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Bring Back the Heroic 4 Missions!


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The Heroic missions are way too easy to solo, seriously. I've done several of them on various planets and there's no challenge with these uber companions. Remember when doing a Heroic 2 solo was actually a challenge? Now they're no more difficult than any mission, it just takes longer to kill the mobs.


I'm wearing augmented PVP gear (so not even close to the best for PVE) with a companion (tank or dps stance) at Influence rank 20 (again, not even close to maxed out) and I'm sleep walking through these.


I don't mind doing some things to artificially inflate the challenge, like pull multiple mob groups at a time, but I'm not going to strip naked (shouldn't feel the need to do so stupid stuff like that, especially on a PVP server).


To be clear, I'm not asking for all the Heroics to change, just the ones that were formerly H4s. That would still leave plenty of H2s for new players starting with green gear and no legacy bonuses. Because at some point, even those people will find these Heroics way too easy.


EDIT: I would like to see an option for a player to choose the new H2 version or the former H4 version (instanced ones only) , with a slightly higher reward for the H4. I repeat, OPTIONAL.


EDIT 2 (for clarification): The purpose of the H4s would be to provide more of a challenge for people with good gear and high influence to SOLO, NOT force you to group up (but nothing would stop you from doing that if you wanted).

Edited by RAVM
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Lol it's too hard, it's too easy man this is getting old why not just enjoy the story and thank the game gods that they are.

They are the same old heriocs from the start that we have to farm every week and when you have 8-30+ alts its nice to finish them quickly.



Want a challenge


- put your companion away

- Lower your gear till you feel its right

- dont use any buffs

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No, scaling down h4s is one change I'm 100% happy about. The less story-related stuff and content is gated behind getting a group (which in some cases is simply hopeless, even when you don't mind playing in a group you sometimes simply can't find one), the better. Edited by Styxian
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For those with this attitude, let's hear why? You only want EZ god mode when you play this game?


No. I was actually fighting against God Mode and I was also here one of the most active defenders of the level sync feature. But Heroics don't require any tweaking. They are at a fine place right now. They are slighlty challenging for new players that are on the appropriate level for the planet. For veterans everything will be easy on low level planets. Increasing difficulty on them will only affect newcomers and it won't be a positive outcome. Changing the difficulty of heroics is not the proper solution. Gating them behind 4man group or at least 3man would be stupid since it didn't work out previously. Now there is a great incentive to do heroics but that doesn't change the fact that getting more people is time-consuming and you are not guaranteed that your group will actually be full because someone else might be grouping too.


Nerfing a bit our companions in the heal stance when it increases with each influence level is the right solution but it needs to be done correctly and well balanced.

Edited by PavSalco
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The Heroics are exactly where i like them now. I can solo them with my overgeared character and i can duo them with absolutely anyone with any of my chars.

One player to team up is always there. Finding three (especially for the older content) is tedious.


Nope, i like the new heroics.

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Not a fan of this argument. Just because the game wasn't difficult before doesn't mean making it even easier is ok.


Did I say anything about making it easier? I said bringing back H4s ain't going to magically make the game more challenging when it was NEVER truly challenging to begin with.

Edited by Anaesha
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No, scaling down h4s is one change I'm 100% happy about. The less story-related stuff and content is gated behind getting a group (which in some cases is simply hopeless, even when you don't mind playing in a group you sometimes simply can't find one), the better.


With the terminals and the way the quests are automatically finished, the story aspect of the heroics has largely been removed.


Some of these had great conversations in them, and now they are nothing more than teleport someplace, kill some mobs, click a few things, done. As a player who knew many of the good heroics' stories, playing them over the years the game's been out, I can definitely say the new system actually takes away story, not adds it.


Some of this is convenient, sure, and other reasons for the change are perhaps to cover up the fact that it would make absolutely no sense for Alliance to be going back in time and completing quests on leveling planets before the Eternal Empire ever showed up, if the story for said heroics were actually emphasized at all.

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With the terminals and the way the quests are automatically finished, the story aspect of the heroics has largely been removed.


Some of these had great conversations in them, and now they are nothing more than teleport someplace, kill some mobs, click a few things, done. As a player who knew many of the good heroics' stories, playing them over the years the game's been out, I can definitely say the new system actually takes away story, not adds it.


Some of this is convenient, sure, and other reasons for the change are perhaps to cover up the fact that it would make absolutely no sense for Alliance to be going back in time and completing quests on leveling planets before the Eternal Empire ever showed up, if the story for said heroics were actually emphasized at all.


