. You have two possible scenario's. You get centurion commendations. These can be turned in for centurion gear. Which is the weakest pvp gear. Or you can get a piece of champion gear. A token to turn in for a certain piece. (Boot tokens for boots etc.) When you get a token you only get 1 cent commendation.


So it's 800 commendations per bag. A single piece of cent gear (for the big pieces) is 39 centurion commendations. 70 for a weapon. The off set pieces are around 24. while you could get champion gear you can end up opening 30 bags without a single piece. Which is 90 cent commendations. Which isn't even 3 pieces of the main set and just barely enough for one weapon.


Therefore. You can get lucky and be fully geared in the tier 2 set really quick or you can spend up to a month of hardcore grinding for the inferior set. Worse. If you keep getting the same piece over and over you're only profiting with 1 centurion commendation making the process even longer.


TL;DR. If you and a friend are pvping hardcore. He could be fully geared within a week. You on the other hand could take up to a month.



Thanks for the detailed explanation, this is useful to know while lvling up and waiting for 50 gear.



I recall someone saying you couldn't carry more than 1 Champ Bag in your inventory, that it would get replaced if you bought another. Is it possible to store 1 in your bin and 1 in your inventory while waiting to hit 50?

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Thanks for the detailed explanation, this is useful to know while lvling up and waiting for 50 gear.



I recall someone saying you couldn't carry more than 1 Champ Bag in your inventory, that it would get replaced if you bought another. Is it possible to store 1 in your bin and 1 in your inventory while waiting to hit 50?


No it is not possible. You can't stack up on vendor bags before you hit 50 and then lol-open 30 of them and get full set.

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I too would like to see this system changed. Ive been pvping alot in the past week and now ive got 5 trinkets, but still no chest, gloves, boots or weapons. Perhaps you could implement a system where i can trade in my trinkets like commendations because at this rate I will have 10-15 before i get a full pvp set.
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I understand most of you are coming from WoW and therefore see PvP as a unique system of rewards. However, there is no difference between this system and normal raid drops in PvE. You can do the same ops 20 times and not get an upgrade if you're unlucky. There is nothing wrong with this system, it is actually much more consistent than telling PvP players they are guaranteed items at set intervals and telling PvE players they must rely on luck.


This is your answer people^. Nothing is broken or needs fixing, it is working as intended and makes sense to boot.


You can raid every day and not get a single drop of loot, some other guy may get two T1 pieces in his first raid...why should pvp gear be any different? Weren't all the hardcore pvpers crying for pvp gear to equal raid gear??? Well, here ya go....

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This is your answer people^. Nothing is broken or needs fixing, it is working as intended and makes sense to boot.


You can raid every day and not get a single drop of loot, some other guy may get two T1 pieces in his first raid...why should pvp gear be any different? Weren't all the hardcore pvpers crying for pvp gear to equal raid gear??? Well, here ya go....


How this pvp loot system is even close to PVE in wow? Are u stupid? U compare the difficulty of a pve wow raid with the "i sit afk on illum with enemies arround me that dont attack and i receive my epics" ?


The system is fail because valor rank 10 ppl get full set with no effort, while hardcore pvper get nothing?


Do u know any wow player receiving end game epics by standing AFK in Stormwind while some hardcore pver gets none by luck??





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Person who designed this bags system will cost Bioware few (tens of) thousands subscriptions for sure.


This random crap tokens system making PvP pointless and certainly doesn't worth $15/month when there is Modern Warfare available without any subscription fee.

Edited by Pashgan
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Person who designed this bags system will cost Bioware few (tens of) thousands subscriptions for sure.


This random crap tokens system making PvP pointless and certainly doesn't worth $15/month when there is Modern Warfare available without any subscription fee.


I wouldn't fire them. I would make it their job to play every day for 8 hours and gear multiple characters from the bags, just so they can experience the crap they've created.


I totally agree. They will cost BioWare money because they thought they were being creative. Could also be Mythic remnant that they didn't feel like changing.


Either way it's a total and utter crap and should be addressed pronto before the free month is out. I guarantee that more and more people will be pissed off by the system as more and more people gain level 50 and start to PvP.

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