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Bio - PVE people all giving up and sitting on one node in WZ


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When one team keeps beating the hell out of the other, while teammates berate each other, what the heck did you expect? Roses? Players were going to eventually revolt.


I saw a hole team of snipers and commandos just sit and wait for people to attack. However, our team just waited for the timer to expire. Why walk into a trap? pfftt... We won by default.


BioWare didn't want to address the imbalance issues, so players found a better and more effective solution.


Maybe BioWare will finally take notice.


Bio taking notice??... I thought that was implied in my post

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Lol you complain that no one stays and defends a node...now you complain that all people are doing is defending a node...are they sitting there doing nothing while getting attacked? I am starting to think you like to just complain.


I for one am all for the pvp matches needed to get companions


Companions... LMAO... Good one... If you want that sort of PVP then go do world PVP...


The thing wasn't about them defending only one node while being attacked... They weren't attacked... They just sat there all match and the other team saw how dumb they were, went and capped the 2 other nodes and won by default...

At least in one match the other team saw how pathetic they were and some of their team agreed to 1v1 with me...

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I mostly subbed for PvP in this game. This really was the last straw for me. After my sub expires this month I will only sub back when I get 3-4 more chapters in the story and that is it. Sub 1 month, do the story and unsub.

When all you do (well, just about) in a game is PvP and then they do something like this then you are really left with nothing. I have limited time to play, like 1-2h a day at best. if I get 1-2 matches like this in the day then I just lost all fun from this game for that day. So yeah, I know they don't care but this was it for me.

Edited by Xanas
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if more people play pvp , then guess what .... MORE PVP CONTENT


Actually, I think some kind of actual class balance would be top of any players list. Right now, 4.0 is worse than 3.0 but Bioware just take the piss with their attitude 'you don't need balance for story'.


And even if they did add more content - whats the point of adding more objective based maps that the current batch of really crappy players just ignore? I loathe Arenas and since their arrival, objective based PvP has seen the stupid club dominate by sending 4 to a pylon and not one of them guarding it, or worse, calling.

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I mostly subbed for PvP in this game. This really was the last straw for me. After my sub expires this month I will only sub back when I get 3-4 more chapters in the story and that is it. Sub 1 month, do the story and unsub.

When all you do (well, just about) in a game is PvP and then they do something like this then you are really left with nothing. I have limited time to play, like 1-2h a day at best. if I get 1-2 matches like this in the day then I just lost all fun from this game for that day. So yeah, I know they don't care but this was it for me.


Same. But I will not be subbing for 'story'. KoTFE was dreadful. If I want to pay £9 a month, I will watch some crap from Netflix that lasts longer than 3 hours.


Bioware have put the final death nail in the pvp coffin as they push out the final batch of hardcore(ish) players and embrace a new era of ultra casuals who are ultra bad without a simple understanding of what pvp actually is

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Lol you complain that no one stays and defends a node...now you complain that all people are doing is defending a node...are they sitting there doing nothing while getting attacked? I am starting to think you like to just complain.


I for one am all for the pvp matches needed to get companions


Do you not think that from a team of 8 - having FIVE defend is overkill?! You must be one of those clueless bunch.

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Actually, I think some kind of actual class balance would be top of any players list. Right now, 4.0 is worse than 3.0 but Bioware just take the piss with their attitude 'you don't need balance for story'.


And 3.5 people left still playing this game did not give them any indication to what people want ? They can shove their story where the sun don't shine . Blizzard only recently FINALLY understood that in MMO PvP is as important if not more then PvE and look at what their focusing on the upcoming expension . I mean it should be obvious. You join a Faction based mmo with Sith and Jedi to battle computer controlled unicorns ? PvP is what drives players to mass play MoBAs/FPSs ...... All the unicorn slayers in SWTOR should understand that w/o a good PvP their game is as good as dead and stop quoting **** like "This is a PvE game PvP is just a sideatraction" we can all SEE how many players your awesome PvE atracts .

