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Just how much stupid-proofing is required??


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- A confirmation dialog has been added to Conversation choices where a player is directly and knowingly choosing to kill or otherwise reject a potential follower. As a note, options that have unclear or unexpected outcomes (such as a follower rejecting you as a result of your previous actions rather than the player directly choosing to reject the follower) will not present a confirmation.


All these choices (IE, the two that exist at present. Only two.) currently have a big fat [Kill Companion] ]Reject Companion] [imprison Companion] or otherwise [something Bad To Companion], yet this change was still needed? People were still being baffled when [Kill Companion] somehow killed their Companion??


Meanwhile, it's also literally impossible to fail Companion Alert Quests, since [Refuse Quest] gives you the quest anyway, and Abandoning said Quest gives you the Alert back. You can't get rid of the quest and not have an Alert flashing, the only way to be rid of both is to recruit (or reject the 2 rejectable of 11 total comps).



Come on, why do obvious choices (that outright tell you what will happen) require an additional confirmation, but on the opposite side I can't refuse to help Alliance members without being permanently saddled with quests or flashing Alerts?

Edited by Transairion
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All these choices (IE, the two that exist at present. Only two.) currently have a big fat [Kill Companion] ]Reject Companion] [imprison Companion] or otherwise [something Bad To Companion], yet this change was still needed? People were still being baffled when [Kill Companion] somehow killed their Companion??


Meanwhile, it's also literally impossible to fail Companion Alert Quests, since [Refuse Quest] gives you the quest anyway, and Abandoning said Quest gives you the Alert back. You can't get rid of the quest and not have an Alert flashing, the only way to be rid of both is to recruit (or reject the 2 rejectable of 11 total comps).



Come on, why do obvious choices (that outright tell you what will happen) require an additional confirmation, but on the opposite side I can't refuse to help Alliance members without being permanently saddled with quests or flashing Alerts?


Wow, talk about crying for the sake of crying. What's your next cause? Campaigning against safety railing? How does this even negatively affect you?

Edited by ZanyaCross
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Because of.. well, people. I've seen people on here crying about losing their companions even though you have to confirm 3 times if you want to start the KotFE storyline - it even states that you're about to lose your companions in one of the pop ups. "You should've warned me that I was going to lose my TORIAN!!! I would never have started KotFE if I knew that!!!"
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Just the other day someone was asking why they couldn't get the Shadow of Revan starting mission. They had just finished Knights and wanted to see where all the stuff about Lana and Theron started.


There are a lot of stupid people out there.

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Just the other day someone was asking why they couldn't get the Shadow of Revan starting mission. They had just finished Knights and wanted to see where all the stuff about Lana and Theron started.


There are a lot of stupid people out there.


These people aren't stupid... they are lazy...


People click first, then ask questions, then don't bother to read when it goes wrong...


I commented several times in guild chat tonight about the companion nerf and every time a fellow guildie said, "what? really? when was this announced? why?"


People play the game and learn nothing about it, then are shocked when stuff blindsides them. Which isn't a crime, if that is your choice, but then don't be shocked when you get blindsided...

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Wow, talk about crying for the sake of crying. What's your next cause? Campaigning against safety railing? How does this even negatively affect you?


It negatively effects me because BW seems intent on making the Alliance system unable to be "failed", while at the same time providing no option to take a "recruit no-one" path.


Why do we need to stupid-proof Alliance recruiting, while there's no real way to fail recruitment right now?


My character made to not recruit anyone currently has about 12 Alliance Alerts/Missions, because no matter how many times I Refuse them, they tell me to go do their quest anyway. If I abandon quest, it gives me the Alert back flashing away. How about putting in an actual choice?



Alliance is "recruit everyone (except 2 guys)" or "have a long list of Alerts" right now, there is no middle ground. Having an empty Alliance is impossible without having the Alert tab always flashing away, and prevent any kind of advancement. Having to recruit Qyzen to Reject Lokin is just silly, however you want to do it. That's the only option available at present.

Edited by Transairion
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I actually think this is good.


I don't trust a single word of a decision until I see it's effect.


Because so blasted many decisions have a totally different outcome than what it is displayed.


False Emperor FP conversation with with the Anomid Engineer: "I disagree." [Aim weapon]

-> kills two NPCs.

A I M weapon... AIM


KotFE - don't know the chapter atm -


Beniko's in danger. Valkorion offers his power so You can help it.

"No, I don't want Your power." (hoping, Beniko will die.)

-> in comes Vortena to rescue Beniko.

What the actual Fkk?!


And because of Xalek and that Trooper Companion on Asylum, I killed him, because I thought:

"Oh, he probably gets saved somehow."

Well, didn't happen, but I didn't cared much about them, anyway.



And there are more misleading decisions,

even if it is displayed what supposedly is going to happen.


(ps, let us kill vector, pretty please.)

Edited by Reginleifr
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Just the other day someone was asking why they couldn't get the Shadow of Revan starting mission. They had just finished Knights and wanted to see where all the stuff about Lana and Theron started.


There are a lot of stupid people out there.


Yah, these people are the reason why EA's chief creative officer Richard Hilleman implied in an interview that all gamers are too stupid to play their games. Honestly, I sometimes wonder how do these people get through their daily lives with such lack of common sense and comprehension skills?



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