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Mass credit card fraud on the GTN


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Which would be against the TOS also. Now that wouldn't necessarily mean fraud, but then most companies paying people to game to sell currency do get into a bit of stolen CCs, so it probably does mean fraud.


But there are also plenty of whales that do spend a ton of money to sell stuff in game for credits


Yeah but even then the whales that actually do spend that sort of cash on the CM know what to sell them for in game, unlike the ones that constantly list them every week for like 30-50% cheaper than the lowest price.

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LOL Im not going to adress the rest of it but saw someone in thread whining about players selling adaptive circ. on GTN


Its not a fraud or a scam


I been listing a ton of AC on GTN past few days because Im getting rid of Purple Jawa Junk stock piles in legacy vault!


So I list 300 (broken up into lots fo 5s and 10s) and when they all seel I relist another 300


And I will be doing this for the forseeable future because of stock pile of purple Jawa Junk


So explain how me doing this is a scam or fraud please


I list a block of 5 or 10 at a certain price

you pay the price

you get the black of 5 or 10

where exactly is the scam or fraud?


This is how economics works

the price is lowered as the supply grows

when the supply shrinks

the price will raise

right now there is 27 pages of ACs on GTN (Harbinger) so you have to undercut other prices to ensure sales of your own product.


I love how grade 3 thinks economy works like that by only watching MTV, but no it is not how economy works, if you google any economy 101 you'll see that undercutting 5 mil by 2 mil with 100 items is (if its not a fraud) at least being as dumb as a bot which kills me inside.


So the other part of these names and people that are listing GTN. I've traced these guys in fleet and added to friends list- whispering and mailing them constantly with regular conversations in game. Absolutely no answers from 7 guys like this came and I didn't see any of them logging ever again once they sold everything on GTN. So I go and inspect their achievements and see that they have reached 10 mil money achievement before being level 10. These guys are all level 7 to get the minimum missions to get to fleet never in a guild and nothing else on their legacy. Of course this is not enough to prove their fraud cuz we all got our 10 mil rewards before we reach level 10.


On tracing these, as a computer engineer I can say that tracing this is nearly impossible because they are not as dumb as you guys are. They always change chars, names, amounts transferred, sometimes even join fleet chat or group chat to make this legit. Anyways I think people should do what everyone else talk about so proudly of having 10000 items in stocks (lol!) and stock them for the people that return in Christmas or something. Oh wait is that a trade secret... hmm.

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I currently have almost 100 level 60 tokens in stock, not so many BH contracts because I sold hundreds a couple weeks ago during the event and I dont have any hypercrates currently. However I do have more than 30 Reven Holostatues and probably a hundred Satel Shan ones, Black/black and white/white dyes up the wazoo




due to the fact that I am going f2p in a week (if I play at all)i have ridiculous amounts of unlocks and am selling off my gear and getting out of the game. Its been fun but isnt any longer.


Can I have your stuff?

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There is a certain player who while on Odessen offers stacks of 99 companion gifts, the best purple ones for 2.5 mill each. Several of us bought some and it seemed the supply was inexhaustible. He/she had every type. Where do people come up with thousands of these things day in and day out?


The answer could be obvious but not to me.

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I currently have almost 100 level 60 tokens in stock, not so many BH contracts because I sold hundreds a couple weeks ago during the event and I dont have any hypercrates currently. However I do have more than 30 Reven Holostatues and probably a hundred Satel Shan ones, Black/black and white/white dyes up the wazoo




due to the fact that I am going f2p in a week (if I play at all)i have ridiculous amounts of unlocks and am selling off my gear and getting out of the game. Its been fun but isnt any longer.


Can I have some of your stuff, please?


I mean that sincerely - I would love to have one of the Revan Holostatues, and purchasing one is probably out of reach for a new-ish casual player of my very modest means.

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I'm just confused by the subject line.


How exactly is this "credit card fraud?" And how are they scamming you out of anything by putting stuff on the GTN, which has zero relevance to your credit card (unless you're the type to go buy credits from them in the first place)? And if you are one of the scumbags who go and ruin these games by buying credits and encouraging farmers, then why should anyone feel any pity for you whatsoever even if that is what was happening?

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I currently have almost 100 level 60 tokens in stock, not so many BH contracts because I sold hundreds a couple weeks ago during the event and I dont have any hypercrates currently. However I do have more than 30 Reven Holostatues and probably a hundred Satel Shan ones, Black/black and white/white dyes up the wazoo




due to the fact that I am going f2p in a week (if I play at all)i have ridiculous amounts of unlocks and am selling off my gear and getting out of the game. Its been fun but isnt any longer.