Edited by Equilibrio
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Ah, no. Yesterday, everyone was leaving the nodes unguarded. Was not a big deal though. The imperial ran a core group of 60+, that blew up anyone left to guard before s/he finished sending off the incs, and re-mobbed on predation anyway (I can never understand why Sentinels seem to lack this wonderful ability). So, the turrets were changing hands endlessly, but pointlessly. Silly set-up. Edited by DomiSotto
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Ah, no. Yesterday, everyone was leaving the nodes unguarded. Was not a big deal though. The imperial ran a core group of 60+, that blew up anyone left to guard before s/he finished sending off the incs, and re-mobbed on predation anyway (I can never understand why Sentinels seem to lack this wonderful ability). So, the turrets were changing hands endlessly, but pointlessly. Silly set-up.


Sents have predation too... It's just called something else...

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Oh, I know. Transcendence, I think it's called. It's just seems that it's only the Imperials that run in a tight group of 5 to 6, with 2 maras that are rotating predation to allow them to redeploy super-fast, to fend off the attack on the second node. While a pug cannot keep together. And, even if by some miracle that happens, there is never a Sentinel to carry the whole unit off like that, where they are needed. Ah, life in the slow lane. Edited by DomiSotto
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A win condition would make 'em cry harder BUT try harder.


I have come to the belief that you are prey of an logical fallacy :


No-one who "cries harder" is going to try a thing "again".


Why ? Because crying once is the result of something going wrong, or that something isn't giving the predicted result.


"Crying harder" makes people feel their failure lots of times - the more failures, the harder they cry. And the harder they cry, the more hope of suceeding is dwindling.


This is the vast difference in the mind set of the more "professional" PvP players and "the others", those who get farmed by the "professionals" :


The more "professional" onces don't even realize their failure, or they are downplaying it. Their mind set is that they are eventually getting the desired result.


This is so much different from the mindset of more casual players, those who only see their failure and realize that no matter how hard they try, they won't be able to reach the desired results in certain circumstances.


For example, PvP is a matter of speed in almost every aspect (fingers, neural processing speed, ping, fast mice & keyboards etc.) ... Some people just cannot cope with that. Becuse they are handiocapped, for example. Now, you will surely say that handicapped people have no place in PvP. To me, this is almost like racist thinking : Excluding people from fun just because they are unable to cope with others.


So long ago, at school I learned that : During one basketball match of our sports course, we had several players in our team who already were professionals. They were in professional basketball clubs. So, they had an huge advantage over everyone else.

And then me. I had been a *very* good runner at sports, but at that time I wasn't that good anymore, because I had given up training it. It just consumed too much of my free time. And I was notoriously bad at basketball - mostly due to the fact that I was a small kid. And height is *essentuial* when playing basketball !

In that particular match, I somehow got the ball. I don't remember anymore, how, but what the rest of the couse did, wassurprising : They basically stopped the whole match to let me make a goal ! Once in the whole course !

That was both a nice sign of cameraderie, and abasing at the same time : They did me a favour, but at the same time their stopponmg of the whole message sent the message to me : "You are SO bad that we must STOP the WHOLE match to let you make a score !" That was terrifying.


From that event, I learned that some people just aren't able to cope with others -

- but that also means to me that these people who aren't able to cope with others, should get THEIR OWN bracket - their own variant of the same game, so that they can make scores, too !


PvP in SWTOR, however, is always like this : A mixture of everything between the best of the best and more handicapped players. Naturally, handicapped and inexperienced people won't stand a chance against the best of the best.


Kudos to those from the best of the best who don't farm or / and humiliate those who have real problems in coping with them. This is the mindset which *all* PvP players should have : "I do know that I'm so much better than them - and because of that I will try to make this match fun for the ones who cannot cope with me, too ! This game is about fun, after all, isn't it ?"


Instead, the mindset of the average PvP player seems to be : "They cannot cope with me ? Fine. Then I'll farm them, and farm them so hard that they will HAVE to cope with me or quit !" This mindset is utterly selfish, and antisocial. The intention here is to bring nothing but pain and bad feelings over those who cannot cope with others.

With the logical fallacy that everyone has the SAME mindset as "professionals" have.

In the end, this will create a feeling of PvP being "unfun". And that stacks. And these stacks will make them quit. "Fine," those PvP players will thinlk : "those BADS had no place to play with me anyway !" This thinking ios not only utterly anti-socioal, but it is also hurting the player base a lot. People who quit won't queue. And then people begin to whine over long pop times ...