From the looks of it the heriocs are meant to be content between chapters so we are gonna be doing them week in and week out for a loooooooooong time. Best that they made it as short as possible because of the story not making sense and the insane amount of grinding we are gonna do to hear it over and over lol.



We have beeen doing them for yeara old content just feels like work to me lol and Bioware is a sucky boss......

Edited by Heromofo
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It's not about 'EZ' mode as you call it.

It's about actually being able to get a grp for the HC4's

There are players out there who still can't complete the macrobinos and seeker missions for example.


And as one poster said if you want a challenge,ditch your comp low your gear etc etc.

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No. My boyfriend and I like the Heroic 2.


Why? When we are leveling we can do all the heroics on the planet together instead of having to skip the heroic 4. That was a problem when we were leveling, now we can do all the heroics without worrying about if it is heroic 2 or 4.

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It's not about 'EZ' mode as you call it.

It's about actually being able to get a grp for the HC4's

There are players out there who still can't complete the macrobinos and seeker missions for example.


And as one poster said if you want a challenge,ditch your comp low your gear etc etc.


Yeah my post third down and i am one of those people unless i ask nice in the guild it is insane to get people.


Also see my post above it is a good point to this.

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No. My boyfriend and I like the Heroic 2.


Why? When we are leveling we can do all the heroics on the planet together instead of having to skip the heroic 4. That was a problem when we were leveling, now we can do all the heroics without worrying about if it is heroic 2 or 4.


TBH, I haven't found a heroic I couldn't solo yet. I don't think you'll have any troubles as a duo even if they did increase the difficulty.

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Did I say anything about making it easier? I said bringing back H4s ain't going to magically make the game more challenging when it was NEVER truly challenging to begin with.


I'm not saying you suggested they make things easier. You did, however, justify leaving things as they are now because they were already easy before. Just because the H4s were easy, doesn't mean having them as easier H2s now is a good thing.

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I'm not saying you suggested they make things easier. You did, however, justify leaving things as they are now because they were already easy before. Just because the H4s were easy, doesn't mean having them as easier H2s now is a good thing.


Maybe not but considering getting groups for Heroics past Taris/Balmorra was next to impossible especially for the H4s this new way of doing it makes them more convenient for people.


Section X is a good example.

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No, They were never hard, just time consuming. The only way they could be hard is if people were UNDERGEARED. Four people who are over geared and know what they were doing were going to run through Heroic 4s. There a few Heroic 4s that require group mechanics but some of the other ones were capable of being solo completed as well with a stealth toon and a heroic moment. I specifically used to two man some of them with over geared characters.


This game is not hard and never was. I don't get this challenge people speak of that was lost because it never existed. Seriously, walk into room, mark golds, CC them, kill weak mobs and healers then move to next room. Human error makes this game challenging more than the mechanics ever will.


Fight a boss? Avoid red circles, DPS does damage, tank maintains agro and healer heals and removes dots. Once you learn the fight then it become repetitive which is why a lot of people do not mind it being easier, they stopped finding it challenging a long time ago.


Challenge was never really lost because most of the content in the game was never that challenging. Having bad gear does not make the game difficult because there is a grind to get the gear. I am happy Bioware is removing the unnecessary time consumption of companion gearing and giving away commendations/crystals like a lonely man in a strip club.

Edited by SentinelDranoel
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How about a compromise: Make it a toggle. Those who want to keep them at 2+ as they are can do so and those who want them to be the old way of 4-man can toggle it upon entering the heroic. They do that for the solo vs group modes so I would think this would be possible. The only hitch are those heroics which are not "instanced". But seriously, there will always be people who are happy and those who are not with any changes that are made and both sides have their reasons which are all well and good. A toggle would solve a majority of those issues and (hopefully) keep the majority of players happy.


I think the need for the heroics to be made 2+ is sound because it will start to get very difficult to get 4-man groups for planet heroics in the near future as people enter KotFE material with their newly leveled characters.

Edited by mrsrachelm
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For those with this attitude, let's hear why? You only want EZ god mode when you play this game?


People have complained about Heroic 4's since release. Mainly because past the first few planets, and aside from whatever the end-game heroic 4's were, there were rarely enough people questing around you to actually get a group for them. So most people just ended up skipping them entirely, or coming back after they outleveled them enough.


It's not about "EZ god mode" or not wanting to work hard. The difficulty of those things was never about the quests themselves; only about getting 3 other people to help you with them.

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