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Force Camouflage not dropping threat at all?


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Did they change the way Force Camo works, or is it bugged, or am I doing something wrong?


In the past, if I pulled aggro, I would pop Force Camo and the boss would instantly stop targeting me and go for someone else(usually back to the tank), but since 4.0(and possibly before then, I hadn't played my Sentinel in quite some time before 4.0 dropped) that doesn't happen. I hit Force Camo and the boss just keeps eating my face. What's the deal?

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They changed it in 3.0 from a complete threat drop to a moderate one to bring it in line with other class threat drops.


If that's the case, then should I use it as a threat drop on CD, or continue to treat it as a defensive CD? Also, does it still only reduce threat if you've been targeted(or is it damaged?) by the mob at some point during the fight, or does it reduce it against everything, or just your current target, or what?

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If that's the case, then should I use it as a threat drop on CD, or continue to treat it as a defensive CD? Also, does it still only reduce threat if you've been targeted(or is it damaged?) by the mob at some point during the fight, or does it reduce it against everything, or just your current target, or what?


Use it as you see fit. If you know when damage spikes are in a fight then you can FC to lol cheese a lot of stuff. If you need to drop aggro use it ASAP. With Super Crit Carnage can get huge burst openers which means a threat drop at the beginning then use it as DCD for rest of fight. After opener it's up to tanks to hold aggro. FC will only drop the threat of targets you are engaged in as any other target has 0 threat against you until you engage.

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Use it as you see fit. If you know when damage spikes are in a fight then you can FC to lol cheese a lot of stuff. If you need to drop aggro use it ASAP. With Super Crit Carnage can get huge burst openers which means a threat drop at the beginning then use it as DCD for rest of fight. After opener it's up to tanks to hold aggro. FC will only drop the threat of targets you are engaged in as any other target has 0 threat against you until you engage.


Okay, thanks for the help.

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