My strong opinion is, that if you want to see PvP flourish, and it getting a huge player base, then these basic factors must be there :


- The game must be fun for everyone. Unfun = "won't play" = longer waiting time for pops.

- The game must provide brackets based on skill, NOT on levels !

- The game must provide classes something that they make players get a feeling of "this is fun to play !"


Bioware just isn't aware of all of these problems, because Bioware's PvP devs seem to have the mindset of making PvP fun for a select few skilled players, and players who play overpowered classes. The rest ... well, some play fine, some don't, anmd some just get farmed, because some players just LOVE to exploit and farm others !


In principle, PvP in SWTOR is dead as long as these psychological factors are not met.

PvP in SWTOR will be dead as long as if PvP is unfun for most of the player base

and fun only for FOTM rollers, or a select few with extraordinary skill.


Especially in regard to the "PvP to get a Companion" thing,

the most urging thing we need are brackets based on SKILL,

and NOT on levels !

Edited by AlrikFassbauer
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BW just got no clue about how to handle pvp (the core element of any mmo)

I guess you really are serious.


Your unintentional joke is quite amusing. PvP is the "core element" of PvP-oriented MMOs. TOR is not one of them.


it is a win lose dilemma, yes i agree that is frustating but again some pve if you never " force" to do pvp they wont try the water

the reason is to introduce warzone to pve and hope more people become interested in wz and join pvp community ( regeneration process) , because that where i started pvp only in this game

The PvP "community" is the main reason many PvEers do no PvP, and the game cannot do anything to change the way players behave.


PvP in SWTOR, however, is always like this : A mixture of everything between the best of the best and more handicapped players. Naturally, handicapped and inexperienced people won't stand a chance against the best of the best.




Instead, the mindset of the average PvP player seems to be : "They cannot cope with me ? Fine. Then I'll farm them, and farm them so hard that they will HAVE to cope with me or quit !" This mindset is utterly selfish, and antisocial. The intention here is to bring nothing but pain and bad feelings over those who cannot cope with others.

With the logical fallacy that everyone has the SAME mindset as "professionals" have.

In the end, this will create a feeling of PvP being "unfun". And that stacks. And these stacks will make them quit. "Fine," those PvP players will thinlk : "those BADS had no place to play with me anyway !" This thinking ios not only utterly anti-socioal, but it is also hurting the player base a lot. People who quit won't queue. And then people begin to whine over long pop times

This is exactly the attitude that keeps, IMO, most non-PvPing PvEers from PvPing. And then the 1337 PvPers say "Suck it up, take your lumps and get better." I don't want to "get better" at PvP. I don't like PvP, mostly because of the player attitude your post is about.


Bioware just isn't aware of all of these problems, because Bioware's PvP devs seem to have the mindset of making PvP fun for a select few skilled players, and players who play overpowered classes. The rest ... well, some play fine, some don't, anmd some just get farmed, because some players just LOVE to exploit and farm others !

I'm sure BWEA is aware of the problem. That is why they have put in all the recent "incentives" to get people to PvP: 200k cap on WZ comms, legacy transferable WZ comms, removal of craft spamming from Conquest with WZ and GSF spamming remaining in Conquest, and now the WZ gating of companions. They can make all these mechanical changes, but they cannot make 1337 PvPers change their attitude

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Most of the PvP community are the same players that run in the ops or level around the world in your vicinity. There is at most a hundred players worldwide that are outstandingly good, that form the premades that lay waste to everyone else in the warzones.


The quirks of the character among of the top PvPers range from mature and generous to childish and self-indulgent no different than across the internet.


It is under the conditions of no consequences and anonymity that a person's quality is tested, and yes, some are lacking. But some amaze. Humanity's like that

Edited by DomiSotto
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Should've made the condition "Win" rather than "Turn up and go AFK" to get their companion, FFS.


A win condition would make 'em cry harder BUT try harder.



I love this idea. They want to get a companion from pvp'ing they gotta win. Lord knows if we want pve companions we gotta beat the ops/fps. Why can they just sit there and farm losses at the expense of us real pvp'ers?

