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Risha companion missions not appearing


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On my Smuggler, I'm half way through Risha's missions, but the other half arnt popping up.

I have more than enough affection, so I don't know what the problem is.


I'm on chapter 3 and I'm darkside. Is she bugged? Or did I do something wrong?



I've noticed it too, companion "missions" were suppose to trigger at appropriate levels instead of by influence/affection, but so far on my level 45 I've yet to do Vette's first nar shadda quest, and Quinn hasn't had a convo with me outside the initial meeting.

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They said it was based on story progression not your influence or your level. I'd recommend continuing your story content and see if any more pop up.



I'll check when I finish alderaan, currently level 46 on this toon and still haven't gotten Vette's first Nar Shadda mission, it may just be because I haven't done the level "30" planet yet, haven't been able to test it on other toons cause they are all 60-65 and had their affections and quests maxed/finished before 4.0 came out.

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  • 5 weeks later...

Something is clearly wrong, and not just on the Smuggler. I'm having a similar problem with my Jedi Knight. I've got Scourge and Rusk's completed in the Republic Classes companions achievements (no-one else), and I've just finished Rishi.


Whenever I'm in a flashpoint, the companion "need to speak to you" prompt appears on the companion icon and when you talk to the companion, but disappears when back in normal areas. My Influence with T7 is at 21 and with Kira at 12 or 13, so I'm fast approaching the point of no return with these characters.


The only thing I can think of that might be happening is that none of the missions actually come up now until you've finished SoR and possibly even Ziost.

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