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Seriously, just leave then.


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I would bet any of these people crying could not even understand a dumbed down program like RPG maker, get frustrated with it and cry on the forums on why they can't make the game that SWTOR isn't.


I have a PRO-TIP for you Fuzzy.


If you don't want to read people's issues and complaints about the game, then don't read the forums. This is the only place people have to express their opinions to the developer about the product they pay for.

Edited by Polly_Pocket
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While waiting on Q times, or just in the car while the fiance is driving to families for the holiday I read these forums. All I see are people crying about this game. Seriously just shut up and quit already quit bothering us who are enjoying this game and actually understand how hard it is to even code an 8bit game compared to this piece of art. that goes for you people crying about slicing, or saying this game is too hard, and my favorite is about the LFD tool that will never be put into place. It not even being 2 weeks out and a minor patch is already being pushed shows all you whiners that BW is not evil and they are doing their best to improve glitches. Skyrim is notorious for the glitches and what not but you all still play and enjoy that but have to cry about glitches in an MMO? Seriously just **** of these forums and cry to blizzard about their game and leave us who are enjoying this game to peace.



*NOTE* I am not a grammar expert nor do I care.


So, you were the guy who was screaming, "WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ITS BETA!! THEY WILL HAVE IT WORKED OUT AT LAUNCH!!" Now your the guy screaming, "ZOMG ITS LAUNCH WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!?!? CRAI MOAR!!" What exactly will your excuse be for your blind allegiance when six months goes by and there are still issues?

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Every group of people has it's malcontents and they sure can be entertaining at times.


In a city of millions, you have your whackos who walk around all day, every day carrying their signs announcing "The End Is Near". They'll be happy to stand up on a bench and list in great detail the litany of reasons why the world is ending....why doom is at hand....why the end is near.


It's a small minority of people, no one really believes the world is ending, but they are dang entertaining in a goofy way. Same thing on the forums. Most people seem to be busy happily playing the game....but there are some who think the end is near, and they are using the forum as their sign.


Next time you open a whiny, spoiled thread full of nothing but negativity and complaints (not to be confused with an actual constructive criticism thread) explaining why the game sucks and why no one likes it, picture some hobo standing on a bench holding a sign that says "The End Is Near" yelling at everyone to repent.


It's funny because this is EXACTLY the same argument I have read from fanboys in every single games forum for every supposed WoW-killer in the last 5 years, and the end is always the same. Right now you're whistling through the graveyard and trying to convince yourself that it's only a "tiny minority." Six months from now you'll be begging for server merges because so many people have quit.


It's all very predictable.

Edited by Mannic
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It's funny because this is EXACTLY the same argument I have read from fanboys in every single games forum for every supposed WoW-killer in the last 5 years, and the end is always the same. Right now you're whistling through the graveyard and trying to convince yourself that it's only a "tiny minority." Six months from now you'll be begging for server merges because so many people have quit.


It's all very predictable.


Please, name a supposed "wow-killer" that had over a million subscriptions in a week.

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While waiting on Q times, or just in the car while the fiance is driving to families for the holiday I read these forums. All I see are people crying about this game. Seriously just shut up and quit already quit bothering us who are enjoying this game and actually understand how hard it is to even code an 8bit game compared to this piece of art. that goes for you people crying about slicing, or saying this game is too hard, and my favorite is about the LFD tool that will never be put into place. It not even being 2 weeks out and a minor patch is already being pushed shows all you whiners that BW is not evil and they are doing their best to improve glitches. Skyrim is notorious for the glitches and what not but you all still play and enjoy that but have to cry about glitches in an MMO? Seriously just **** of these forums and cry to blizzard about their game and leave us who are enjoying this game to peace.



*NOTE* I am not a grammar expert nor do I care.


Seriously these threads are just as funny as the threads that this one is complaining about!


Thanks for keeping me entertained while I'm unable to play the game. :D

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Well, it should be a minority because when I look at the server status list, it is Full, Very Heavy, and Heavy all the way up and down the line. And Europe's is Standard even though it's the middle of the night over there. Yeah, this game is doing just fine in spite of all the whiners and the cry babies.
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I have a PRO-TIP for you Fuzzy.


If you don't want to read people's issues and complaints about the game, then don't read the forums. This is the only place people have to express their opinions to the developer about the product they pay for.


Agree 100% with you.


I have a long list of things I'd like to see changed or included. Personally I was talking about the non constructive naysayers (you surely know which I mean).


The 'I must incessantly spew negativity' crowd. The people who are actually up for discussing problems/bugs/omissions etc are fine with me.


The ones who declare they're about to take their ball home...should just do so.

Edited by Jamus_Divinus
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So, you were the guy who was screaming, "WHAT DO YOU EXPECT ITS BETA!! THEY WILL HAVE IT WORKED OUT AT LAUNCH!!" Now your the guy screaming, "ZOMG ITS LAUNCH WHAT DO YOU EXPECT!?!? CRAI MOAR!!" What exactly will your excuse be for your blind allegiance when six months goes by and there are still issues?


Don't be mistaken, there is no allegiance. I just heard of this game maybe a month ago. Never played beta. Instead of trying to bait a troll go somewhere else, this thread already has it's dedicated troll.

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So what you're saying is that if Bioware wants to increase their Pay2Play population they should add these tools?


Right. :rolleyes:


I do not know if you are poking fun or being sarcastic so I will just leave all of you on the thread with this quote someone made back around 2008 about the NGE which was introduced to Star Wars Galaxies to make the game easier;


"Says Jennings, "At some point someone - your producer, probably, that being his job and all - should have sat everyone down and said "you. can't. do. that." Those 200,000 customers - customers - you blithely dismiss as "dregs" and "weirdos" - are paying your salary. You can't just blow them off for the mythical millions of people looking for a better game.""


Bioware needs to be more focused on pleasing the large group of people they already know they have rather than trying to grab the people who have no real invested interest in the game as a whole.

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It's funny because this is EXACTLY the same argument I have read from fanboys in every single games forum for every supposed WoW-killer in the last 5 years, and the end is always the same. Right now you're whistling through the graveyard and trying to convince yourself that it's only a "tiny minority." Six months from now you'll be begging for server merges because so many people have quit.


It's all very predictable.

I don't really care if it's a "WoW-killer" or not. The only people who care about that are Wow fanboys or people who care about things that don't affect them in any way.


You can always leave and go play WoW if it's so amazing...but you won't. You'll stay here because it's your duty to let us know the world is ending.

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Hey folks,


We do understand that at times you may get frustrated with elements of the community. That being said, posting threads such as these tend to generate non-constructive discussion and incite flames. For this reason, we'll be closing this thread at this time.


In general, we ask that regardless of what opinions you hold, that you are respectful of each other and criticize constructively. Rude and derogatory comments, insults, and other such violations of the rules are not allowed. Please keep this in mind when posting.



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