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Companion Changes in 4.0.2


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Eric clearly says this was not intended and the change was to bring them in line with their intent. [/quote[ I'm so tired of that B.S. Every time the players are having fun, they whip out the "intent" card. These devs are like Congress. The best things happen when they're not working.


People are failing Makeb content. Heroic 2 that they were able to complete before. That isn't top end content. That's grindy crap that people were actually willing to do once KotFE came out.


Oh, and why am I not surprised Menace-NZ is all for these nerfs. There's never been a bigger Bioware apologist or elitist.


Well at least you know me because I've no idea who you are, guess I'm good at getting my point across then. ;)

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Ok folks, let's be rational about this here and calm down. You don't have to be gone or unsub due to being overly emotional, because I have been testing it now doing my usual stuff. Yes it's more challenging now and no they aren't op anymore but it's not NEARLY as bad as some are making it out to be! Some people just have to stop and settle down. Total overreaction because they want to justify to themselves it is what they thought it was going to be. A catastrophic utter madness of a nuclear nerf that will kill the game for them.


I have been doing my missions on Nar Shadda, Tatooine, Balmorra, like I have always had, except Aric isn't healing me for an absurd amount. But it's enough to keep me in fights to full or health bar just below 3 quarters, sometimes going into half even. It's not THAT drastic that some here are making it out to be. A total overreaction by some that is absolutely not needed. Yes, they do heal lower numbers and yes I do agree it was very fun having them be overpowered so you felt like superman and yes it takes longer to do things. But let's be honest here after 4.0 they WERE too strong, but the nerf is not completely crap like some are saying. BUT they didn't have to nerf it AS MUCH as they did. I'll agree with that.


We all knew the nerf was needed, and the amount can be debated until the end of time! But it does NOT "kill the game" or make it any less fun whatsoever! It's not AS bad as some are making it out to be so..what's the deal here?! I think you guys are overreacting just a little bit :eek::eek:

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Really? I just completed one on my JK, Lana healing... she is only rank 18 atm. Did I have to interrupt and CC? yepper but it was more than doable... and no I don't have any raid set bonus gear on and stuff like that. So yes you can use companions and not players. Even then on killing the last boss Lana had a total HPS of 1231 and an effective HPS of 1125. So she even overhealed it. If you want I will share a screenshot of the parse, just in case you want to challenge me on it.


that has nothing to do with the 3rd core at all ........ did i mention the boss fight? no , did I mention having problem with ability rotation , or items? No, I just simply said healers such completely for 100% squshie character like me - not to mention I have fine rotation , but as i mention if ur comp dies, you die quickly after them no matter what cause how healings works right now with them, Sith Assassin only real "heal" is if we put point in mass mind control and we have only 1 inturption that Work on the Bosses , but when your facing let say 2 elites, 4 sky troopers and a strong robot that the Sith keep resumming, without using any Allaince Perk is damn right hard and annoying .



to to mention if you are stun once after an other , you are kinda screw without a effective healer now, as compion get stun, all mobs on them - they pop then all on you, and you die , and they lower there Base stat, so comp that is 50 SHOULDN'T be having the same cooldown on ability like an 1 affection compion to be more "effective" then the same



Heck it even sadder when a compthat is half a other has lower cooldown, the "old comp" got ******* on hard, and you think i'm lying? here an example of my Asha, to Lana, same skill as they are both using force, Asha Higehr then Lana, but Lana has about 2 second cool down faster then Asha? no no no, that doens't fly right into how Affection SHOULD work at all.



here proof 1/2


Asha - http://imgur.com/EMvMa8P


Lana - http://imgur.com/Jdn27sJ



Higher Affect Should be the higher cooldown, and higher heals, so please talk about how all compions are even in stats even though there a HUGE gap in cooldown in all their ability , not just "Stats"

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It seems like all the patch did was destroy the middle and low end game IE= People with low influence(1-20), and mid gear 180-200. Also basically just kept high end about the same, marginal change.


Pretty much what I expected a nerf to do. Bioware doesn't know ho to balance anything.


game is harder for people with lesser gear and influence and easier for people with better gear and higher influence yep u nailed it

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I really think people have to stop and think... what did your companion, pre-4.0 do before you got it really well geared? Stop comparing it to the first 4.0 version... compare it to the pre-4.0 version. Then look at the companion performance as it geared. Not apply that progression from gear to affection. THEN decide how off it is.


