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Treek hidden achievements?


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I have her on rank 50 on my imp, no achievment leveling infuence, do i really have to make the rep 50 too just to see if she gives achi? Lana beniko is way better rank 50 healer than treek. Only find treek usefull in tank mode since she doesnt do crazy multi pulls, but she cant keep agro from my assasin.

well wasnt what this thread was about.

Anyone found out what the achievments is pls share i think the rank **** i a scam. but i have to level her to 50 on rep aswell to be 100% sure.

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  • 3 months later...

I got Treek to Influence Rank 50 on bother Imperial and Republic side yesterday and I can confirm it doesn't give any achievements with her, even as all the guides I could google for those hidden achievements suggested so.

There was plenty of places however, which suggest this achievement to be bugged..

as an achievement hunter I would like to see it fixed soon.

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I do believe its a bug. There use to 4 achievements for it. 2 killing and complete its conversation for imp and pub. There is no longer conversation ones. So I think they were removed or not showing is what is counting as the missing achievement points versus hidden achievement.
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