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Why did you nerfed companions


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I hear two different opinions here. Those that like playing a game that challenges them and those that want to "god mode" everything or it isn't fun. Here's my two cents. Challenge gives you a sense of real accomplishment. Walking through this game in "god mode" would make this game pointless. It would be like playing monopoly by yourself giving yourself all the money and the property. Pointlessly rolling the dice. There is no sense of accomplishment, no fun at all, just boring repetition until your brain is numb. Now if you like that there are many single player games you can cheat your way through. I prefer a challenge that gives me a sense of accomplishment so I don't feel like I'm wasting my time. Now for those of you who complain that it's to much like real life and you play the game to get away from life, cowboy up. Life is all about experience. Experience and memories form the core of your personality. You gain that experience and make those memories by rising to the challenges that are thrown your way. So, cowboy up and go out and make some memories, rise to the challenges you're given and enjoy life the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Work hard, Play harder.
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The nerf made companions almost useless. You can't force those who don't want to group to play with a group.


This right here. I am an adult, I prefer to spend about 95% of my game time soloing. I have children, so the ability to simply walk away from the game for 5 or 30 minutes is really important to me.


Why the MMO industry seems focused on turning away this portion of their potential customer base seems unfathomable to me.


We have money. We want to solo. Devs, what's the problem?

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I hear two different opinions here. Those that like playing a game that challenges them and those that want to "god mode" everything or it isn't fun. Here's my two cents. Challenge gives you a sense of real accomplishment. Walking through this game in "god mode" would make this game pointless. It would be like playing monopoly by yourself giving yourself all the money and the property. Pointlessly rolling the dice. There is no sense of accomplishment, no fun at all, just boring repetition until your brain is numb. Now if you like that there are many single player games you can cheat your way through. I prefer a challenge that gives me a sense of accomplishment so I don't feel like I'm wasting my time. Now for those of you who complain that it's to much like real life and you play the game to get away from life, cowboy up. Life is all about experience. Experience and memories form the core of your personality. You gain that experience and make those memories by rising to the challenges that are thrown your way. So, cowboy up and go out and make some memories, rise to the challenges you're given and enjoy life the way it was meant to be enjoyed. Work hard, Play harder.


Good, rise to the challenge and dismiss your companion. There, you have your challenge without affecting anyone else's playstyle or fun.


Actually, after the patch, you can keep your companion now, since they nuked them. But hey, you wanted to force group content on people, good luck finding groups now when people stop playing because they don't feel like challenge is fun.


Because you know, some people play games for fun, not challenge. I know that might be hard for you to comprehend, but even someone such as myself who enjoys challenges and makes challenges that aren't explicitly developed into the game like 4 manning operations or 2 manning or soloing flashpoints, can understand that not everyone enjoys the same things that I do.


Live and let live, it wasn't like the soloists were affecting your game play negatively in the least.

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There's not plenty of solo content if you've played this game since it launched. I've already done the solo content.


Oh really? I just rambled off a few examples of recent examples and there is 8 class stories to go with that plus all the side quests, macro binoculars and seeker droid and who knows what else I'm missing.

What is your example off " not plenty of solo content" ? Are you actually trying to imply there is more group orientated content in this game?


For you to state there's not plenty of solo content in this game more or less discredits everything you've got to say and proves, as always is with you, you are arguing for the sake of arguing no matter how wrong you are proven to be.


Not to fear though, you'll be off and stop replying until another thread pops up for you to put your nonsense arguments against until you rinse and repeat yet again.


To answer your question, I am a gamer, I do EVERYTHING I possibly can, even some things that people think shouldn't be possible. Heck, I solo the 5 man dungeons in Tera, then I go back and do group finder with a group afterwards just so I get the drops I want first and learn the fights, then I tank for group finder without pissing everyone off because I made all the mistakes soloing and only costing myself a death, instead of wiping the whole group


Right a gamer, you should enjoy the challenge of nerfed companions then so you can do more of "what people think shouldn't be possible". ;)

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Cancelled my sub. Easier to go to Reddit to see if they ever fix it. Over-reaction as usual.

Ditto. Exactly the same boat.


They finally made the game something people could play when they weren't in a group. Now it's back to just sitting around doing ****-all until you can find said group, assuming you can find anyone who wants to do the same things you do at the same time you do at the same pace you do... for things that shouldn't need a group at all. You know, like playing the basic game outside of hard-modes and operations.

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i have a question for those that thought the game was too easy (so they screamed their lungs out to nerf companions) , that companions did all the work, they where OP ECT :


Why didnt you just dismissed the companions or deactivate some of their abilities?


Did comps broke PvP? No

Did they made Operations easier ? , i doubt it

Did they made world bosses easier ?

Did they in any way made any "grouping" part of the game easier ?


They just made Solo content easier... so what ? if you PERSONALLY thought it was way too easy , why didnt you simply dismissed them and l33t your way out of the problem without affecting everyone?


thanks in advance


Why should I have to dismiss my companion or take short cuts to enjoy content designed to have companions as a part of it? I.e. KoTFE story.