I hear ya and I agree that yeah - makes sense, I suppose. I just... I don't know. I feel like I just took a huge hit in enjoyment. Not sure how else to put it. The Alderaan Heroic "Turning the Tide" has mobs bouncing you around picking up aggro all over the place. I suppose you could say, dude! LTP or strategize but...i guess I can't really put it into words. After dying a few times today, I just feel like I was having more fun before the nerf.

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I think you guys swung that nerf bat (more than) a mite too hard. I haven't tried the planetary heroics yet and after my experience in the Star Fortress, I'm not sure it's worth my time and, frankly, I don't want to.


I don't think I'm a terrible player - certainly not top-rung, but not terrible - and as a Jedi Guardian Vigilance specced with Soresu form active to help for survivability, full 216s, and a level 20 T7 healing me, the first Paladin of the Nar Shaddaa Star Fortress ate my lunch. Even with popping all the defensive CDs I had and Heroic Moment. If the intent was to still allow us to solo but to make it challenging, I think you missed the mark. Widely. Challenging does not equal beating your head against a brick wall.

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Ok folks, let's be rational about this here and calm down. You don't have to be gone or unsub due to being overly emotional, because I have been testing it now doing my usual stuff. Yes it's more challenging now and no they aren't op anymore but it's not NEARLY as bad as some are making it out to be! Some people just have to stop and settle down. Total overreaction because they want to justify to themselves it is what they thought it was going to be. A catastrophic utter madness of a nuclear nerf that will kill the game for them.


I have been doing my missions on Nar Shadda, Tatooine, Balmorra, like I have always had, except Aric isn't healing me for an absurd amount. But it's enough to keep me in fights to full or health bar just below 3 quarters, sometimes going into half even. It's not THAT drastic that some here are making it out to be. A total overreaction by some that is absolutely not needed. Yes, they do heal lower numbers and yes I do agree it was very fun having them be overpowered so you felt like superman and yes it takes longer to do things. But let's be honest here after 4.0 they WERE too strong, but the nerf is not completely crap like some are saying. BUT they didn't have to nerf it AS MUCH as they did. I'll agree with that.


We all knew the nerf was needed, and the amount can be debated until the end of time! But it does NOT "kill the game" or make it any less fun whatsoever! It's not AS bad as some are making it out to be so..what's the deal here?! I think you guys are overreacting just a little bit :eek::eek:


And this is the thing. I hate to say this but I think it is too things feeding off each other. First people are, understandably annoyed. I could say someone "okay... lest say they were OP. For goodness sakes if they were this OP how did you miss it in the first place?" I ask this question myself.


So you have this. THEN you add to it people just getting into bad habits for 4 weeks because the Companions were OP. Well now the companions aren't BUT people aren't correcting the bad habits because of the frustration generated by their anger. We have all seen someone metaphorically bang their head against a wall because of frustration right.? So when the expac dropped who neds to CC or interupt? Who needs to pop a defensive cooldown? It doesn't matter that we had to do this in the past... it only matters that for the last 4 weeks they didn't... so the frustration blinds them.

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Well, I just finished a Heroic Star Fortress.


I used my Sith Juggernaut, who is wearing a mix of 220 and 216 gear, with one 208 armoring in her boots. She has no set bonuses, and is wearing pvp relics.


I used Pierce (set to heals) as my companion. He is influence rank 34.


I chose this pairing because I figured it would best approximate what a player in 'decent' gear would have, and I didn't find rank 34 influence hard to get to at all, so I consider it an 'average' influence ranking. I did take video, which I will post if people really want to see it, but otherwise I will just reiterate my experience.


The first thing I noticed was that Pierce had 14k hp less than I do, whereas before he had about 20k MORE than I did.


I entered the star fortress, activated the meta-computer, and got my buffs. I noticed no appreciable difference between yesterday and today as far as the ease of trash pulls.


