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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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You know what several people have touched on the really simple thing that could have been done. If your companion was too OP for you deselect some of their skills. The majority of players were happy with the new expansion except for the annoying bugs, till you had to screw it up Bioware. You guys had it perfect people were happy except a few and you had to go pull a SOE out of your backside. Yea we all know where SOE is in the gaming world. Bankrupt because they thoroughly ticked off so many millions of players that it caught up with them. My suggestion, ignore the PVP'ers they don't use companions anyways. Return them to almost the same stats before you totally run off the majority of great players you got back. You guys got a short time to do this stop stalling or this game is lost. Maybe not today or tomorrow but year from now could happen ive seen it happen.
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It's called "game balance".


The companions were ridiculously overpowered and needed nerfed. Hard.


They got nerfed hard. Now, people who just want to face roll through content and collect loot without any effort are finding that they actually have to play the game and they can't stand it.


Heroic Star Fortress is still doable, even with a squishy Sage, but now you have to honor the mechanics instead of just standing in stupid while mashing buttons.


And if you aren't raising the influence of your main companion, then you are going to have an even more difficult time since a 50 influence companion is still really powerful.


It's really sad to see people unwilling to play the game and who would rather everything be easy mode.

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You know what several people have touched on the really simple thing that could have been done. If your companion was too OP for you deselect some of their skills. The majority of players were happy with the new expansion except for the annoying bugs, till you had to screw it up Bioware. You guys had it perfect people were happy except a few and you had to go pull a SOE out of your backside. Yea we all know where SOE is in the gaming world. Bankrupt because they thoroughly ticked off so many millions of players that it caught up with them. My suggestion, ignore the PVP'ers they don't use companions anyways. Return them to almost the same stats before you totally run off the majority of great players you got back. You guys got a short time to do this stop stalling or this game is lost. Maybe not today or tomorrow but year from now could happen ive seen it happen.


Off topic but SOE is not bankrupt. Sony sold it off to an investment group called Columbus Nova and it was renamed Daybreak Games. I may not be very happy with DBG but they are far from gone.

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You know what several people have touched on the really simple thing that could have been done. If your companion was too OP for you deselect some of their skills. The majority of players were happy with the new expansion except for the annoying bugs, till you had to screw it up Bioware. You guys had it perfect people were happy except a few and you had to go pull a SOE out of your backside. Yea we all know where SOE is in the gaming world. Bankrupt because they thoroughly ticked off so many millions of players that it caught up with them. My suggestion, ignore the PVP'ers they don't use companions anyways. Return them to almost the same stats before you totally run off the majority of great players you got back. You guys got a short time to do this stop stalling or this game is lost. Maybe not today or tomorrow but year from now could happen ive seen it happen.


Most of the new player base is here only to play through the story which is made possible by eliminating experience grind and long traveling times. And that is still the case.

Difficulty in story content is so low that nobody that is doing only that , which is the majority of them, didn't even notice the difference between 3.0, 4.0 or now.


Heroics are in the same class as Exploration missions, which means generic MMO fluff that most of people is glad to skip (myself included) because it provides no story it just takes your time. So, difficulty of those is definitely not something that average player really cares about.

If they try them and fail, they will simply move on, and continue leveling with the story without doing them again.


The only ones that are upset are the Alliance grinders because it makes their completely optional grind, without any actual benefit to ether story or the future content, a tiny bit longer. And that's all to it..


So don't think that this will make any important difference in customer base, because it wont.

Edited by NVEBRE
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Off topic but SOE is not bankrupt. Sony sold it off to an investment group called Columbus Nova and it was renamed Daybreak Games. I may not be very happy with DBG but they are far from gone.


They had to sell it or go bankrupt so yea that's what the papers said or better yet in the stock trade it was said they almost went under, point is they failed as a gaming company.

Edited by Fallensouls
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It isn't broken. I can do anything now that I could do before. If you can't handle actually playing, you should probably try Hello Kitty Online.


Companions now are more powerful than they were before 4.0. They heal and hit much harder than they did when you could gear them out even after the nerf.


You fail to understand that soloing the H2 SF wasn't meant to be a cake walk, which it was prior to the nerf. It's now a challenge, though not near the challenge it should be. You seem to want everything to be so easy that anyone can do it without thought or using anything but a main attack rotation, which no game should ever stoop to.


If people would spend as much time learning to play as they do whining about companions that are no longer OP, they'd find the game isn't hard at all.

