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Playing Dark Side- anyone else feels like KotFE is trying to convert you?


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I don't know why you're arguing with me about it bro. It's not even my idea (and who cares what some random internet person thinks?). I'm not going to debate you on it.


I argue with it because I disagree, and because I'm curious why a lot of people keep saying KOFTE is just the 'Jedi Knight's" story and all the other classes are just tacked on.

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I argue with it because I disagree, and because I'm curious why a lot of people keep saying KOFTE is just the 'Jedi Knight's" story and all the other classes are just tacked on.


Scourge's vision says it's the JK who will defeat Vitiate once and for all. Also the JK is the PC who encountered the Emperor in the vanilla game, others only started to oppose him when SoR hit and that was long after they stopped producing class storylines. In the original concept it would have been the JK who defeated Vitiate, but later the devs got lazy so they rewrote the JK story for a one-for-all story, that's why the other classes are just tacked on. Seriously you can justify a scoundrel being equal to the JK in a fight against the Emperor?

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Scourge's vision says it's the JK who will defeat Vitiate once and for all.


Visions are only a possibility. As proven when there were multiple visions of how the fight with Vitiate and Revan could end.


Also the JK is the PC who encountered the Emperor in the vanilla game, others only started to oppose him when SoR hit and that was long after they stopped producing class storylines.

The Counsular takes care of the Emperor's children, the Warrior becomes his Wrath and can already voice his opposition to the Emperor and even the Agent gets to strike at Vitiate's personal forces if the right decision is made.


In the original concept it would have been the JK who defeated Vitiate, but later the devs got lazy so they rewrote the JK story for a one-for-all story, that's why the other classes are just tacked on.


Yes, originally Vitiate was meant to die. But he didn't. This is an entirely weak reason as main characters from other classes play a big part in the story as well. Such as Jorgan, Kaliyo and Scorpio.


Seriously you can justify a scoundrel being equal to the JK in a fight against the Emperor?

Yes, I can. Against the Emperor in this story, all the classes are bugs. But fighting ability doesn't contribute anything to your point that the other classes are tacked on.

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I never saw this as the Jedi Knight's story. Everyone had a hand is slapping Vitiate/Valkorian just in their separate ways. Plus, if you're light sided and feel the dark side option is better, choose it. If you're dark and the light seems better, choose it. Just because my girls are all light side 5, doesn't mean if it sounds better I won't pick the dark side option. Neither will my dark side 5 girls pick only dark if the light side option is better.


My light siders so far are doing well with the light options. Saving the generator and all the people who'd die if it exploded. Saving the refugees. Not destroying the Spire just cause Kaliyo wanted revenge. Keeping Koth cause he'll probably be important. Maybe Senya or Lana will leave if I choose too many light options. Maybe Theron will leave. Hell, maybe Jorgan will leave my Trooper if she pisses him off with a decision she makes.


Dark should never be about the lulz evulz and light should never be about rainbows shooting out of your ***. You have to remember, the known galaxy, ie the core worlds, are under Zakuul rule. If you want to teach them a lesson, you blow everything up even if you're a goody good. If you only want to kill Arcann and Vaylin, you leave the civilians alone. Even Jorgan wouldn't blow up the generator or spire out of spite, he'd see the helpless civilians. Hell, he's the reason the 300 pows lived and Jaxo died.

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I argue with it because I disagree, and because I'm curious why a lot of people keep saying KOFTE is just the 'Jedi Knight's" story and all the other classes are just tacked on.

Who cares if you disagree? A lot of people think onions are tasty and I disagree. I don't go around arguing with them about it. You asked why people felt the way they did and I answered. You arguing isn't going to change that and it's not going to affect anything.

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I never saw this as the Jedi Knight's story. Everyone had a hand is slapping Vitiate/Valkorian just in their separate ways. Plus, if you're light sided and feel the dark side option is better, choose it. If you're dark and the light seems better, choose it. Just because my girls are all light side 5, doesn't mean if it sounds better I won't pick the dark side option. Neither will my dark side 5 girls pick only dark if the light side option is better.


My light siders so far are doing well with the light options. Saving the generator and all the people who'd die if it exploded. Saving the refugees. Not destroying the Spire just cause Kaliyo wanted revenge. Keeping Koth cause he'll probably be important. Maybe Senya or Lana will leave if I choose too many light options. Maybe Theron will leave. Hell, maybe Jorgan will leave my Trooper if she pisses him off with a decision she makes.


Dark should never be about the lulz evulz and light should never be about rainbows shooting out of your ***. You have to remember, the known galaxy, ie the core worlds, are under Zakuul rule. If you want to teach them a lesson, you blow everything up even if you're a goody good. If you only want to kill Arcann and Vaylin, you leave the civilians alone. Even Jorgan wouldn't blow up the generator or spire out of spite, he'd see the helpless civilians. Hell, he's the reason the 300 pows lived and Jaxo died.


Kotfe being the JK story or my PC being LS or DS doesnt have anything to do with each other. All of my characters are Pure, yet I destroyed the Spire and was happy when Koth left. I can't wait to get rid of Jorgan, I hate him ever since my trooper saw his stupid face on Ord Mantell.

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