The first paladin I encountered was the Thundering Blast sort, and I had no difficulty with him at all. I just kept him interrupted and beat his face in. I did lose more health than I typically would have before - I used saber reflect and enraged defense for DCD's, ended the fight ~40% health or so.


The Praetorian wasn't any more difficult than he was yesterday. Easy peasy.


The second Paladin was the Warrior type, and he killed me - it wasn't fast, it was more of a war of attrition, but this is the first time this character has died against this type of Paladin. However, I had only used my class DCD's, didn't pop Heroic Moment or any of the Alliance abilities, so I went back and used Hylo's damage-reduction grenade and popped Unity, and he went down pretty handily.


The double Zakuul Knight pull didn't feel any different than yesterday, except that I had to use all my DCD's, whereas yesterday I only used Saber Reflect and Enraged Defense.


Then things kind of took a different turn. Around the reactor core - room one was no problem. Room two, Pierce started taking a lot of damage and was yelling that he was dying, and I ended up at ~20 percent health or so because he hardly healed me (he was too busy healing himself, lol) by the time I cleared the room. Room three - I died three times.


That was the pull tha thad always given me the most trouble before, so I had expected an issue, but I hadn't expected to die three times. I ended up clearing the room by popping Sana-Rae's aoe ability after the 4 mob add wave came in, and just didn't bother using the item on the Exarch himself until I had both of the ones I needed. It was a little hairy, but got it down doing it that way.


The Exarch definitely was hurting me a lot more than yesterday, but I popped heroic moment immediately on entering combat, leapt in, hit saber reflect, THEN dropped the taunting gun turret, then started dropping my heroic moment abilities one after another. I have them all, and he was pretty toasted by the time I finished using them, but yet he still hit me with a couple big smacks and gave me a panic attack when I hit 10 percent health. Thankfully, I was able to use Oggurobb's healing ability just before I died, and finished him off.


My conclusion is that these will be very hard if not impossible now for some players, and definitely some classes. There were several times where I would have flat out died if I had been a sentinel or a marauder, or any class without a DCD half as strong as Enraged Defense. The nerf to companions is a bit out of hand. They need perhaps 10-15 percent of their heals back.


^^ Now this is an informative post on the state of affairs and rather neutral too.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but that's the heroic SF right? Not the Solo SF which is desigined for ... well solo players.


Seems to me they've fixed an issue but maybe got a bit too far in that the achievement will be nigh on impossible now as it stands.


See most players can still do the solo mode no worries, those that want a challenge and a grind can do the heroic OR they can group up.


BW biggest mistake was releasing OP companions in the first place because they've now given too many players a sense of entitlement.


Seems more people are annoyed at the removal of easy pay days and rewards then any true sense of lack of content.


No solo content has been removed, period.

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that has nothing to do with the 3rd core at all ........ did i mention the boss fight? no , did I mention having problem with ability rotation , or items? No, I just simply said healers such completely for 100% squshie character like me - not to mention I have fine rotation , but as i mention if ur comp dies, you die quickly after them no matter what cause how healings works right now with them, Sith Assassin only real "heal" is if we put point in mass mind control and we have only 1 inturption that Work on the Bosses , but when your facing let say 2 elites, 4 sky troopers and a strong robot that the Sith keep resumming, without using any Allaince Perk is damn right hard and annoying .



to to mention if you are stun once after an other , you are kinda screw without a effective healer now, as compion get stun, all mobs on them - they pop then all on you, and you die , and they lower there Base stat, so comp that is 50 SHOULDN'T be having the same cooldown on ability like an 1 affection compion to be more "effective" then the same



Heck it even sadder when a compthat is half a other has lower cooldown, the "old comp" got ******* on hard, and you think i'm lying? here an example of my Asha, to Lana, same skill as they are both using force, Asha Higehr then Lana, but Lana has about 2 second cool down faster then Asha? no no no, that doens't fly right into how Affection SHOULD work at all.



here proof 1/2


Asha - http://imgur.com/EMvMa8P


Lana - http://imgur.com/Jdn27sJ



Higher Affect Should be the higher cooldown, and higher heals, so please talk about how all compions are even in stats even though there a HUGE gap in cooldown in all their ability , not just "Stats"


Well if your comp dies you should die. However I lived through the 3rd core rather easily to get to the boss fight. Or else I would not have a boss fight to show you now would I? Additionally in a Heroic 2 you SHOULD DIE if your comp dies. No ifs and or buts about it. That is what the whole 2+ thing is about.


