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Just Canceled Again


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So much inexperience in these threads.

You people can just go ahead and keep making assumptions about VoiP and premades and coordination etc and you'll remain stuck in your reality of getting stomped because you refuse to listen to the more experienced players when advice is given.

Funny how these threads mirror the WZs. Can't help them because they won't listen.


I've pvp'ed in mmo's for years. I know that many of the floorstomp wz's have been premades. I dont see how that is fun for either side. Now yes sometimes I'm sure gear and skill is a factor. If the bolster system wasnt designed by a moron that would help as well. It's so counter intuitive that I'm sure some players totally screw themselves over without even knowing it.


I personally think that more random wz's would be more balanced and more fun then facing premades. Just my opinion. I actually do not mind grouping with total randoms and trying to win a wz. Just makes it tough when the other team isnt similar. Now in WoW ranked bg's were actually pretty popular. So I did my fair share of those and enjoyed using voice chat and a deeper level of tactics.


But for randoms I almost always que'd solo. Everyone knew the objectives and gearing didnt have some bogus bolster system that would hurt those it was purportedly helping.. most were pretty balanced unless no healing for one side.

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There isn't any guide that will fix these issues. And if you don't have these issues, then you're already doing decent enough in PvP.


I do not, but I want to. I focus on the ability see, hear, position and target select better.


Once I get that, I intend to select an AC that I felt most comfortable with, and that does the 1-2-3-4-5 kind of damage with minimum number of DCDs on short cooldowns.


I do want to contribute though as much as possible for a person whose abilities are limited, so I do want to know how the advanced players function.


Teaming up is a great idea, but there has to be some sort of warmth and rapport build before you can play successfully together. It is internet, so the partnerships are brittle even when mutually beneficial.

Edited by DomiSotto
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You just need to make friends or pay attention when people are queuen up that know what they are doing. I know running into the same 4/5 people while running solo can't be fun. But you can also do the same and find some players to queue up with and turn the tide in your favor.


Believe me, I would level up through pvp if I could but there are times when you have far too many ******* queuen up making the game no fun.


I love lowbie, mid and 65 wz'n. I can do then all day... solo. I just returned from almost a year + off and now have a couple of people on my f/list I can join up with and make them even more fun... for me, not the people getting ownt. :rak_03:

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Moved one of my 65s over to Ebon, and just wrapped up 4 WZs while I ate lunch. Won 2 and Lost 2. All were close and I enjoyed it thoroughly (even the losses). Bioware should pay some of you a commission. Might have just saved a subscription.


To be honest, it doesn't matter what server you're on at lunch time. The players you have an issue with will always be on at night. I don't think it will change on EH, but even on Harb right now you would have pretty close games and very little flaming.

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This is absolutely the truth. I have NEVER seen as much misogyny, rasicm, and homophobia in one place in my entire life. It's absolutely gross to see some of the stuff in the General chat zones.


Soon as I finish a few more Collection unlocks, I'll absolutely be transferring elsewhere.


Come to TOFN bro , it's literally the EU counterpart of all that is wrong :D Imbalanced games vs premades , crazy speech . I love it doe :cool:

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Moved one of my 65s over to Ebon, and just wrapped up 4 WZs while I ate lunch. Won 2 and Lost 2. All were close and I enjoyed it thoroughly (even the losses). Bioware should pay some of you a commission. Might have just saved a subscription.


I am frankly more impressed by the fact that you got 4 warzones over 1 hour interval than by the win:loss ration (which is awesome too). I am going to be trying out the Shadowlands next week more actively, and if the pop rate remains at the same low flow rate for the Republic, I might just change my mind and move a few toons I started there to the Ebon Hawk. I am too rooted in the Harbinger to do anything about my elder toons, but the 8 fresh alts can go anywhere really, and I'd rather be on a server that favors the Republic overall. Should have looked it up before starting, heh.

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To be honest, it doesn't matter what server you're on at lunch time. The players you have an issue with will always be on at night. I don't think it will change on EH, but even on Harb right now you would have pretty close games and very little flaming.


I agree 100%... the really bad players on rep side come out at night, or the really good imps come out at night. Either way, its not fun to play during the night on the rep side.

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Can't take the Imperial premade groups on Harbinger anymore. Not even being able to leave the spawn area without being called out in a voice chat and focused in 1 global is not my idea of fun. I seriously wonder how many subscribers have been lost to this?


there is not that many pre mades to be honest so it's not the issue you believe it to be, and for the most part you are talking 4 people, they may have 4 baddies with them, it's not all doom and gloom, use it to improve your game

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Can't take the Imperial premade groups on Harbinger anymore. Not even being able to leave the spawn area without being called out in a voice chat and focused in 1 global is not my idea of fun. I seriously wonder how many subscribers have been lost to this?


you should go to jung ma, the pubs dominate the imps in the server

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Ebon Hawk is where I transferred to. Still good quality pvp and population. Its a bunch of RPers so they tend to be slightly more mature.


