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Voices in expansion


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So I've never had an issue with voices not playing, but in the new expansion, I get dialogue but no voice-work. I've never had this issue before and the repair button on the launcher is grayed out. Any pointers?

I noticed that there's a couple of wheels in Chapter One where you are given a line, but your character doesn't actually say anything and the NPCs respond as if you said the line on the dialogue wheel.


And the "classic" conversations (letterbox format, up to 5 choices in the lower black bar) are meant not to have any voice work for your character, just for the NPC.

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Looks like Bio went back to the original KOTOR format, which from a story producing stand point makes sense as you don't have to rehire the class character actor to voice the new story dialogue. All Bio needs to worry about is the NPC which can be any Joe Shmoe.


This is probably the compromise Bio has to make in order to get new stories out at greater frequency.

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It took my partner over 10 years to find a game I would play. I loved the voiced conversations. I have been playing - and enjoying it up until I hit the Chapter XIV "conversations". I had to ask if there was something wrong with my computer - if I was seeing a glitched, unfinished scene. Are voiced conversations now dead with 4.0 and beyond, Knights of the Fallen Empire?

That conversations were voiced is what set SWTOR apart from ANY OTHER game for me. Voiced conversations are what I, and it would appear others, have come to expect from BioWare. I don't know if enough chatter has been generated on this for there to be a change. I understand that not voicing the conversations will make for a faster roll-out of new chapters. I would rather wait. If cost is the biggest factor, maybe I am hearing the death knell for the game.

A sad adieu to the game that gave me a reason to start playing MMORPGs.


Well said by many others (and many more - these are just a few from the day I am posting):








"I think I see, where this is headed; people complaining about Bioware cutting expenses by leaving out your character's voice over in alliance content. I too am disappointed by this fact (love everything else), but keep telling them here guys, perhaps they'll rethink this in the next expansion and reinstate it. "

"...but at the same time I don't like it and I wish it was voiced like we've come to expect from SWTOR. I hope sometime down the road you're able to get these voiced. "

"I am extremely disappointed in the shift to "Classic Conversation Presentation". Some of my favorite moments from the game were the back and fourth full voiced companion talks. Getting more of them was probably the only thing I was truly excited for in all of KotFE"

"isntead of a unique, fully-voiced system like before, we good back to that old-schooled interface without voices for our answers. I thought SWTOR was unique on that point, but it's nothing more than almost any other rpg."

"Sorry BioWare, I loved the fact that this game was fully voice acted, the PC Voice Actors are extremely talented in their work and I do feel kind of disappointed in that we won't be getting a fully voice out expansion."

"I noticed in the "KOTOR" dialogue that companions will be voiced, but our responses as players will not. ... seriously this is probably the biggest issue I am most disappointed in reading about in this blog. I feel Bioware could have take the time (yes, it can be done with a little more effort) to voice all responses. I enjoy the story and I feel cheated as a subscriber that I think leaving out the voiced responses was just laziness and taking a short cut. Very disappointed in this respect. "

"Since alliance cutscenes aren't fully voiced, I can avoid them, right? There is no penalty for ignoring classic conversations? "


Enough said, well maybe not enough said until /unless voiced conversations are brought back.

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Adina, do you remember the "daily" quests from Makeb and SoR? The ones where it was just an NPC saying one line (or sometimes just a holopad on the ground) and then you clicking accept or reject with no interaction involved? I get the impression that the KotOR style conversations were meant to replace many of those. They may not be as good as the voiced conversations but they're much better than the dailies. The main story quests will still absolutely be voiced.
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I'm with you guys on this.


And I lobbied for Kotor style Conversations before. I did not change my mind.


I wanted Kotor style choosing of my reply because you could see whole line your character will say. Instead of like on Nal Hutta in Bounty hunter quest:


Option 3: Start running. OK then, I'm trying to be a good guy so I'm letting him go. I choose this and character goes: You have three seconds before I start shooting. Wait, WHAT? Where did that come from? This is by no means an isolated problem in classic game.


I can now ask questions without NPCs rushing forward with story and me having to furiously press ESC hoping game will react to it and wont just finish conversation permanently, so I can repeat the conversation with different options and get full exposition of the situation. I can just ask questions and when Im done make a decision based on what I learned about the situation.


The graphics used in KOTOR style are nostalgic. But not everyone who playes SWTOR played KotOR so I understand people being weird-ed out by it. And SWTOR has different graphic style and this feels out of it compared with rest of the game.


So seeing whole thing is great. Would have been amazing if done in SWTOR graphic design. Not hearing your character is just horrible.


Whole selling point of SWTOR was that it was fully voiced. Now you are taking it away? Wrong move Bioware.

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Firstly I understand why they did this.


Personally I was very disappointed in them for this. I get that it's expensive & time consuming & all the rest of it, but one of the sales pitches (at least before launch) was EVERYTHING was voiced. It was almost half the point of the entire game. I'm not hating on the KOTOR style dialogue selector, to be honest I think the game should have been done that way in the first place, but four years into the game is not the time to change this. They should have thought about this stuff in development. They should have thought that maybe it would get slightly expensive after several years of doing it instead of blindly spending the wad of cash they were given.


I could get accustomed to the idea of no voices, even if it's just for daily stuff, but it's lazy as hell. I find myself wondering more & more why I bother spending the money on the subscription when full F2P games are better in many ways.

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I don't know if this occurred in this latest patch but companion voices were all screwed up. I was playing my sniper and on Alderaan Vector had Kaliyo's voice when ever he started attacking, like the sound files were mixed up or something.


there were other glitches too, like graphical ones, I also noticed that many of my agent bonus mission were bugged in such a way that I couldn't complete them.


fix it, it's ruining the best story you've made for this game.

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