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The quirks of the character among of the top PvPers range from mature and generous to childish and self-indulgent no different than across the internet.


It is under the conditions of no consequences and anonymity that a person's quality is tested, and yes, some are lacking. But some amaze. Humanity's like that

On the internet, I don't have to interact with anyone I don't want to. So sure, you can just say "Humanity is like that" and in this environment, I will say "OK, you (and I don't mean you personally) go ahead and be like that and keep stroking yourself over your 1337-ness. I will be over here, cheerfully ignoring you."


Why would I want to play WZs with or against a "pro?" Would I enjoy playing chess against a really good chess player? No. I don't like chess and I don't care if I get any better at it or not. Now, regarding TOR PvP, my attitude is the same. Is every PvEer like me? No. There are some PvEers who want to try PvP and get better at it. But if that were a large number, PvP would not be in the state it's in, with common complaints in gen chat (on BC, certainly) about how long WZs take to get into. PvPers are, as a group, their own worst enemy in terms of expanding the PvPing player base.


I love this idea. They want to get a companion from pvp'ing they gotta win. Lord knows if we want pve companions we gotta beat the ops/fps. Why can they just sit there and farm losses at the expense of us real pvp'ers?

Name the companion you have to do Ops to get. There are a few you have to do the Star Fortress FP on Heroic mode to get (but then TOR is a PvE game, so it's not really surprising you have to PvE once in a while).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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Name the companion you have to do Ops to get. There are a few you have to do the Star Fortress FP on Heroic mode to get (but then TOR is a PvE game, so it's not really surprising you have to PvE once in a while).


For HK-51 you have to do a FP and, if you want the quicker route, you need to get into an OP group for the world boss kills for Qyzen Fees. Of course this means that, in a roundabout way, you have to do OPS for Lokin as well.

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Just to chime in here as a PvE player who now run two characters through the PvP requirements - the reason some of us are doing it, despite not being fast or skilled (or in my case due to my hands being screwed), is that we physically can't reject the companion/skip recruiting them without doing the 20 matches.


Why does that matter? Welp, if we don't clear that companion mission we don't get any further companion missions from that contact, that means all other companions that follow are locked out, so even if I didn't want 4X but want to get the mission to re-recruit say, Iresso, I won't get the chance because I'll never get the mission.


I think the devs need to either switch it so you can reject the PvP-linked companions straight off or seriously lower the PvP requirements, down to say 5 matches or the medal suggestion someone posted upthread.


I don't want to PvP, I don't want to ruin other players enjoyment of the game, but if I want to move the companion chain along for future returning companions I have to, and while I try, I don't have the gear, the experience or the physical ability to contribute the way many seem to be demanding.

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For HK-51 you have to do a FP and

You have to do 2, neither of which is an Operation (I said "Name the companion you have to Ops to get") and both of which can be done on solo mode (unless they change that in 4.0.2).


if you want the quicker route, you need to get into an OP group for the world boss kills for Qyzen Fees. Of course this means that, in a roundabout way, you have to do OPS for Lokin as well.

World bosses can be 4-manned, maybe even 3-manned. In any event, being in an Op group to kill a WB does not make it an Operation. And even more, you don't have to kill a single WB to get Qyzen and you do not have to do the rakghoul Op to get Lokin (I got both of them without killing a single WB or doing the Op).

Edited by branmakmuffin
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I have come to the belief that you are prey of an logical fallacy :


No-one who "cries harder" is going to try a thing "again".


Why ? Because crying once is the result of something going wrong, or that something isn't giving the predicted result.


"Crying harder" makes people feel their failure lots of times - the more failures, the harder they cry. And the harder they cry, the more hope of suceeding is dwindling.


This is the vast difference in the mind set of the more "professional" PvP players and "the others", those who get farmed by the "professionals" :


The more "professional" onces don't even realize their failure, or they are downplaying it. Their mind set is that they are eventually getting the desired result.


This is so much different from the mindset of more casual players, those who only see their failure and realize that no matter how hard they try, they won't be able to reach the desired results in certain circumstances.


