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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

A romancable male Force-user, please?


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I first wanted to post this into suggestions, but it seems not so much people come there. I already made it clear I would like a male Force-user romance, but I would like Bioware to read it.

So this is some formal request, I suppose.

After all boring romances for females, could we have a cool one for a change?

Like a male Force-user? Either a Jedi, Sith, Knight of Zakuul or other one?

The sexism is really through the roof. When are finally going to get a cool male romancable Force-user?

We only get female ones, and I'm getting sick of it.

If this happens I'd like him to be:



-Body type 3 (enough scrawny men already!)


-Integrated in the story (preferably)

Would it be very difficult to do this? Or do I really have to wait another eternity?

And please don't give us another female Force-user, this is getting really annoying.

Also, let us kill the old boring ones. Muahaha!

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Well, if we are putting orders in, my preferences would be:



Attractive with many customizations (heck make the customizations that can change species)

Powerful and having goals and achievements that rival the PC

with a story-line that involves a daring adventure or rivalry with romance woven in

no commitment & boring marriage talks

really cool lightsabre color :p

NOT a healer/mage soft talker

not a betrayer

no known psychological trauma involving an ex or a close female relative of any kind that the PC has to nurture the guy through


Please, and thank you


P.S: Yes, an option of killing Jaesa, Risha, Nadia, and Kira will be greatly and deeply appreciated as well. An optional torture scene beforehand will also be awesome.

Edited by DomiSotto
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I've always thought we deserved a powerful and awesome male force user to romance...guess if we're putting in orders...


I'd like mine to be human, Sith, or subtley enhanced Cyborg (translation: no freakish implants too many implants and/or missing body parts, he has to look good)


Body type 2, 3 is acceptable too.


Dark hair, blue eyes...preferred by not essential.



Perhaps even in a position of power, more powerful than my character...A master or Dark Council member...an Emperor? Power is good.

Dry sense of humour.


Aw who am I kidding, just revive Darth Marr and pass him over. He'll have a good home. Thanks. :)


PS. If I get to kill Ashara, that would be a bonus. :)

PS.S. And Kaliyo. We hates Kaliyo.

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Aw who am I kidding, just revive Darth Marr and pass him over. He'll have a good home. Thanks. :)


-raises hand- Oh waiter? I'll have what shes having, thanks! :D


PS. If I get to kill Ashara, that would be a bonus. :)


There we ago with that syncing thing...


Ill glady offer up Ashara as downpayment for someone i actually -want- If I cant kill her...


I would enjoy killing her though...


Im good with Kaliyo though, every girl needs a slightly psychotic BFF that will help hide the bodies with no questions asked ;)

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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-raises hand- Oh waiter? I'll have what shes having, thanks! :D




There we ago with that syncing thing...


Ill glady offer up Ashara as downpayment for someone i actually -want- If I cant kill her...


I would enjoy killing her though...


Im good with Kaliyo though, every girl needs a slightly psychotic BFF that will help hide the bodies with no questions asked ;)


Then we can be like Sally in When Harry Met Sally...only it'd be for real, cause well...Marr :D


I might downgrade from killing to torturing Ashara...I might enjoy that more some days. "Yeah, tell me not to make you go against your teachings again..." *ZAP!!*


Kaliyo scares me. You can have her though, cause I'm nice like that. More Kaliyo for you Xia :D

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Yeah, Kaliyo =Jack from Mass Effect, and she was my buddy there, if i could have had a 4 person team there it woulda been my FemShep, Garrus, Jack, and Zaeed :D


Anyhow, back on target, FREE MARR!




Erm, yes, romanceable male force user please, (please no BT 1 or 4!)

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It is sort've interesting how all of the female love interests are body type 2 weird-ish/scummyish men. Doc (horrible), Iresso (boring, issues), Jorgan (annoying cat man), Vector (bug boy), Quinn (for obvious spoilery reasons).


The only ones that I can see as being very appealing is Andronikos, Corso or Torian. Andronikos has the pirate angle going...But looks like a jawa took a dump on him. Corso Riggs is an impressionable farm boy with a 19th century view of women, which may or may not suit your smuggler's idea of a romance.


Torian is a pretty solid choice for female hunters, if they don't mind robbing the cradle. Theron and Koth...more shady body type 2 guys with issues.


Ironically, Lana might just be the most interesting and aesthetic female romance.


The only game I've seen with female love interests that seemed written in a way to actually appeal to most female gamers, are the ones available in Dragon Age III.

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It is sort've interesting how all of the female love interests are body type 2 weird-ish/scummyish men. Doc (horrible), Iresso (boring, issues), Jorgan (annoying cat man), Vector (bug boy), Quinn (for obvious spoilery reasons).


The only ones that I can see as being very appealing is Andronikos, Corso or Torian. Andronikos has the pirate angle going...But looks like a jawa took a dump on him. Corso Riggs is an impressionable farm boy with a 19th century view of women, which may or may not suit your smuggler's idea of a romance.


Torian is a pretty solid choice for female hunters, if they don't mind robbing the cradle. Theron and Koth...more shady body type 2 guys with issues.