Just avoid the ERP channels


My guild Pax have been here since launch and its a great group of people and a really good server well mostly. You made a good choice allot of mature people here. Well at least in the past, I only jump on now here and there.



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Only losers group up for PvP,,i was in one of those Imp guilds that do it every day.


BW should just removed premades for regular PVP,,and to the kid talking about "Lazy's" you are the lazy ones grouping together to steamroll PUG's so you can outfit a ton of toons.

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This argument reminds me of the lazy people wanting everything handed to them. Wailing your arms and crying why you always end up in failing teams a majority of the time is like someone trying to "look" for a job by simply clicking on any jobs on indeed or craigslist that don't require much more than just click apply.


If you truly wanted a desirable job you would skip all that mumbo jumbo and apply directly to the websites of the company themselves, as well as read up in their history, call or email the HR AND revise your resume to fit that job.


Too much work? Then you truly don't deserve or want the job that bad. And that is why those people always end up stuck in their current position just complaining about change to make things fair for them. PvP war zones is competition and like all competition in life like getting a career or joining a basketball team, you need to work hard for it.


Go to the fleet, recruit people and chat with them so you all understand how to work together and PvP. If the team fails then learn to adapt and get better. Now you can't always win but you're better off organized than in a frenzy of zombie swarming the place.


But people can't be bothered to do that because "it takes too much time I have IRL things to do" if that is the case then winning in PvP is the least of your priorities right now if IRL takes up too much of your time anyway. Just do what you can and get your daily done and move on.


Some may argue about not caring about winning but wanting to have fun. Well, you can only have that fun if you face those with your exact skill set which are extremely rare cases in war zones. I only have that happen like once a month or so and why? Because everyone is different, in how they learn, adapt, care, personality, situations etc. It's a gamble to Solo Queue.


You can end up with then best pvper in your team and still lose and you wouldn't know because they went AFK to take care of IRL issues, feed their cats, bathroom break or they fell asleep etc. So to avoid ending up in such situations, get off your lazy digital butt, form a group that are like you or better in PvP, experience war together, learn from them or teach them, establish an understanding of unity and succeed.


You may not always win but you will not lose so pathetically or be out of luck as often as you will when just clicking Solo Queue and hoping for the best. Work for that PvP goal like you would a job, a team, a race etc. Otherwise, like all people who don't vote but complain about outcome, if you don't contribute the problem is you.


TLTR: Stop being lazy and work hard to excel. Self entitlement is a weak trait and not attractive at all. Form organized groups if you want the best chance of success or play the lotto. Fate is what YOU make.




I bet you have never had a demanding job in your life,myself started working at 14,,am now 45,,oh please share your job history.

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I bet you have never had a demanding job in your life,myself started working at 14,,am now 45,,oh please share your job history.


LOL seriously????? seems petty and childish to try and validate yourself by comparing your career to someone elses on this forum but hey whatever, you're 45 and all grown up now, who am i to say :)


So i just hit 65 tonight and the first thing i did before i even Que'd a WZ was aug/gear my toon all the way(208), because it's so easy and cheap. My first 65 reg, 5 of 8 players were seriously undergeared....

Needless to say they couldn't take a punch and our team was getting camped at spawn. I bailed, that's right


I BAILED on that crap team and i laughed as i did so knowing the rest of that team was going to be struggling to figure it out like a bunch of wetodds caught in a fishing net running down a football field with their pants around their ankles. I just don't understand how so many people can be so ignorant of things at endgame/maxlevel. I could understand 1-2 players starting brand new into pvp at 65 but over half the team?? thats absurd and for the match making to put them all together in the same group, even more ridiculous. GG Bee Dubya

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VoIP is not necessary to use guard swap. Can easily tunnel via target of target. Being in the same guild is also not indicative of skill. The premades people really complain about are definitley NOT guarding nodes. I barely PvP these days and have PvP gear, that doesn't really mean anything.


The switch of focus is the obvious sign. Good non premades will work out the best target and whittle the opposition down. Premades wipe out the enemy one after another within seconds.

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The switch of focus is the obvious sign. Good non premades will work out the best target and whittle the opposition down. Premades wipe out the enemy one after another within seconds.


The premades that are rolling over you are almost never using voice for target calling in regs. They use it to talk, hang out, laugh, have a good time. Most of the coordination you see is due to them just being naturally good at working together and more aware of their surroundings than your 'average' player.