Clearly Bioware agree they went over the top with the companion strength and it's getting nerfed, how hard is this to understand?


Also I wonder how this will affect heroic spawn rates now they won't be quite as readily easy as they were before.

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Why should I have to dismiss my companion or take short cuts to enjoy content designed to have companions as a part of it?

1) You never dismissed your companion or put them on passive. Lie all you want, we all know you didn't.


2) Having an option is better than not having an option. Players like you have the option to dismiss/pacify their companion as things were. Other players have no option as things are now.


3) I can't believe how many times I have to say this, but: You do realize the rest of us play the game, too, and know when you're full of ****. You do genuinely realize that, yeah?


4) Bioware didn't "agree" so much as "caved in." I've yet to understand why developers listen to people ************ on a forum. They had to have seen their subscriptions increase after 4.0 hit (not before or in anticipation of, but after). Can't wait to see how quickly they turn tail when they see those numbers dwindle. I know it will by at least one.


5) Here's what I actually read when I first read your post: "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!" Grow up, kid. The world doesn't revolve around you.

Edited by NeuroticCupcake
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I'm going to laugh so hard when you see how minor the change is. SO hard.


Except you go around basically accusing people of being elitists so the bigger the nerf then the more these supposed elitists are going to enjoy the game and your tears ... who's going to be laughing really?


I'm laughing now because so many people argued with me that this change wasn't coming when I said it inevitably would and now look at the outrage for content people haven't even tried yet.

Just like the slot machine, temple chair exploit, Ziost exploit, ravagers exploit. I've called it almost every time now. :)


Reminds me of the level sync outrage ... oh wait that wasn't so bad afterall


Sorry bioware, said no anti level sync forum goer running around with their hair on fire only to realise they wrong ever.

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I hear two different opinions here. Those that like playing a game that challenges them and those that want to "god mode" everything or it isn't fun. Here's my two cents. Challenge gives you a sense of real accomplishment. Walking through this game in "god mode" would make this game pointless.


The part you're missing here is that this is a persistent world. I don't mind the challenge when it comes to something, at least the first time.


When we're talking about things that are being done weekly or daily, they stop being challenging and turn into a chore. When my chores get harder, that doesn't make me happier, especially when it's something I'm supposedly doing for entertainment.

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Right a gamer, you should enjoy the challenge of nerfed companions then so you can do more of "what people think shouldn't be possible". ;)


I enjoy the challenge of no companions, what's your problem with that if you want a challenge?


At least my enjoyment and challenge doesn't come at the expense of others' enjoyment or challenge. I create my own, you want to foist your beliefs on everyone else.


This is why I dislike religious fanatics too, there is no logic with them, and there is no other way but their own way according to them.


You, sir, are no better than they are.

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When the servers come back up, go into CZ labs or CZ core and see what the warning is that pops up for yourself since you apparently don't believe me.


You don't have a warning that tells players 2 players plus companions are recommended when you really mean 4 players. It gives the same exact warning message as Esseles and Black Talon, which again is also a 2+ companions flashpoint, supposedly.


What are you even smoking because it's making you slow?


Czerka Tactical Flashpoints disagree with you, because if you notice when you enter, the warning that pops up says 2 players plus companions is recommended, not 4 players recommended.


Also 2 players plus companions means groups still ... not 1 player plus their companion which is what so many people have their knickers in a twist over.

Feel free to prove that you can't do tacticals before or after this nerf with 2 actual players and 2 companions though.


2 players + companions != solo ... fairly easy to understand and I don't know why you are quoting me agreeing with the statement of 2 players +companions as though I am saying it says 4 players ...


As I said I challenge you to show me with 2 players who use 2 companions that are used to doing the content as such prior to 4.0.2 that fail utterly at those flashpoints now because it's too tough due to the nerf.


You may and probably will fail solo ... it's not solo content.

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Same goes for Animation cancelling why have animations if players can cancel them.




Exactly, might as well get rid of those as well since they must interfere with peoples gameplay so much like "long mob fights" supposedly do.


Glad we agree. Nerf comps.

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I've been playing off and on since launch. Came back to check out the new story content. And to my surprise loved it.

I also liked the companions buff, plus i could use my favorite one to heal, tank or dps. I was even going to leave my sub on to see the new chapters come, and pay to support the game again. Not sure what your doing with this nerf, if i want to group to do things like pvp, FP, Raids i do. But i'm a busy like most, and like a casual game, the companions with 4.0 did this. Now, not so much with this nerf. I am going to cancel my sub. You had me, but lost me. GG

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What you describe is called 'Real Life'™ - when you grow up you'll discover this. The average mmo player age is around 35, so most of already experience OBSTICLES and CHALLENGES - we play Games to have FUN ...


OBSTICLES and CHALLENGES are NOT fun (unless you are into Sadomasochism) - but you'll discover this when you grow up and leave school.


