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Why hasn't bioware responded to my email from Oct. 26?


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Weren't you the one that contacted them incessantly about that schematic not dropping, and wanting them to just give it to you?


Yeah it was you, and I remember them actually warning you to stop contacting them about that issue. I see you're doing exactly the same thing again.


Yeah I thought the exact same thing as soon as I saw the OP :D. With all those cheap server transfers during the summer, I would have thought he'd have got it by now. When you look at the post history, it is clear that this guy really loves crystals. Poor little pumpkin.

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I want to know how them removing an item from the game that isn't something you have to pay real money for is unethical?


Unethical: lacking moral principles; unwilling to adhere to proper rules of conduct.


Lets be clear about something. BW OWNS everything in this game EVERYTHING and they can do as the please with it, if they choose to remove an item they can, if they want to change an item they can, and if they want to add an item they can that is their right as the IP owner.


It is unethical because they removed the item without informing the SWTOR community. It wouldn't have taken them long to post a warning in the developer tracker telling people to try to get it now if they want it. It is wrong to make changes to a game without warning people. Many players are paying good money to play this game. They should be treated with respect. The developers should have the human decency to let people know when any item is being removed, especially if it is being removed for good. I was previously told by customer service that they let people know whenever an item is being removed. They have broken that promise. They need to honor their word.

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Weren't you the one that contacted them incessantly about that schematic not dropping, and wanting them to just give it to you?


Yeah it was you, and I remember them actually warning you to stop contacting them about that issue. I see you're doing exactly the same thing again.


The circumstances are much different now. In the past I argued I should be granted the schematic because it did not drop after a certain number of times. That is no longer the case. I am now complaining about it being removed without any warning. There is now fault on their end.The circumstances are now different therefore, my case needs to be reevaluated. When circumstances change, so do rules.

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I think we found the problem.....^


aren't you the same one that complained (for days) about them removing your augments that you swore should have stayed in the game because they had the same name as before, even though had different stats and were given to another craft?


I think you really need to reconsider what you think is "unethical" and what entitlements are. Because you are definitely in that latter category of feeling you deserve something for nothing or everything.


You are misquoting me. I never said they should still be in the game because of their name. And no they do not have different stats. They both have the same stats, except the low level (under level 50) might and resolve augments have more mastery points than the equivalent level versatile augments.


And how am I wanting something for nothing? I spent years trying to get the schematic: Advanced Blue War Hero's crystal. I spent literally hundreds of thousands of warzone commendations in attempt to get it. Now all of a sudden they remove it without any warning. I have clearly been wronged here. How is this wanting something for nothing?

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No, not really. All those item vendors are driven by databases, and a change in the database could cause an unintentional issue where the vendor no longer sees the item to offer it, even if it wasn't explicitly removed from the game.


They already told you its a bug and you need to wait for a bugfix. Even if it wasn't they aren't going to give you something because you feel entitled to it.


Your ticket has been answered already, but, like in your other thread about crafting issues, you just can't seem to let it go and accept reality, so now they are ignoring you so they can help people with actual issues they can fix.


No its probably not a bug. They most likely sent me an prewritten email without really reading my email. They do that a lot, so prewritten responses are not something that can be taken seriously.

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Part of what I do on a day to day basis is a support role. I handle tickets and requests every day.


If you are receiving "canned responses" you are almost certainly queued and they will get to you in time.


You have to understand however that any support team follows a set of policies and procedures. They also have limited abilities. Such as they cannot give you something that is no longer in the game, or that you do not deserve according to their rule set.


Now I can tell you one thing for sure. Bugging these people about the same thing will NOT get you your desired result. They keep records and they look at them. Based on these records and their rule set they will make their decision about whatever your current complaint is. If you badger, belittle, or insult them.....well you should be able to figure that out.

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Part of what I do on a day to day basis is a support role. I handle tickets and requests every day.


If you are receiving "canned responses" you are almost certainly queued and they will get to you in time.


You have to understand however that any support team follows a set of policies and procedures. They also have limited abilities. Such as they cannot give you something that is no longer in the game, or that you do not deserve according to their rule set.


Now I can tell you one thing for sure. Bugging these people about the same thing will NOT get you your desired result. They keep records and they look at them. Based on these records and their rule set they will make their decision about whatever your current complaint is. If you badger, belittle, or insult them.....well you should be able to figure that out.


