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Patch not installing at all


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Everytime I try it says upload 100% complete in about 1 second and then nothing happens. This has been going on for hours. Anyone have any ideas?


UPDATE: I got through to tech support. Nice lady was very patient with me and walked me through all the steps and I'm now downloading. She also emailed me what to do. After turning off my router and computer and restarting them, following the list below worked for me (so far, download is not done but is humming along)


1.Make sure that neither SWTOR nor the Launcher is running.

2.Make sure that neither brwc.exe nor brsptsvc.exe is running in the Task Manager.

3.Change the following line in the launcher.settings file (found in the SWTOR install directory) from: “bitraider_disable” : false to “bitraider_disable” : true then click 'File' tab and 'Save.'

4.Delete the following files and directory from their SWTOR directory:





5.Run the Launcher Repair Utility on the website or click/copy this link: http://answers.ea.com/t5/STAR-WARS-The-Old-Republic/Guide-Launcher-Troubleshooting/m-p/4805820#2

6.A window will open asking if you would like to save or run the file. Please select save and install in SWTOR folder.

7.Once the installation is complete, please try launching the game again.

Edited by Threezer
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95%....whoah. I've been at 7% then jumped to 10% and been stuck there for an hour with a download speed of 512000k.



Like watching paint dry...that's how slow this process is...don't be in a hurry because it's not gonna be that fast!!!

Edited by CoffmansB
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I've called customer support but have been on hold for close to an hour. At this point I'm continuing to hold out of sheer stubborness but I have to admit I'm pretty annoyed.


Come home from work expecting this to work and to find this....

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Ive been stuck at 95.52% since 1 pm eastern and it's now 6 pm and still 95.52%. I keep getting network error and retrying 310. Slow download? Try non existent. This plus all the other bugs this game is experiencing leads me to believe this game is on it's last leg. To bad, could have been a great game, thanks EA for cutting more corners so your CEO can have a new Ferrari.
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I have the same problem as the OP. Getting from 0-100 under a second. While looking through the logs, it seems as not all cdn-servers have the patch, or why else should the logs write:

2015/11/17 23:09:38.807:[iNFO]{029F0} - Checking http://manifest.swtor.com/patch/bitraider/swtor_pm_11_0.bin
2015/11/17 23:09:40.432:[iNFO]Connecting to Service Core, command: 20
2015/11/17 23:09:42.032:[iNFO]{029F0} - Check HTTP status: 404
2015/11/17 23:09:42.032:[WARN]{029F0} - DLM: Check source done, HTTP code: 404, request pending: false
2015/11/17 23:09:42.032:[DBUG]QtOut: QNetworkReplyImplPrivate::error: Internal problem, this method must only be called once.
2015/11/17 23:09:42.035:[CRIT]{00588} - WEBREQ: Fail [50000194] Status: item cannot be found @ manifest.swtor.com/patch/bitraider/swtor_pm_11_0.bin ****
2015/11/17 23:09:42.035:[iNFO]{029F0} - DownloadManager: Cleanup requested..
2015/11/17 23:09:42.035:[iNFO]{029F0} - NAM destroyed..
2015/11/17 23:09:42.035:[iNFO]{029F0} - NAM2 destroyed..
2015/11/17 23:09:42.095:[iNFO]{00588} - DownloadManager Cleanup done, destroying DownloadManager..
2015/11/17 23:09:42.155:[iNFO]{00588} - DownloadManager destroyed..


But than magically this occurs:

2015/11/17 23:09:58.986:[iNFO]PIPEEXT: PushPriCom:1 Force:0 Resp:00100001
2015/11/17 23:09:59.023:[iNFO]PIPEEXT: PushPriCom:999 Force:0 Resp:00100006


After that it is repeating this sequence:

2015/11/17 23:10:00.433:[iNFO]Connecting to Service Core, command: 20
2015/11/17 23:10:10.434:[iNFO]Connecting to Service Core, command: 20
2015/11/17 23:10:20.434:[iNFO]Connecting to Service Core, command: 20
2015/11/17 23:10:27.202:[iNFO]ExtUI: Progress:100.000, Unsent:0.000, Error: 0


Any one with the same log entrys?

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