But in the final equation if I am surviving them without any raid set bonus gear AND you have the rotation down proper and are using interrupts and CC appropriately, plus whatever defensive cooldowns you may have when needed... why can more than a few of us succeed and you are having such trials?

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And AGAIN someone did not manage to "BALANCE" :(. Seams realy hard for the gaming industry to do DECENT adjustments. They either go "WARHARHAR MOOOOOOOREEEE" or "pfff, don't care let's roflstomt it". Overpowert or Underpowert, nothing in between :(.


For my Agent Healer it was allready a slow grind to finish a Starbase solo. But it was doable.

Now the Companions CAN NOT tank it anymore!!! Any golden star enemy simply destroy them :(. Doing the minibosses?? FORGET IT!!


@BioWare: if 1000 is overpowert try 900 and DO NOT go to 100 instantly!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's not "balancing" ... that's BRAINDEAD IDIOTIC!


PS: YES, I am super angry about the incompetence to do SLIGHT ADJUSTMENTS but allways use the fu.... Atombomb all-or-nothing-US-style!!!

Edited by Jahor
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As expected, the companions were nerfed too hard, especially the healing spec as far as I can tell. This is very much noticable on squishier classes, like DPS operative. While most of the content should still be doable, it becomes much more tedious. Not everyone enjoys a grind, especially if they are not playing a class with loads of easily accessible defensive cooldowns and every half-decent pack of mobs becomes annoying. It also means that previous claims of being able to use any companion we want are pretty much null and void as companions with little influence might as well not be there at all. Speaking of influence, it seems that the promised increase in power per level is tiny and barely noticable.


In my opinion, further tweaking for the companions is needed. Not to the point of pre-4.0.2, but they definitely should be stronger than now.

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Ok folks, let's be rational about this here and calm down. You don't have to be gone or unsub due to being overly emotional, because I have been testing it now doing my usual stuff. Yes it's more challenging now and no they aren't op anymore but it's not NEARLY as bad as some are making it out to be! Some people just have to stop and settle down. Total overreaction because they want to justify to themselves it is what they thought it was going to be. A catastrophic utter madness of a nuclear nerf that will kill the game for them.


I have been doing my missions on Nar Shadda, Tatooine, Balmorra, like I have always had, except Aric isn't healing me for an absurd amount. But it's enough to keep me in fights to full or health bar just below 3 quarters, sometimes going into half even. It's not THAT drastic that some here are making it out to be. A total overreaction by some that is absolutely not needed. Yes, they do heal lower numbers and yes I do agree it was very fun having them be overpowered so you felt like superman and yes it takes longer to do things. But let's be honest here after 4.0 they WERE too strong, but the nerf is not completely crap like some are saying. BUT they didn't have to nerf it AS MUCH as they did. I'll agree with that.


We all knew the nerf was needed, and the amount can be debated until the end of time! But it does NOT "kill the game" or make it any less fun whatsoever! It's not AS bad as some are making it out to be so..what's the deal here?! I think you guys are overreacting just a little bit :eek::eek:

Please do me a favor a do the Belsavis "Breakthrough" and "Lights Out" usually it's 6 or 7 silver an gold enemies that overwhelm you or your healer comp

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^^ Now this is an informative post on the state of affairs and rather neutral too.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but that's the heroic SF right? Not the Solo SF which is desigined for ... well solo players.


Seems to me they've fixed an issue but maybe got a bit too far in that the achievement will be nigh on impossible now as it stands.


See most players can still do the solo mode no worries, those that want a challenge and a grind can do the heroic OR they can group up.


BW biggest mistake was releasing OP companions in the first place because they've now given too many players a sense of entitlement.


Seems more people are annoyed at the removal of easy pay days and rewards then any true sense of lack of content.


No solo content has been removed, period.


