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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Seriously, just leave then.


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While waiting on Q times, or just in the car while the fiance is driving to families for the holiday I read these forums. All I see are people crying about this game. Seriously just shut up and quit already quit bothering us who are enjoying this game and actually understand how hard it is to even code an 8bit game compared to this piece of art. that goes for you people crying about slicing, or saying this game is too hard, and my favorite is about the LFD tool that will never be put into place. It not even being 2 weeks out and a minor patch is already being pushed shows all you whiners that BW is not evil and they are doing their best to improve glitches. Skyrim is notorious for the glitches and what not but you all still play and enjoy that but have to cry about glitches in an MMO? Seriously just **** of these forums and cry to blizzard about their game and leave us who are enjoying this game to peace.



*NOTE* I am not a grammar expert nor do I care.

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The ones that truly 'get' me are the ones complaining about lack of content..These fools rushed to endgame and now have nothing to do.....AND START WHINING ON THE FORUMS ABOUT IT.



Good riddance........Our community is better off without them

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It's not like 8 thousand people on this forum didn't warn you fanboys that this was exactly what was going to happen if BW focused too much on story in this game. It was so easy to see this coming. You guys are the only ones surprised by the level of dissatisfaction on this forum. The same fanboys who contributed to BW's false sense that they were doing everything right. Edited by Mannic
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Good riddance........Our community is better off without them

Will be Bioware better off money wise with your good riddance? Apparently all fan boys seem to be way too selfish. I like game, I don't give a ***** what former WoW players say.

It is butterfly mentality, living only in current day, with no future. And your future looks very bad if this game won't succeed due lack of funding.

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Will be Bioware better off money wise with your good riddance? Apparently all fan boys seem to be way too selfish. I like game, I don't give a ***** what former WoW players say.

It is butterfly mentality, living only in current day, with no future. And your future looks very bad if this game won't succeed due lack of funding.


I couldn't have said it better myself.


ps. Jamus, I'm glad you realized that "watch your mouth" is an actual saying and deleted your post.

Edited by Polly_Pocket
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I agree with OP. When WoW first came out, it did perfectly fine because it was a great game and did not have easy button win tools built into the game. After they started building those tools into the game, yes, the population of the game did start increasing, all be it with horrible people for an MMO. All you people trying to claim that if Bioware does not introduce your easy button mechanics, the game will fail really have no backing to support that statement. So the game will not have 20 million subscribers, so what? I am sure Bioware will be perfectly happy with even 2 million people playing the game (although EA won't but no one cares about them).


If you 100,000 people who are upset with the game because Bioware did not bend over for you want to leave, by all means, don;t let the door hit you on the way out. Us million+ other players will still enjoy the game without you.

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Will be Bioware better off money wise with your good riddance? Apparently all fan boys seem to be way too selfish. I like game, I don't give a ***** what former WoW players say.

It is butterfly mentality, living only in current day, with no future. And your future looks very bad if this game won't succeed due lack of funding.


A few bad apples will ruin the barrel.........................Period



Yes, we would be better off without these badapples and their negativity. Bio isnt hurting for money, and wont be anytime soon lol.........So no, your petty few dollars wont be missed kid

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Are you kidding? If the forums were all happiness and sunshine there would be no threads. They are entertaining because of people complaining.

Every group of people has it's malcontents and they sure can be entertaining at times.


In a city of millions, you have your whackos who walk around all day, every day carrying their signs announcing "The End Is Near". They'll be happy to stand up on a bench and list in great detail the litany of reasons why the world is ending....why doom is at hand....why the end is near.


It's a small minority of people, no one really believes the world is ending, but they are dang entertaining in a goofy way. Same thing on the forums. Most people seem to be busy happily playing the game....but there are some who think the end is near, and they are using the forum as their sign.


Next time you open a whiny, spoiled thread full of nothing but negativity and complaints (not to be confused with an actual constructive criticism thread) explaining why the game sucks and why no one likes it, picture some hobo standing on a bench holding a sign that says "The End Is Near" yelling at everyone to repent.

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I think they should buy RPG maker. Then they can make a game that's however much like or dislike WoW as they'd like.


I agree with OP. When WoW first came out, it did perfectly fine because it was a great game and did not have easy button win tools built into the game. After they started building those tools into the game, yes, the population of the game did start increasing, all be it with horrible people for an MMO. All you people trying to claim that if Bioware does not introduce your easy button mechanics, the game will fail really have no backing to support that statement. So the game will not have 20 million subscribers, so what? I am sure Bioware will be perfectly happy with even 2 million people playing the game (although EA won't but no one cares about them).


If you 100,000 people who are upset with the game because Bioware did not bend over for you want to leave, by all means, don;t let the door hit you on the way out. Us million+ other players will still enjoy the game without you.


A fat, sloppy kiss to you, sir.

Edited by Lu_Bei
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...When WoW first came out, it did perfectly fine because it was a great game and did not have easy button win tools built into the game. After they started building those tools into the game, yes, the population of the game did start increasing...


So what you're saying is that if Bioware wants to increase their Pay2Play population they should add these tools?


Right. :rolleyes:

Edited by Polly_Pocket
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I think they should buy RPG maker. Then they can make a game that's however much like or dislike WoW as they'd like.


I would bet any of these people crying could not even understand a dumbed down program like RPG maker, get frustrated with it and cry on the forums on why they can't make the game that SWTOR isn't.

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Every group of people has it's malcontents and they sure can be entertaining at times.


In a city of millions, you have your whackos who walk around all day, every day carrying their signs announcing "The End Is Near". They'll be happy to stand up on a bench and list in great detail the litany of reasons why the world is ending....why doom is at hand....why the end is near.


It's a small minority of people, no one really believes the world is ending, but they are dang entertaining in a goofy way. Same thing on the forums. Most people seem to be busy happily playing the game....but there are some who think the end is near, and they are using the forum as their sign.


Next time you open a whiny, spoiled thread full of nothing but negativity and complaints (not to be confused with an actual constructive criticism thread) explaining why the game sucks and why no one likes it, picture some hobo standing on a bench holding a sign that says "The End Is Near" yelling at everyone to repent.


That is exactly what they are :D:D

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Every group of people has it's malcontents and they sure can be entertaining at times.


In a city of millions, you have your whackos who walk around all day, every day carrying their signs announcing "The End Is Near". They'll be happy to stand up on a bench and list in great detail the litany of reasons why the world is ending....why doom is at hand....why the end is near.


It's a small minority of people, no one really believes the world is ending, but they are dang entertaining in a goofy way. Same thing on the forums. Most people seem to be busy happily playing the game....but there are some who think the end is near, and they are using the forum as their sign.


Next time you open a whiny, spoiled thread full of nothing but negativity and complaints (not to be confused with an actual constructive criticism thread) explaining why the game sucks and why no one likes it, picture some hobo standing on a bench holding a sign that says "The End Is Near" yelling at everyone to repent.



My favourite post today. Thank you mate.


Vocal minorities. Some make sense...some don't but they're always worth a chuckle or two imo :D


Then again I played SWG for years and loved it. Never played WoW so I'm a rarity on these forums and possibly a tad crazy myself.

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While waiting on Q times, or just in the car while the fiance is driving to families for the holiday I read these forums. All I see are people crying about this game.


SWTOR is your first MMO, isn't it? I'd be more worried if there were no complaints on the forums.

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