For example, PvP is a matter of speed in almost every aspect (fingers, neural processing speed, ping, fast mice & keyboards etc.) ... Some people just cannot cope with that. Becuse they are handiocapped, for example. Now, you will surely say that handicapped people have no place in PvP. To me, this is almost like racist thinking : Excluding people from fun just because they are unable to cope with others.


So long ago, at school I learned that : During one basketball match of our sports course, we had several players in our team who already were professionals. They were in professional basketball clubs. So, they had an huge advantage over everyone else.

And then me. I had been a *very* good runner at sports, but at that time I wasn't that good anymore, because I had given up training it. It just consumed too much of my free time. And I was notoriously bad at basketball - mostly due to the fact that I was a small kid. And height is *essentuial* when playing basketball !

In that particular match, I somehow got the ball. I don't remember anymore, how, but what the rest of the couse did, wassurprising : They basically stopped the whole match to let me make a goal ! Once in the whole course !

That was both a nice sign of cameraderie, and abasing at the same time : They did me a favour, but at the same time their stopponmg of the whole message sent the message to me : "You are SO bad that we must STOP the WHOLE match to let you make a score !" That was terrifying.


From that event, I learned that some people just aren't able to cope with others -

- but that also means to me that these people who aren't able to cope with others, should get THEIR OWN bracket - their own variant of the same game, so that they can make scores, too !


PvP in SWTOR, however, is always like this : A mixture of everything between the best of the best and more handicapped players. Naturally, handicapped and inexperienced people won't stand a chance against the best of the best.


Kudos to those from the best of the best who don't farm or / and humiliate those who have real problems in coping with them. This is the mindset which *all* PvP players should have : "I do know that I'm so much better than them - and because of that I will try to make this match fun for the ones who cannot cope with me, too ! This game is about fun, after all, isn't it ?"


Instead, the mindset of the average PvP player seems to be : "They cannot cope with me ? Fine. Then I'll farm them, and farm them so hard that they will HAVE to cope with me or quit !" This mindset is utterly selfish, and antisocial. The intention here is to bring nothing but pain and bad feelings over those who cannot cope with others.

With the logical fallacy that everyone has the SAME mindset as "professionals" have.

In the end, this will create a feeling of PvP being "unfun". And that stacks. And these stacks will make them quit. "Fine," those PvP players will thinlk : "those BADS had no place to play with me anyway !" This thinking ios not only utterly anti-socioal, but it is also hurting the player base a lot. People who quit won't queue. And then people begin to whine over long pop times ...


My strong opinion is, that if you want to see PvP flourish, and it getting a huge player base, then these basic factors must be there :


- The game must be fun for everyone. Unfun = "won't play" = longer waiting time for pops.

- The game must provide brackets based on skill, NOT on levels !

- The game must provide classes something that they make players get a feeling of "this is fun to play !"


Bioware just isn't aware of all of these problems, because Bioware's PvP devs seem to have the mindset of making PvP fun for a select few skilled players, and players who play overpowered classes. The rest ... well, some play fine, some don't, anmd some just get farmed, because some players just LOVE to exploit and farm others !


In principle, PvP in SWTOR is dead as long as these psychological factors are not met.

PvP in SWTOR will be dead as long as if PvP is unfun for most of the player base

and fun only for FOTM rollers, or a select few with extraordinary skill.


Especially in regard to the "PvP to get a Companion" thing,

the most urging thing we need are brackets based on SKILL,

and NOT on levels !


Armchair-psychology, best psychology.


Except that it isn't.


It's a game.










That's all it is.


The only thing even remotely right about about your sanctimonious victim-badge waving is actually just implied, in that, in this game, there is only "this" or "that" with little or nothing in between to make options for more people. (This applies to both PvE and PvP in TOR...Because why can't one do and enjoy both?) This is why, it is my vehement opinion that a true MMO --and especially a PvP-orientated one-- must be a sandbox with no explicit vertical/gear/stats progression to define character power. It's the same old story in almost every themepark game out there, and this one is hardly different.


Oh, and by the way:


Are you even aware of just how profoundly you've dis-respected entire player demographics with your back-handed commiseration for their "handicaps?"


No, of course you aren't.