First I would like to say thank you for taking the time to respond. I am not trying to badger, belittle or insult Bioware employees. I have not resorted to name calling. I have argued based on facts and have not attacked anyone personally. I just say things the way they are. In my tickets I made sure that I was respective and nice about it.


I understand that there are rules that every company has to follow. I also understand however, that companies have supervisors who have to ability to pend rules in unique or unusual cases, and also in cases where they have unintentionally harmed a customer. They can pend rules to make a customer happy.


This thread was made with the intention to find out if other people are experiencing this long wait time. It wasn't intented to turn into the thread that it did. That is why I did not mention my issue at first. I knew it would cause a lot of controversy. But someone asked what the problem was. Since I don't like ignoring people, I answered the question.

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Yeah I thought the exact same thing as soon as I saw the OP :D. With all those cheap server transfers during the summer, I would have thought he'd have got it by now. When you look at the post history, it is clear that this guy really loves crystals. Poor little pumpkin.


It's funny you would bring that up. I actually tried sending a toon on every server in hopes of finding the Schematic: Advanced Blue War hero hero's crystal. I could never find it for sale on the gtn on any server. I check the gtn regularly. Before transfers were available in this game, I checked on my home server everyday for 2 years. I have never seen it for sale before. I have opened exactly 221 grade 6 crafting pvp boxes. That is 221,000 warzone commendations spent. I have even tried asking on the forums if anyone has one for sale. I have offered millions of credits for it. Still no takers. I recently made a new thread offering to trade the yellow war hero crystal Schematic for it. Still no takers. I know this has become a joke to some, but I have been through a lot. I have literally done everything in my power to get this Schematic. So to suddenly remove the grade 6 crafting pvp box without any advance notice, is really horrible because now all of my efforts are in vain.

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You keep using that word, I don't think it means what you think it means.


according to dictionary.com Ethical is pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality. Moral means of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong. It is wrong to remove items from the game when people are paying real money to play the game. SInce people are paying real money, Bioware should have the courteous to let people know in advance when they are going to make changes to the game. How is making changes to the game that people are paying for without any advance notice not unethical?

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according to dictionary.com Ethical is pertaining to or dealing with morals or the principles of morality. Moral means of, relating to, or concerned with the principles or rules of right conduct or the distinction between right and wrong. It is wrong to remove items from the game when people are paying real money to play the game. SInce people are paying real money, Bioware should have the courteous to let people know in advance when they are going to make changes to the game. How is making changes to the game that people are paying for without any advance notice not unethical?


How is it unethical? Did you read the ToS? We don't own anything in game, we have a license to use it, but that's all. They can add things or remove things at their discretion, including players, for any reason, or no reason. They are, quite literally, following the guidelines they laid out, hence ethical, that you agreed to when you created your account and logged into the game.

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That is some serious OCD you've got there. You do realize that the EULA you "signed" in order to play the game basically says EA/Bioware owns everything in the game and has the authority to add, remove and/or change anything they want, at any time, without your knowledge or permission?


Basically, whether it's a bug or intended, there's nothing you can do beyond asking nicely. And even then they may not be able to give you the thing you want.


There was a situation in Guild Wars 2 where a particular weapon that dropped from a particular world boss was extremely rare. In fact no one could confirm ever getting one even though the WB dropped thousands of loot boxes every day. The devs finally investigated after a year or two and found that the item was bugged and never dropped at all. They fixed the bug and it started dropping, at first it was super expensive and everyone wanted one of these "lost" weapons, but eventually there were so many in the game that the price dropped to a level close to the normal price for a weapon of that quality.


So, if you never received one, and never came across anyone who has one, then it could be that the item was bugged and never dropped in the first place. If the devs have removed the loot boxes that were supposed to drop it, it's up to them to put the boxes back in the game or add the item to something else.


You don't have the authority to demand they do anything else. If someone wants to mail you one, they can, but you don't own the game or any of the pixel products in it, so everything you have posted is simply your opinion.

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That is some serious OCD you've got there. You do realize that the EULA you "signed" in order to play the game basically says EA/Bioware owns everything in the game and has the authority to add, remove and/or change anything they want, at any time, without your knowledge or permission?


Basically, whether it's a bug or intended, there's nothing you can do beyond asking nicely. And even then they may not be able to give you the thing you want.