Rotations area joke in here though since it pretty much shows you what to hit next.
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Ok, this is obviously subjective. But I'm not sure why 2 quicker runs is any less grindy than 1 longer run. The one run I did felt like I actually accomplished something when I was done rather than spending 20 minutes just to spend 20 minutes.
Quicker completion on repetitive content is more 'fun' for some of us.


If I wanted the challenge of difficult combat, I'd try FP or Ops. Since I'm being forced to run these 2+ HM quests ad nauseum, I'd prefer them to go quickly.

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It isn't broken. I can do anything now that I could do before. If you can't handle actually playing, you should probably try Hello Kitty Online.


Companions now are more powerful than they were before 4.0. They heal and hit much harder than they did when you could gear them out even after the nerf.


You fail to understand that soloing the H2 SF wasn't meant to be a cake walk, which it was prior to the nerf. It's now a challenge, though not near the challenge it should be. You seem to want everything to be so easy that anyone can do it without thought or using anything but a main attack rotation, which no game should ever stoop to.


If people would spend as much time learning to play as they do whining about companions that are no longer OP, they'd find the game isn't hard at all.


you assume people dont know how to play a simple game. keep going with that its hilarious. anyway back to adult matters people are largly unhappy. the companions are weaker than they were in 3.0 time to tweak it again.

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It isn't broken. I can do anything now that I could do before. If you can't handle actually playing, you should probably try Hello Kitty Online.


Companions now are more powerful than they were before 4.0. They heal and hit much harder than they did when you could gear them out even after the nerf.


You fail to understand that soloing the H2 SF wasn't meant to be a cake walk, which it was prior to the nerf. It's now a challenge, though not near the challenge it should be. You seem to want everything to be so easy that anyone can do it without thought or using anything but a main attack rotation, which no game should ever stoop to.


If people would spend as much time learning to play as they do whining about companions that are no longer OP, they'd find the game isn't hard at all.

Except people can play the game fine. There's a difference between knowing how to play and having fun. You like challenging gameplay. That's cool, good for you. Some people don't. I can play the game fine. I know my rotations and can solo the H2 SF easily.


I would prefer OP companions though because I like feeling like a ****** that can take on anything. It's why in the Elder Scrolls games I always make a god character that has infinite health, mana, etc. I play the game legit with other characters I use.

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They had to sell it or go bankrupt so yea that's what the papers said or better yet in the stock trade it was said they almost went under, point is they failed as a gaming company.


It was Sony who was having difficulties, not SOE. Sony liquidated several assets including SOE to remain solvent. Believe what you want but there is no way that a firm like Columbus Nova (look them up) would have spent one red cent on SOE if there was no upside to the purchase.

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you assume people dont know how to play a simple game. keep going with that its hilarious. anyway back to adult matters people are largly unhappy. the companions are weaker than they were in 3.0 time to tweak it again.


Obviously, if they can't solo SF H2 with the companions as they are now, the don't know how to play this simple game.


The only people who are unhappy are the few dozen who keep posting that they are unhappy. They are unhappy because their god-mode went away and they now have to actually pay attention and play the game instead of just pounding the keyboard.


Since my companion does more healing and dps than prior to 3.0, they are more powerful. Perhaps you should pay attention to things like the presence system and the influence system which both increase the power of your companions. It's almost like people are taking influence 1 companions into SF H2 and expecting to win with no trouble at all.


Seriously folks, you have a bunch of abilities I'm willing to bet most of you complaining haven't even looked at, let alone put on your toolbar. Things like the Commando Sticky Grenade that CC's a normal for a few seconds and knocks them down, or the Plasma Grenade that CC's a group of normals for a few seconds while they are on fire.


In both instances, these will alleviate incoming damage from those sources and allow you to pick them off at leisure.


The simple fact is that players complaining about the companion nerf would rather complain than actually think about how to win a fight. Every class has abilities that, when used properly, will allow you to win.