Your type never is in your sanctimonious pursuit of your RL agenda --whatever the f it may be for you, like it matters-- and how you force it to inform everything you bloody well do.


Most of us don't do that.


Most of us know the difference between --








The only problem here is, as stated:


There are not enough other options for content and/or progression for more peoples' interests and skill-levels, and again, this is hardly unique to TOR.


Get over yourself already, for Gods' sakes, will you...:confused:

Edited by midianlord
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You have to do 2, neither of which is an Operation (I said "Name the companion you have to Ops to get") and both of which can be done on solo mode (unless they change that in 4.0.2).



World bosses can be 4-manned, maybe even 3-manned. In any event, being in an Op group to kill a WB does not make it an Operation. And even more, you don't have to kill a single WB to get Qyzen and you do not have to do the rakghoul Op to get Lokin (I got both of them without killing a single WB or doing the Op).


You also do not haveto have Pierce/4X as a companion.


Now, you say that the FPs for HK can be soloed. Well, that's outstanding since players can solo que for WZs.


But to get the parts for HK you are going to have to complete the FP successfully. You can't just jump into it and sit on the side hoping for the part to magically appear. You are also, if you for some reason queue with a group, not going to sit at the beginning of the FP for the part waiting for your teammates to do all the work for you. If you do, they will probably kick you from the group.


So, once again, you are having to actively participate in acquiring the part.


Why, if it's not allowed to be done in your FPs should it be allowed in the WZs?


Some players don't want to do the FPs but they will if they want the companion. Some players don't want to be on Taris with a scanning probe looking for HK parts for, possibly, hours. But they will if they want the part.


There are not alternatives to do these things, they have to be done.


Hell it is even possible, if the PvP gods are with the player, to knock out the Pierce/4X quest in far less time than it takes to do the HK quest. Of course, this would mean that the player would have to actually try to work for the wins.

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You also do not haveto have Pierce/4X as a companion.

No, you don't. Thanks for making my point.


But to get the parts for HK you are going to have to complete the FP successfully. You can't just jump into it and sit on the side hoping for the part to magically appear. You are also, if you for some reason queue with a group, not going to sit at the beginning of the FP for the part waiting for your teammates to do all the work for you. If you do, they will probably kick you from the group.

Different game elemenst, different rules. Them's the breaks, kid.

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No, neither HK-51 nor M1-4X are Companions that is mandatory to the game, HOWEVER


If we look at the game and the character progression from lvl 1 to 65 we see a few interesting Things, y default and made that spesific way by Bioware.


WZs and pvp opens at Level 10 , this is ment to introduce players to the game's pvp features.

There are TWO such features, unranked and ranked....I will get into these later.

Here is obvious that Bioware INTENDED to introduce players, Hell even the missions are called "introduction"

They have them for Starfighter ( which I have yet to really try) PV, FP in the various forms, and Operations.

Some of thes missions are piced up from the pvp mission Box, and vice verca offers an introduction to some PVE elements.


This is also the case With M1-4X in particular, a coveted and popular, cosmetic or not, Companion, that now needs either a class spesific quest line ot the partisipation of 20 pvp matches With a win Count of x2 to boost the intrests in making an effort to make it in less then 20, like I did.

Now when you again look at the game, how it is made, and what features it contains, you then see the "New" leveling token, meaning you now have players With lvl 60-65 character, With the myriad of crasy gear combinations you see on any MMO, all running around the PVP zones like headless chickens.......

It was Biware's intetions....remember that.


Now to the ranked vs Unranked pvp zones.


I for one as a predominately pve oriented player, have grown to more or less hate the pvp aspects here, not for the pvp, and not for winning or loosing.

I go there, blind as a bat and as a total novice, even With my NON TOKEN max leveled character.

I carefully consider that fact that I am at best a pvp novice, and that pvp here on SWTOR have been years appart, so I do not venture into the PVPer's domain, the ranked WZs where winning and loosing makes a "real" differance...no I stick to what Bioware intended......


So far all good, but the intesions of Biowarewas not only to introduce, but for the players to also be encouraged....and here; I am sorry to say the PVP community have failed.