There was a situation in Guild Wars 2 where a particular weapon that dropped from a particular world boss was extremely rare. In fact no one could confirm ever getting one even though the WB dropped thousands of loot boxes every day. The devs finally investigated after a year or two and found that the item was bugged and never dropped at all. They fixed the bug and it started dropping, at first it was super expensive and everyone wanted one of these "lost" weapons, but eventually there were so many in the game that the price dropped to a level close to the normal price for a weapon of that quality.


So, if you never received one, and never came across anyone who has one, then it could be that the item was bugged and never dropped in the first place. If the devs have removed the loot boxes that were supposed to drop it, it's up to them to put the boxes back in the game or add the item to something else.


You don't have the authority to demand they do anything else. If someone wants to mail you one, they can, but you don't own the game or any of the pixel products in it, so everything you have posted is simply your opinion.


I have never come across someone who has the schematic in unbound form. But I have seen a few people who can craft it. So the schematic does exist and had to have dropped at least at some point. Before the box was removed customer service told me they investigated the case and that it does drop from there. Rather that is true or not, I don't know. But I can confirm that I got schematic for Yellow war hero's crystal and cyan war hero's crystal from that box. I had to open nearly 200 boxes to get these 2 schematics. So it doesn't appear to have ever been bugged. Though I can not 100% prove that, the facts that I have provided so far, show that it is pretty unlikely that it was ever bugged.


And while it is true Bioware has the legal right to make any change they want without informing people, It is not very professional. And considering the fact that this game is a business they should absolutely tell people whats going on. I am just asking them to be fair. If they are not going to grant me the schematic, then they should at least bring the box back since there was no fair warning of its removal. That would be a good alternative.

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I have never come across someone who has the schematic in unbound form. But I have seen a few people who can craft it. So the schematic does exist and had to have dropped at least at some point. Before the box was removed customer service told me they investigated the case and that it does drop from there. Rather that is true or not, I don't know. But I can confirm that I got schematic for Yellow war hero's crystal and cyan war hero's crystal from that box. I had to open nearly 200 boxes to get these 2 schematics. So it doesn't appear to have ever been bugged. Though I can not 100% prove that, the facts that I have provided so far, show that it is pretty unlikely that it was ever bugged.


And while it is true Bioware has the legal right to make any change they want without informing people, It is not very professional. And considering the fact that this game is a business they should absolutely tell people whats going on. I am just asking them to be fair. If they are not going to grant me the schematic, then they should at least bring the box back since there was no fair warning of its removal.


Sounds like a very small chance and bad luck then. If you opened 200 boxes and got one color x schematic, it's entirely possible to open 400+ boxes and get none, or to open three boxes and get one of each. Computers assign loot randomly and have no memory of the boxes you've opened before unless programmed to keep track. Therefore the computer isn't going to go "geez, this is the 201st box the guy opened, guess he really wants that last schematic." It just assigns random loot and moves on.


Whether you think it's unprofessional or not is of no consequence. BW devs do not answer to you and they have a lot more to deal with than this one item that went missing. If it's bugged then it's somewhere on a long list of bugs to fix, and yelling about it isn't going to get it fixed. If it's on purpose then it's gone and yelling about it isn't going to bring it back.

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Sounds like a very small chance and bad luck then. If you opened 200 boxes and got one color x schematic, it's entirely possible to open 400+ boxes and get none, or to open three boxes and get one of each. Computers assign loot randomly and have no memory of the boxes you've opened before unless programmed to keep track. Therefore the computer isn't going to go "geez, this is the 201st box the guy opened, guess he really wants that last schematic." It just assigns random loot and moves on.


Whether you think it's unprofessional or not is of no consequence. BW devs do not answer to you and they have a lot more to deal with than this one item that went missing. If it's bugged then it's somewhere on a long list of bugs to fix, and yelling about it isn't going to get it fixed. If it's on purpose then it's gone and yelling about it isn't going to bring it back.


The schematic not dropping after a certain number of times is not the argument at this point. I understand how random number generator works. I am upset because it is unfair to remove an item without telling us in advance. If this is by a long shot caused by a bug then Bioware should let everyone know that it is bugged and that they are working on a fix or will in the future. Why everyone here is ok with being left in the dark is beyond me.

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The schematic not dropping after a certain number of times is not the argument at this point. I understand how random number generator works. I am upset because it is unfair to remove an item without telling us in advance. If this is by a long shot caused by a bug then Bioware should let everyone know that it is bugged and that they are working on a fix or will in the future. Why everyone here is ok with being left in the dark is beyond me.