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I re-logged last night, and tried some of the other Makeb heroics on both Imperial (DPS) and Republic (tank) side, solo. My healing companion still cannot keep up with healing through fights that involved more than a certain number of enemies at once. Therefore, closer attention to ability execution and extensive use of defensive CDs were called for to avoid the damage intake threshold that I couldn't survive. Definitely involved more strategy to avoid certain areas within heroics, but made some of the manageable engagements, with less enemies, longer to dispatch than before the patch. Not all Heroics were created equal, obviously, as some heroics are quite doable, still. Ultimately, I switched to Treek in healing mode, taking advantage of the discount at the time to get her. I worry about the solo FPs, so that will be my next test. I still believe it was a mistake to nerf companion combat ability by so much, as an initial revision. An incremental decrease (example -20% to start), I believe, would have been accepted by a majority, through to striking a balance somewhere in the middle of the extremes.


Perhaps implementation of a revised bonus to companion effectiveness via exponentially granting increased combat effectiveness as one reaches the affection cap, as another alternative. Beginners would admittedly start with weak companions, but through grouping for FPs and heroics, the learning aspect of one's role would be solidified, and interaction with the companions would be encouraged to earn their status as powerful allies. We have a plethora, of sorts, of potential companions to choose from, so we as players would have the freedom to choose either a maxed-affection companion with powerful combat effectiveness, or a companion type with far less affection level and significantly lower ability to DPS/heal/tank. Surely it wouldn't be too hard to ask that each companion get a 'signature' ability in each role (bringing back some of the pre-4.0 skills), as well. Please:D

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So don't think that this will make any important difference in customer base, because it wont.

You are absolutely wrong, nerfing like they just did gets games dead. Age of Conan they did the same thing six months into the game totally redone how skills work, player based asked them not to, it came out they hated it game died. SWG player based asked Sony not to change combat and put in the CU they did lost allot of players. Did Sony learn their lesson no, they released a new expansion then the very next update put the NGE in which totally changed the game. Sound familiar? Hence there was a mAss exodus probably to WoW and a class action lawsuit to boot. I can go on all day how MMO games made the fatal flaw Bioware just made and now arent around, or barely squeeking by with low pop.

Edited by Fallensouls
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Most of the new player base is here only to play through the story which is made possible by eliminating experience grind and long traveling times. And that is still the case.

Difficulty in story content is so low that nobody that is doing only that , which is the majority of them, didn't even notice the difference between 3.0, 4.0 or now.


Heroics are in the same class as Exploration missions, which means generic MMO fluff that most of people is glad to skip (myself included) because it provides no story it just takes your time. So, difficulty of those is definitely not something that average player really cares about.

If they try them and fail, they will simply move on, and continue leveling with the story without doing them again.


The only ones that are upset are the Alliance grinders because it makes their completely optional grind, without any actual benefit to ether story or the future content, a tiny bit longer. And that's all to it..


So don't think that this will make any important difference in customer base, because it wont.

Didn't SOE change Galaxies at some point which caused it to lose most of its playerbase?
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Didn't SOE change Galaxies at some point which caused it to lose most of its playerbase?

Yes as I was saying above they put in the NGE and are the biggest example of what not to do for MMO's yet the Devs in each of them think they know better than the player base as to what makes it fun for us.

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Except people can play the game fine. There's a difference between knowing how to play and having fun. You like challenging gameplay. That's cool, good for you. Some people don't. I can play the game fine. I know my rotations and can solo the H2 SF easily.


I would prefer OP companions though because I like feeling like a ****** that can take on anything. It's why in the Elder Scrolls games I always make a god character that has infinite health, mana, etc. I play the game legit with other characters I use.


Having your companion in their underwear beat everything for you because you're too weak to do it yourself kind of ruins your ******ery don't you think?


The underwear part may or may not be accurate, I just never bothered putting gear back on any of mine. :)

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It's called "game balance".


The companions were ridiculously overpowered and needed nerfed. Hard.


They got nerfed hard. Now, people who just want to face roll through content and collect loot without any effort are finding that they actually have to play the game and they can't stand it.


Heroic Star Fortress is still doable, even with a squishy Sage, but now you have to honor the mechanics instead of just standing in stupid while mashing buttons.


And if you aren't raising the influence of your main companion, then you are going to have an even more difficult time since a 50 influence companion is still really powerful.


It's really sad to see people unwilling to play the game and who would rather everything be easy mode.




My healer stopped healing and died twice against the same gold enemy after being able to beat the Paladins. Never died after getting the first one down and it happened twice.


That's not balanced, that's broken.

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My healer stopped healing and died twice against the same gold enemy after being able to beat the Paladins. Never died after getting the first one down and it happened twice.


That's not balanced, that's broken.


grayseven has his elitist try hard face on believe me just ignore the child.

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