The other thing is, and I think this may be the core of the problem, people think all of them should be soloable regardless of your gear. Think about it for a moment. These games are designed around gear progression, for good or ill, what is the point of gear progression however IF you can right out of the gate, regardless of gear, solo all the heroics? There is no point. So yes some players will have an issue atm but the issue may be because, due to OP companions they could accomplish tasks while technically undergeared. Now with the adjustments they need the gear BUT after 3-4 week of NOT needing it all they see is that they have difficulty.

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^ pretty much this. Has it become impossible to do the heroics? No, but it sure takes longer now, and that for me is a serious problem. If BW's design requires me to rinse-repeat the same content for my Alliance, I expect that content to be quick and with a minimum of downtime.

This game is, at its core, no more than a very generic and fairly mediocre hotkey mmo, that survives by virtue of its Star Wars license, and as such mechanically not interesting enough to keep my attention when forced into boring moments of downtime.

So my opinion in short; the only thing BW added with this nerf is tedium.

QFT. I can't stand how much longer this takes now.


I really think people have to stop and think... what did your companion, pre-4.0 do before you got it really well geared? Stop comparing it to the first 4.0 version... compare it to the pre-4.0 version. Then look at the companion performance as it geared. Not apply that progression from gear to affection. THEN decide how off it is.
Pre-4.0 I could go to other planets heroics and faceroll them because I'd out levelled them. Thanks to level synch, that of course is not an option. So yeah, having slightly OP companions helped out there. Now they're just TEDIOUS. Worse than the grind for a Netherdrake.


I'd almost rather gear my companions again.


The other thing is, and I think this may be the core of the problem, people think all of them should be soloable regardless of your gear. Think about it for a moment. These games are designed around gear progression, for good or ill, what is the point of gear progression however IF you can right out of the gate, regardless of gear, solo all the heroics?
Because heroics aren't progression. FP and OP are.


[Heh interesting choice of flame from someone who seems enraged because they nerfed something that was needed and now seemingly must struggle with the most basic of gaming difficulties ( else why get enraged?
Blah blah shill blah. Blah blah, Bioware apology, blah. Edited by DurdensWrath
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try a level 65 , doing the 3rd core ? that is a level 50 comp. The SF is alot harder then they use to be, now having comp set to heal is 100% useless, tank compion can hold aggro for awhile for you but will eventually die by all the mobs if u don't out dpsin' all the stuff alone, please tell me how that is good for an mode which is Heroic 2+ which should allow player to use compians instead of players? heck go to a low level sync planet and watch ur comp act like a Noob healers , when they are 50 Aff? That TOTALLY fair right? no, not really so they ruin the comp flex usefullness, heck a Healer Class will be force to get a player as damage comp suck even worst then tank stance one



and as I said im going for legendary status, and you can still hurt character that are 5 level max higher then you, So yes a level 50 should be able to do 55 stuff, as they can still hit them.


Go try solo mode SF, you might have more luck.

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Well if your comp dies you should die. However I lived through the 3rd core rather easily to get to the boss fight. Or else I would not have a boss fight to show you now would I? Additionally in a Heroic 2 you SHOULD DIE if your comp dies. No ifs and or buts about it. That is what the whole 2+ thing is about.


But in the final equation if I am surviving them without any raid set bonus gear AND you have the rotation down proper and are using interrupts and CC appropriately, plus whatever defensive cooldowns you may have when needed... why can more than a few of us succeed and you are having such trials?


dude it not jsut me, heck other ppl are having worst off time then me, and no when ur compions dies, You shouldn't jsut fall flat After them, if you think that, you weren't playin' the game when comps were treated like players, there own skill tree and armor set you had to get, then they remove those from us, so they made level sync, NOW level sync turn ur compion in most strong/elite heroic 2+ even on low level planets into a pain in the arses my Level counter hunter can out heal my comps now , and as i mention healer classes have crapy *** attack comps now , the game turning back into "player only no NPC"

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^^ Now this is an informative post on the state of affairs and rather neutral too.


Now correct me if I'm wrong but that's the heroic SF right? Not the Solo SF which is desigined for ... well solo players.


Seems to me they've fixed an issue but maybe got a bit too far in that the achievement will be nigh on impossible now as it stands.


See most players can still do the solo mode no worries, those that want a challenge and a grind can do the heroic OR they can group up.