Ironically, Lana might just be the most interesting and aesthetic female romance.


The only game I've seen with female love interests that seemed written in a way to actually appeal to most female gamers, are the ones available in Dragon Age III.


Tastes are subjective...see, I loved Quinn, Vector and even Doc lol. Not into BieberFett, Catdude or Boringdude (Felix). Corso is kind of cute (customization 2), I don't mind his gentlemanly ways...but his jealous tantrums I could do without. Love Theron too. Koth is better looking than Andronikos, but more annoying. I only married Andronikos on my SI because there wasn't anyone else.


Anyways, what I mean to say is that they should give us several choices, or at least several customizations...or allow us to customize comps the way we want using the designer, even if to a limited degree like only hair/colour and eye colour changes. But the bottom line is, that it would be nice to have a romanceable powerful male force user(s) for both sides.

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Tastes are subjective...see, I loved Quinn, Vector and even Doc lol. Not into BieberFett, Catdude or Boringdude (Felix). Corso is kind of cute (customization 2), I don't mind his gentlemanly ways...but his jealous tantrums I could do without. Love Theron too. Koth is better looking than Andronikos, but more annoying. I only married Andronikos on my SI because there wasn't anyone else.


Anyways, what I mean to say is that they should give us several choices, or at least several customizations...or allow us to customize comps the way we want using the designer, even if to a limited degree like only hair/colour and eye colour changes. But the bottom line is, that it would be nice to have a romanceable powerful male force user(s) for both sides.


I get that tastes are subjective, but Quinn and Doc are such scumbags, personality-wise, that they'd be all right as an optional romance...But it's very hard to see a Jedi Knight (light or dark side) getting 'married' to someone like Doc...And it's harder to imagine the Sith not killing Quinn.


Although...My girlfriend did start out liking Quinn - But after the infamous, spoilerish scene which we all know, but I have to be vague about anyways or else I'll get *****ed at by someone who already knows it regardless - she couldn't even stand to hear his voice. And she almost stopped playing her character when he remained the primary voiced companion afterwards. She did like Vette, Pierce and Jaesa though and would have romanced any of them over Quinn.

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Ironically, Lana might just be the most interesting and aesthetic female romance.


Ah, I forgot. Could I please add Lana to the order of the female romances that I can kill? Jaessa is still more insufferable, but Lana is very close.


Marr has a cool voice, but we have never seen the man's face, so I am not all that enthused. Iresso is the only romantic interest for my female PC that I could manage to tolerate as a stand-in for Zenith. Next to Zenith though... can I hand him over to the knight?


Eh, a girl can dream, I suppose.

Edited by DomiSotto
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Ah, I forgot. Could I please add Lana to the order of the female romances that I can kill? Jaessa is still more insufferable, but Lana is very close.


Marr has a cool voice, but we have never seen the man's face, so I am not all that enthused. Iresso is the only romantic interest for my female PC that I could manage to tolerate as a stand-in for Zenith. Next to Zenith though... can I hand him over to the knight?


Eh, a girl can dream, I suppose.


You can see Marr's face if you want to :D


You have a very narrow window where it is possible. He's an older gentleman, still good-looking (unless you don't like age at all, then he is just old).


Honestly, I just want more male love interests in general. A Male Force user is at the top of my list, but only because they already filled my order for 'sexy vulnerable spy.'

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I get that tastes are subjective, but Quinn and Doc are such scumbags, personality-wise, that they'd be all right as an optional romance...But it's very hard to see a Jedi Knight (light or dark side) getting 'married' to someone like Doc...And it's harder to imagine the Sith not killing Quinn.


Although...My girlfriend did start out liking Quinn - But after the infamous, spoilerish scene which we all know, but I have to be vague about anyways or else I'll get *****ed at by someone who already knows it regardless - she couldn't even stand to hear his voice. And she almost stopped playing her character when he remained the primary voiced companion afterwards. She did like Vette, Pierce and Jaesa though and would have romanced any of them over Quinn.


I get what you're saying. Not everyone thinks the same. My husband can't understand how I can tolerate Quinn, and abuses him as much as he can when he plays his SW. But in my head canon, there are reasons for why Quinn did what he did, and it works for me, but I can see how it would be nice to have choices for those who aren't likely to forgive him.


I'm glad your g/f decided to stick with it, she can run other comps now, especially now that they can play any role. Plus hopefully there will be other romance options that she can try. :)

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Ah, I forgot. Could I please add Lana to the order of the female romances that I can kill? Jaessa is still more insufferable, but Lana is very close.


Seconded :) I liked Lana but now her worldview seemed to change from loyal to the Empire to "screw everything, we have a nice gig going on here". Also terrible writing in the alignment department - she acts like she wanted so badly to be DS but she talks like a LS...in SoR she seemed like a kindred spirit to my jugger lady - patriotic and keeping order while having dealings with other sith. Now she turned out to be generic and boring, sadly :(


Now all I want is Malavai back and some nice, ambitious male force-user for my other chars and I'll be happy for eternity, thanks :p

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You can see Marr's face if you want to :D


You have a very narrow window where it is possible. He's an older gentleman, still good-looking (unless you don't like age at all, then he is just old).