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Can't take the Imperial premade groups on Harbinger anymore. Not even being able to leave the spawn area without being called out in a voice chat and focused in 1 global is not my idea of fun. I seriously wonder how many subscribers have been lost to this?

wow man .... I can say this without a doubt, there are only few in game that can be cocky ******e because of there skills, but there not mean ppl, they are from what I can tell some of the coolest heads in the game . anybody else being a ***** has no right to be at all ,and that's 100% of your trolls. Egos and swtor ill never understand but your not even the 1 of the best players so your just a troll. Fly a F-16 ,open heart surgery, top MMA fighter and I get it why your cocky, but your not even the best swtor pvp player haha I don't even think these ppl know how retarded they sound. I also know that a lot of ppl like to clown around that's ok with me. I agree that there are some really vile people, but that is just some ppl . My personal favorites are the ppl who point out how horrible everyone is and then rage quit. Look we already know that your a punk *** rage quitter but now we know your a whining *** ***** to, good riddance go torture your cat and stay outta my warzones you creep. but really that isn't the problem now or never will be ,what we need to focus on is the DEVs horrible decision to include the pve players in pvp. If they don't fix it this problem soon some of us will not resub. I cant hang with the imbalance the pub side has now. when I que and most my pubs are pve players now ...well that's a dam good way for me not to sub again. DEVs made a dumb mistake and we need to call it on em . don't worry about trolls man there peons. I would care about whats going on in pvp now and make sure u say something or this **** will go on and that' sucks for us all

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As someone who's played on the Harbinger for years now and was there when Pubs were clearly the stronger side overall even though they never had the best individual players I think most of the current problems are due to a serious shortage of healers. People tend to focus on the premades but in the evenings there aren't enough Pub healers in the queue and they get farmed.


Ultimately this is a failure by Bioware. If you're going to remove most of the self-cleanses *and* have specs like Madness in the game you absolutely have to implement a matchmaking system that ensures each team has healers otherwise the uneven distribution of healers makes it very difficult -- and most important of all -- no damn fun at all if you find yourself on a team with little or no healing. DoT, die & respawn is no one's idea of a good time. It's a never ending death spiral because the problem feeds on itself. It isn't fun so people stop queing pubside which just leads to even fewer healers and even less fun and so on and so forth until they unplug the servers and shut off the lights.

Edited by Plicitous
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I bail all the time and don't think there's any shame in it at all. Playing hopeless games is a waste of time. It's because I have a demanding job and make every effort to do it well that I only have a limited amount of time to play. I have no problem at all playing out a competitive game and can still have a lot of fun even if I lose. What I have a problem with is sticking around in games that are clearly hopeless. I'm not a masochist and don't think there's anything to be learned from persevering in hopeless situations. It's a far better use of time to leave and look for a more competitive game where I'm not going to spend half the game waiting to leave the spawning area.

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wow man .... I can say this without a doubt, there are only few in game that can be cocky ******e because of there skills, but there not mean ppl, they are from what I can tell some of the coolest heads in the game . anybody else being a ***** has no right to be at all ,and that's 100% of your trolls. Egos and swtor ill never understand but your not even the 1 of the best players so your just a troll. Fly a F-16 ,open heart surgery, top MMA fighter and I get it why your cocky, but your not even the best swtor pvp player haha I don't even think these ppl know how retarded they sound. I also know that a lot of ppl like to clown around that's ok with me. I agree that there are some really vile people, but that is just some ppl . My personal favorites are the ppl who point out how horrible everyone is and then rage quit. Look we already know that your a punk *** rage quitter but now we know your a whining *** ***** to, good riddance go torture your cat and stay outta my warzones you creep. but really that isn't the problem now or never will be ,what we need to focus on is the DEVs horrible decision to include the pve players in pvp. If they don't fix it this problem soon some of us will not resub. I cant hang with the imbalance the pub side has now. when I que and most my pubs are pve players now ...well that's a dam good way for me not to sub again. DEVs made a dumb mistake and we need to call it on em . don't worry about trolls man there peons. I would care about whats going on in pvp now and make sure u say something or this **** will go on and that' sucks for us all


Sorry, but ... what have you drunk ?


As someone who's played on the Harbinger for years now and was there when Pubs were clearly the stronger side overall even though they never had the best individual players I think most of the current problems are due to a serious shortage of healers. People tend to focus on the premades but in the evenings there aren't enough Pub healers in the queue and they get farmed.


Ultimately this is a failure by Bioware. If you're going to remove most of the self-cleanses *and* have specs like Madness in the game you absolutely have to implement a matchmaking system that ensures each team has healers otherwise the uneven distribution of healers makes it very difficult -- and most important of all -- no damn fun at all if you find yourself on a team with little or no healing. DoT, die & respawn is no one's idea of a good time. It's a never ending death spiral because the problem feeds on itself. It isn't fun so people stop queing pubside which just leads to even fewer healers and even less fun and so on and so forth until they unplug the servers and shut off the lights.


Personally, I don't see the shortage of healers as the main problem ( although I did see someone looking for any in the chat for Lowbies PvP today ! ),

but I see this vicious circle as well.


Let's see how much fun is left if the server becomes 100 % imp dominated. I guess they wouldn't even notice because they are just used to play Imp vs. Imp anyway ...


The way as I see it for some time now, it is :


Republic side = PvE

Imperial side = PvP


The worst thing I can imagine is everything becoming Imp side in PvE as well. Then, SWTOR becomes an 100 % Imp side game. Now THAT's something I'm curious to see ... And I'll be unsubbed long, long, long before that final number has been reached ...

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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