Too many pvp oriented players take far too much pride and seriousness in their unranked matches, to the point of complaining on other's preformances, gear or what not.........behaviour that really do not encourage.

The recipient if not dead set on pvp and becomming a "contender2 will most likely feel less encouraged, and basically stay away.


It is often these guys that "does Nothing", that gives up...........the ones feeling less encouraged and more "lets get this introduction thing over With"...that sit on nodes, gives up, runs to the corner and stands there..............

PVPers use the UNRANKED to YOUR advantage in this......let them.......complain less where wins and losses matter none, and rather try to get them into thing.........even give them a "fake" task to do..............you could compare it to get a soldier back to the front line by letting him guard the wounded........in reaity he is then "forced" to try do his part, and well usually never realizes....

Then after, int he unranked....doen't chew out........don't complain....advice sure....do that.........but encorage.


I will breafly mention a very "cool" wZ experience, just a few days past , in my frustration over veturing back to "not being encouraged" Word of PVP.....and well........I did go back.....was I encouraged.....maybe not, but I was FAR FROM the oposite, finally and thank god.


This was a Death match, the other team had a healer and all had stealth, we were 4 dps, i With stealth......did we loose.....yes we did......was is a crushing victory? No it ws not.......hehe

We took time, we used elements learned from the versititlity of Our Group, me a "purist" PVE player, more or less With no Clue or Gear , we used this to Our advantage. My role was deal as much damage as I could to as many as I could before I died...............I did not see the "light" bit to me yes indeed I see pvp here on swtor as a bigger option for me to follow once more, and I hope what kept me away for this time, and that made actually HATE pvp here, stays the F away.



A win- win situtuation some might say, I dare say a Loose-Loose situation.

Less players recruited into the ranks of PVP here, more gaps between the "defined" player Groups, and alot more "pissed" pve players....( formerly NOT encouraged by the too serious ones) that all of a sudden Discover New "introductary" pvp content, on some if not all of the most popular PVE content.

More hateful threads, more moronic complaints from both sides of the fence.


I dare say if the PVP community took to them selves and realized that theat was eaxactly waht the unraked zonesare for....to introduce....ALL SORTS......to pvp and to be encouraged to continue.


So PVPers,, why don't you use the unranked zones as intedded.......for the totally 100% unserious play and just don't give a F.......pvp and in stead of taking winning or loosing THERE serious, play around, encourage, even try slow Things Down...and make the PVEers there feel welcome, and encouraged.......not just to gear up.....but to have a good experience....not by the not actually all important ( it really isn't that important) winning or loosing, but by play and fun and unwhinding.......keep the serious Things to Ranked.


That being said, there should be a way to qualify for ranked pvp, and a "stage" between the "ment to be by Bioware" totally unsrious introductuctay pvp play zone of unranked, how to do that though I have no idea.


I have seen alot of crative ideas reagaring both skills and gear changes in the game, to facilitate a smoother more ballanced PVP, and an smoother, better and maybe less "extremely easy at times" pve content.

Again we are in a Loose-Loose sitution With the current state of gaps between PVE and PVP, and strangely enough over the unranked zones, meaneing there should be no such gap.....there should be in fact unity.


We have something called Tactical Flashpint on the PVE side of Things, this too opening at lvl 10, introductary and offers lvl players like in the wz to be bolstered and go on missions With players of any Level, With all bolstered to lvl 65.


I can say a ton about Bolster, both for PVP and PVE, as well as gear, and what I think should and shouldn't be changed, but I will perhaps do that later.

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No, neither HK-51 nor M1-4X are Companions that is mandatory to the game, HOWEVER


M1-4X actually IS mandatory to the game - in the first 3 class chapters of the Trooper's story.

And because of that, Troopers still feel that he *belongs* to the class in the later chapters ...

You make it sound as if he wasn't mandatory *at all* to the whole classes ...

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M1-4X actually IS mandatory to the game - in the first 3 class chapters of the Trooper's story.

And because of that, Troopers still feel that he *belongs* to the class in the later chapters ...

You make it sound as if he wasn't mandatory *at all* to the whole classes ...


you are right about him being a " mandantory" Companion in the story line of the game.


My referance was mostly ment to the " token" levelers:)

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