Honestly, I just want more male love interests in general. A Male Force user is at the top of my list, but only because they already filled my order for 'sexy vulnerable spy.'


More details on how please! I'll send another character through KotFE for that :D

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I get what you're saying. Not everyone thinks the same. My husband can't understand how I can tolerate Quinn, and abuses him as much as he can when he plays his SW. But in my head canon, there are reasons for why Quinn did what he did, and it works for me, but I can see how it would be nice to have choices for those who aren't likely to forgive him.


I'm glad your g/f decided to stick with it, she can run other comps now, especially now that they can play any role. Plus hopefully there will be other romance options that she can try. :)


I love Quinn, and his betrayal is definitely one reason why I love him so much. I'm utterly broken that my male-SW can't romance him in the game. But no worries, I wrote fanfic of them and betrayal made me do it. I clap for BioWare to make this balsy move and make him do something like this. He is such a pretty man, all polite and professional and then BANG!


Because...if he betrayed him, why he did it? If they had a relationship, what was the factor behind him not telling Wrath about the whole shabang and just get clean and they could have together dealt with the whole situation. So, I had to make my Wrath to be an immature jerk who doesn't know his arse from his elbow when it comes to relationships. IT WAS AWESOME. And then I had to figure out why Quinn was such a bootlick and perfectionist. So I gave him a low self-esteem and nazi-father (but I made him dead). I still write about them. I just can't stop. They have so much life in my head, and it has to come out. Man I love Quinn.


On the other hand...I had to check how to romance goes between female-Wrath and Quinn from Youtube ( I will play and record it for myself when I have less other interests), and the whole forgive-thing after it was the WORST writing I have ever seen. It was embarrassing to look at. Horrible. Romances are not well-written in this game. When I say this, I mean how the characters behave. The Bold and the Beautiful have more realistic romances. The absolute facepalm-moment nro.2 is when Theron Shan disappears with my Jedi Knight to the bush (obviously, or did they do it just on the ground, right there?), and then they return and Theron says "Just as I knew, good at everything." Who the hell talks like that? If man would say that to me he would have a black eye, unless he was my husband or near to be one.


(this ended up be a longer rant than I meant but I'm quite passionate about this)

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See ya.

If you don't have anything useful to say, don't post in this thread. It definitely is sexism, because female Force-users are being favored, while we have no romancable male ones.


It's not sexism. Sexism would be if Bioware said or implied that they don't have male-force using companions BECAUSE they're male. It would be sexism if they made sure there was only one gender of companion available.

Should we start calling sexism because we only have a female ewok as a companion and not a ale one as well?


While I do want to have a male-force using companion, it is not sexism for use to not have one.

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Here's something on topic:


I wouldn't have wanted to romance a male force companion, but I simply would have liked one as an apprentice as a change of pace. Kira and Jaesa were all right (I played a Guardian first, and Jaesa had the novelty of two personalities), but by the time I got to Nadia and Ashara, I just started getting annoyed with them. Xalek doesn't really count.


Even letting us equip one saber on Kira, Jaesa or Nadia would've been a nice change of the pace. I can only take so many youthful, naive female students with dual-sabers before they all blur into each other. Ashara is just obnoxious in that it never feels as if you have much of an impact upon her. She reaches her own conclusions and won't be swayed otherwise.


It really is sort've bizarre that they didn't branch out and give us a companion that could've explored the Qui-Gon/Kenobi or the Kenobi/Anakin dynamic. The Consular would've been perfect for it. But noooo, Bioware had to cookie-stamp the same relationship onto each one. Sort've a glaring oversight really.


Also. I wish that instead of having all 100% straight characters and 100% bisexual characters, they'd have some be straight, some gay, and some bisexual where it makes sense. It was equally annoying having them all be straight before as with all new romanceable characters having the exact same dialogue, regardless of gender.


This can be very jarring, since the bioware writers seem to construct every relationship as a heterosexual meet-cute. Lana predictably treats even female characters as the awkward, masculine roguish charmer. That really only makes sense when writing from the perspective of a teenage boy.


By contrast, the writers of Dragon Age III, knew that women want to be pursued. So the romances in DA play out very differently if you're male or female. All of the characters have very believable sexual and romantic inclinations. The female character is always the one getting pursued and flirted with, rather than taking on the dramatic role of always being the romantic aggressor as it is in fiction with a male protagonist.


None of this would cost Bioware more money or be difficult to implement. It's just a matter of good RPG dialogue writing vs average dialogue writing.

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...By contrast, the writers of Dragon Age III, knew that women want to be pursued. So the romances in DA play out very differently if you're male or female. All of the characters have very believable sexual and romantic inclinations. The female character is always the one getting pursued and flirted with, rather than taking on the dramatic role of always being the romantic aggressor as it is in fiction with a male protagonist.


None of this would cost Bioware more money or be difficult to implement. It's just a matter of good RPG dialogue writing vs average dialogue writing.



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