There are hundreds of bugs in the game, at least. Most of them have not been announced and many will never be fixed. A missing schematic is not game-breaking and very very few people even care about it, since there are plenty of alternative items to use instead.


I've been here since launch and for as long as I've been playing, enemies as well as my companions have a tendency to fall "under" the map and disappear. I can't target or hit enemies or even see them, but they can continue attacking me. It's annoying but not game-breaking and has led to dying in combat from invisible enemies more than once. I don't expect the bug to ever be fixed, and I don't care. If it annoys me enough I stop playing and do something else for a while.


This is obviously something that bothers you a great deal, but it simply is just one of hundreds of minor issues games like this always have. Game-breaking bugs get fixed pretty quickly, annoyances get fixed when and if they get around to it. If you are bothered enough to stop playing, find another game. There really isn't anything else you can do about it, unless pitching a fit on the forums is therapeutic for you somehow.

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It is an unethical decision made by bioware. They removed the grade 6 crafting pvp box from the game without any announcement. The Schematic: Advanced Blue War Hero's Crystal, a schematic that I have been trying to get for years drops from that box. Since they removed it without any warning, I think they should grant me the item, if they have no plans of bringing that box back. Removing that item without a warning was totally unethical and uncalled for. The most recent prewritten email they sent me said that the issue is caused by a bug and can't be fixed through customer service. I highly doubt the item just disappeared due to a bug. Especially since the 3 emails before that were unrelated to my case. They don't seem to read the emails/tickets that they respond to.There are many cases where an item doesn't work properly due to a bug, but it doesn't just disappear. For an item to disappear, the developers would have to remove it.


Unethical? Unethical is having a boss that's your family member/significant other/close friend and provides preferential treatment. Unethical is receiving gifts from someone that has a vested interest in your company and is trying to sway your decision making. The developer taking an item out of a game has nothing to do with ethics.


This is the funniest thread I've ever seen. What was your e-mail to them? "Bioware, RNG was not with me while this schematic was still in the game, you should give it to me now!"


As with all games, items/content are subject to change at any given time. They don't have to warn you about anything. I guess you missed the large post that Eric Musco provided about how all schematics that you haven't already learned will be removed from the game to make way for new up-to-date schematics, and if you have old schematics they will be moved to Archived portion of your crew skill window?

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There are so many other items that got removed from this game with update 4.0. without any warning, such as white-purple-blue and White-Yellow-Orange crystal schematics. Fortunately I got those before they were removed. But it is rude to remove items without informing people.
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Unethical? Unethical is having a boss that's your family member/significant other/close friend and provides preferential treatment. Unethical is receiving gifts from someone that has a vested interest in your company and is trying to sway your decision making. The developer taking an item out of a game has nothing to do with ethics.


This is the funniest thread I've ever seen. What was your e-mail to them? "Bioware, RNG was not with me while this schematic was still in the game, you should give it to me now!"


As with all games, items/content are subject to change at any given time. They don't have to warn you about anything. I guess you missed the large post that Eric Musco provided about how all schematics that you haven't already learned will be removed from the game to make way for new up-to-date schematics, and if you have old schematics they will be moved to Archived portion of your crew skill window?


Just about everything you said is wrong. I am no longer arguing that it should be granted to me because it did not drop after a certain number of times. I am arguing that it should be granted because there was no warning about it being removed. Its that simple. Its rude to remove items without any warning. Rather they have to or not is irrelevant. Its about showing respect for your customers. You seem to be forgetting that this is a business.


And Eric never said that all old schematics were being removed. He was talking about the old schematics from crafting trainers.If you looked at the response that Eric responded to, then that would have been very clear. I would also like to mention the fact that only some of the schematics from trainers were removed. Not all of them like Eric said. So his comment was not accurate. It was vague at best. He should have mentioned exactly which ones were being removed. Besides the schematic that I want does not come from the crafting trainer. That means that it would have to be excluded from the list of schematics being removed according to Eric Musco's comment that you mentioned. That comment had nothing to do with the grade 6 crafting pvp box at all.


I have gone to insane lengths to try to get this item. And now all the sudden they remove it without any warning. What part of that is funny? I have seen way funnier threads than this one. And this one is not even the slightest bit funny.

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