Ahh the old "lets pretend we know how old someone is because they disagree with me and then pretend I'm older because I think it will justify my argument" routine.


Utterly pathetic.

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Companions needed a nerf, particularly healing companions, but . . . . they feel weaker now based on my experience so far compared to pre-4.0 and that is wrong IMO; the nerf has been way too hard.


I knew this as well. Some of the same people who were begging for a nerf are going to be on here complaining its too big of a nerf. Well you shouldn't have been complaining then. We wouldn't be in this situation if you and people in the vocal minority didn't complain all day on the forums. Are you happy now.

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This right here. I am an adult, I prefer to spend about 95% of my game time soloing. I have children, so the ability to simply walk away from the game for 5 or 30 minutes is really important to me.


Why the MMO industry seems focused on turning away this portion of their potential customer base seems unfathomable to me.


We have money. We want to solo. Devs, what's the problem?


What is it you want to solo? Group content? You don't see the problem with that statement then?

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So does this mean that everyone is going to go to back to fleet, sit on their collective fat asses, and piss and moan and ***** at each other all day, rather than do HM or Operations?


Are we going back to the old days of SWTOR?


How did companion strength affect whether or not people did HM FPs or operations exactly? Shouldn't change at all, now there might be more people around to run that content because they won't be off god moding group content they were never meant to be able to do.

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1) You never dismissed your companion or put them on passive. Lie all you want, we all know you didn't.


Again, why should I have to?



2) Having an option is better than not having an option. Players like you have the option to dismiss/pacify their companion as things were. Other players have no option as things are now.


You have an option, it's called solo mode. I don't really know what it is you think you won't be able to do now ... group content? Get a group.


3) I can't believe how many times I have to say this, but: You do realize the rest of us play the game, too, and know when you're full of ****. You do genuinely realize that, yeah?


Yup and no one is forcing you to do group content. If you want to do it then get a group else solo the solo content, no one is saying you cant' do that. However I personally would like my comps nerfed for that content without having to turn them off completely or make them passive completely ruining the immersion of it.


I'm not here to fight for what YOU want, that's your job and you're doing a **** job of it so no wonder Bioware don't bow down to you and people like wishesh.




4) Bioware didn't "agree" so much as "caved in." I've yet to understand why developers listen to people ************ on a forum. They had to have seen their subscriptions increase after 4.0 hit (not before or in anticipation of, but after). Can't wait to see how quickly they turn tail when they see those numbers dwindle. I know it will by at least one.


You do realise you are on a forum ************ too right? Thus they shouldn't listen to you in your mind so why are you bothering? Check.


5) Here's what I actually read when I first read your post: "ME ME ME ME ME ME ME!" Grow up, kid. The world doesn't revolve around you.


And more of the low kid comments because you can't form a concise argument on your own.

I read that as "disregard everything I say because I like to run around with my hair on fire and cannot make a valid point or conduct myself maturely in any form of debate or argument"


Real mature lol. ;)

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Challenge gives you a sense of real accomplishment.


Some years ago, just prior to starting Uni my friends and I hiked over 2 days to a town called Buxton ... a journey of around 50 miles ... with food and tents on our back. Stupidly I also thought this a great opportunity to break in a brand new pair of Doc Martens. The initial plan was to walk back too - but my bleeding feet made this impractical and dangerous ...



After missing the last bus back from a town 18 miles from home I had to walk back ... it was after 11.30pm and the country roads were dark. An oncoming car blinded me temprarily with full beam headlights and my foot slipped off the very narrow pavement, breaking several bones in my right foot. I was still around 12 miles from home, I had no choice but to continue walking home ... where I arrived around 8am the following morning ...



Back on '05, whilst killing Sand People in KotOR's Tatooine, I suffered a major pneumothorax (my right lung spontaneously collapsed) ... I thought it was bad heartburn until I found I could not lie down to go to bed 3 hours later ... so I WALKED to the hospital ... I could barely breath ... I had to stop every few yards and I collapsed several times during the journey ... finally making it through the doors to my A&E passing out from the excruciating pain ...



Surviving the death of parents ...



I can spend the next few pages listing more REAL LIFE Challenges ...


So, please tell me again how beating that boss in a Game gives you a 'sense of real accomplishment'


You want 'Challenge'? Turn off your computer and live life - then you'll be glad to play a game just to Relax and have Fun ...

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I enjoy the challenge of no companions, what's your problem with that if you want a challenge?


At least my enjoyment and challenge doesn't come at the expense of others' enjoyment or challenge. I create my own, you want to foist your beliefs on everyone else.


This is why I dislike religious fanatics too, there is no logic with them, and there is no other way but their own way according to them.


You, sir, are no better than they are.


Logic? ... exactly where is the logic in your presence in this thread? It's all over the place.


You are in a thread that basically complains about nerfing companions ( and agreeing with that view point ) stating you like the challenge of not using companions .. yup real logical.

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