BW biggest mistake was releasing OP companions in the first place because they've now given too many players a sense of entitlement.


Seems more people are annoyed at the removal of easy pay days and rewards then any true sense of lack of content.


No solo content has been removed, period.


If you agree with his post, then you cannot possible be serious with your last statement.


If Heroic 2s are meant to be doable with just yourself and your companion, then making them impossible to do with just yourself and your companion IS removing solo content.


The challenge part is doing it without buffs, that's what the achievement is for. But the average person should also be able to do them with buffs, if that is not the case then you have effectively removed that content from the average player.

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I say it looks like a boost of 10 to 25 percent on heals, 5 percent across the board on presence/influence effect would be effective at solving most of the problems listed.


I encourage folks to continue to post numbers, including those that think companions are fine as they are. They need to see and hear all sides.


I still feel some adjustment is in order.

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If Bioware is going to continue to want TTK(time to kill) down and mob damage High. They have to make some engaging combat, the combat on this engine is awful, and boring as hell. The Healer stance made this at least bearable.


Now it's just back to being godawful tedious, and wanting to make me skip as much of a level/mission as I can.


Seriously want to just play stealth classes (again) like pre 4.0 so I don't have to fight trash anymore.

Edited by jakeobione
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QFT. I can't stand how much longer this takes now.


Pre-4.0 I could go to other planets heroics and faceroll them because I'd out levelled them. Thanks to level synch, that of course is not an option. So yeah, having slightly OP companions helped out there. Now they're just TEDIOUS. Worse than the grind for a Netherdrake.


I'd almost rather gear my companions again.


What is the point of having level 65 quests on "old world" planets if you can steam roll them? Answer none. I think, the more I look at it, that people are having an issue with BW's design for the entire expac and I can appreciate this.


The whole point of level sync was so that they could have a lot of quests in the expac without having to actually design a lot of new content for it. Just use returned heroics from old worlds and make it the equivilent of a level 65 quest via level sync. So instead of a Yavin with lots of dailies and weeklies you make the quests and use the old planet. So if you have an issue with what you erceive as grind... no problem. have an issue with the grind being quests in content you may have done already 2 or 3 years ago? I get that too. Thing is that they wanted this grind and the fact that the companions eliminated the degree of grind they were looking for, from their perspective, was broken and not WAI.

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That's not the point. They were doable before, and are SUPPOSED to be doable. They are nearly impossible to heroic 2 do them anymore.


Whilst the achievement might be nearly impossible that heroic isn't as people are doing it, time consuming yes, impossible no.


Just because you could cruise for the toughest solo content in the game before doesn't mean you should always be able to do so.

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I really think people have to stop and think... what did your companion, pre-4.0 do before you got it really well geared?


It died, which meant heroics took ages and I eventually got so irritated with slogging through grindy heroics that I unsubscribed.


I resubscribed specifically because, with no regard to your opinion on the relative strengths of characters, it was fun as hell. I have pretty excellent reason to believe I was not alone in making the decision to resub over the past month on this basis, and I'd wager money that their own metrics will bear me out in this assertion.


The story is fine and all, but I've seen it now. Any other money I give them will be based on the ongoing enjoyment I get from actually playing the game - and given that the net effect of today's nerf is to reduce companions to pre 4.0 levels of effectiveness I simply cannot imagine why they expect to retain any more than pre 4.0 numbers of subscribers.


It's a shame, this was the most fun I've had in this game since launch week when my entire WoW guild were playing together on a server which no longer exists, and the number of new (and old but absent) faces around seems to suggest it was a winner. The new story was well done and the art department did great work with the new assets, but I imagine their accountants will rue this day in short order.

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If you agree with his post, then you cannot possible be serious with your last statement.


If Heroic 2s are meant to be doable with just yourself and your companion, then making them impossible to do with just yourself and your companion IS removing solo content.


The challenge part is doing it without buffs, that's what the achievement is for. But the average person should also be able to do them with buffs, if that is not the case then you have effectively removed that content from the average player.


Go look up the word impossible and come back because last time I checked impossible didn't mean people actually doing it.


The achievement is another matter but that's no content being removed, that's an achievement for now being awesome. I'm sure some top of the line players will get it.

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