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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Think you made enough East Coast Realms? What about us in the West???


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You have no LIGHT Realms in the West but like 8 in the East! Why did you make so many East Coast Realms? Why did you shy away from the West Coast so much? Do you hate the Centrel Zone??? Or do you not have a Server Data Bank there yet?









Can WE pretty PLEASE with sugar on top get another West Coast RP-PvP realm?

Edited by javatroyz
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Most people in the Midwest, North and South route better to the East Coast. I live almost in the exact middle of the country and in FPS games I have always pinged about 30-50 points better to East coast servers then to West coast. So in other-words about 90% of the US routes better to the East. That is why there are more East coast servers.


As far as your question about a central server bank...There are not nearly as many places to rent server farms from in the center of the country and I'm sure the don't want to foot the bill to set one up themselves. Its not an issue because pretty much everyone with decent internet providers in the midwest ping perfectly fine to East Coast servers (30-60ms) and relatively good to West (70-110ms).

Edited by bigbearlyke
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Trust me when I say you don't want to be on a light server... unless your goal is to never see another player, ever.



Nah, its more of the fact that all the RP-PvP Realms and PvP Realms on the West Coast are either Very Heavy or FULL and just think we could use 1 more RP-PvP Realm and prob 2 more PvP Realms to balance things out better.

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