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<The Jedi Enclave> Is looking for Knights and Masters!


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If you are currently apart of an rp guild and are rank master and up I would like to

extend you an invitation to have a 2nd char in the guild at the rank you are at in your main rp guild.

The Jedi Enclave has hit a rough spot and lost most of it's council & Masters due to Life and other things.

We need help rebuilding so that we do not loose our current members.


We are looking for those that have spare time on your alt Jedi and are not currently doing things with your main guild.

I hope Rp guild leaders out there don't take this the wrong way. We are not trying to steal them. Just borrow them on alt characters. And anyone who agrees to do this, I will have to inform your guild leader that on an alt you have agreed to help us out temporarily in your spare time when the guild is not doing anything.


So, I f you are currently a Knight, Master, Councilmen on a Jedi RP Guild and have spare time please reply to this or contact Morelda or Laumiaca in game on the Republic side.


Thank you for your time.

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