How on earth does one get 100 level 60 certificates? They cost $20 each in us funds. and your name. Hmmm... one wonders..

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There is a certain player who while on Odessen offers stacks of 99 companion gifts, the best purple ones for 2.5 mill each. Several of us bought some and it seemed the supply was inexhaustible. He/she had every type. Where do people come up with thousands of these things day in and day out?


The answer could be obvious but not to me.

My best shot would be hacking. Do you know Twente of TOFN? Lately he moved to TRE where I play and often hangs in fleet chat. Speed hax do wonders with credit farming and PVP. I'd guess comms farming, too.


As per GTN undercutting, it's a perfectly normal practice. Supply and demand and all that. Selling earlier gives you more extra as you can estimate your investments as having some stable % income, so buying Revan holostatue 1 month earlier will make you few % happier, something like this. And about supply - I even sometimes delay listing certain items just not to show supply is larger than it looks now motivating ppl to buy items that would be considered overpriced would they know there are more (and more importantly, many would wait for undercut which will happen and which will be heavy).


30-40% undercut is totally bs ofc.


Fun thing is that those fraud sellers are joining fleet chat sometimes, meaning they are not all completely bots.


Theories about finding fraud by GTN listings as was described in thread-starting post lack proof, really. Still a good reason to investigate.

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How on earth does one get 100 level 60 certificates? They cost $20 each in us funds. and your name. Hmmm... one wonders..


They sell for about 2-4m in game, so 100 x 2-4m = 200-400m its doable, but still not sure why they needed that many when the weird names keep listing them almost every day

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Again, NOT seeing that at all.


Not saying that some of these aren't Credit Farmer accounts. I've said so in the past, and when they did the big crackdown a few months ago, prices were higher for awhile. Less string of random letter names.


But right now, all that is not what I'm seeing. I'm seeing real names/people selling things.


Neither. I don't think I've ever seen hypercrates on harb undercut by millions ... unless by undercut he is referring to what he thinks they should be worth.


Cheapest they usually get is around 4 million, sometimes a bit under. Right now they are sitting around 7 million and are way overpriced for the average price from say 3-4 months ago.


We are starting to see the predicated inflation kick in it would seem from all these changes. Hope for some money sinks soon.

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Yeah but even then the whales that actually do spend that sort of cash on the CM know what to sell them for in game, unlike the ones that constantly list them every week for like 30-50% cheaper than the lowest price.


What items? Specifics. You're throwing around a heck of a lot of hyperbole it seems.

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There are a lot of either really ignorant, or really naive people in this thread.


There are obviously RMT CC frauders putting items up on the GTN, lol.


People aren't going to spend $3000 to make 50m credits in this game legit... rich people are rich because they don't spend their money on idiotic purchases.


For the most part...


I think people just like to be "that guy" in these threads and defend something no matter what it is...


I hate you people.

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Yeah but even then the whales that actually do spend that sort of cash on the CM know what to sell them for in game, unlike the ones that constantly list them every week for like 30-50% cheaper than the lowest price.


And? I separated between the two. One being perfectly OK (the Whales), and the other being against the ToS.

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There are a lot of either really ignorant, or really naive people in this thread.


There are obviously RMT CC frauders putting items up on the GTN, lol.


People aren't going to spend $3000 to make 50m credits in this game legit... rich people are rich because they don't spend their money on idiotic purchases.


For the most part...


I think people just like to be "that guy" in these threads and defend something no matter what it is...


I hate you people.


You hate us because we disagree with you?


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering... you get the idea ;)

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It is naive to think all the sales on the GTN are legitimate whale postings.


RMT's posting to get credits to sell to players mostly use stolen credit cards to fund that. And by far those posting are larger in number than from whales.

Edited by Deyjarl
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We were talking about the CM hypercrates which I was referring to


I play harb and check prices a couple of times daily and never really see anything even close to what you are suggesting in price cuts.


You get the occasional one but nothing en masse like you're implying.

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Ok first, those stolen credit cards come from people from all walks of life, as long as they aren't stolen from ea/bw database, there is nothing the company can do. It is an online business, you can't expect them to just stop accepting credit cards.


As for chars with funny names and posting tons of trade, the only a player can do is report them cause you don't have any information at all about the situation to make any conclusion. If you feel strongly, then tell your friends, guildies not to buy from them.

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I'm sure they do get credit theft tickets all the time, its just all under wraps


So you'd want them releasing your information to the general public? Of course any of that that may be going on is under wraps, because if it isn't you, it's none of your business. This world would be a better place if people took the time to actually learn that.

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You hate us because we disagree with you?


Fear leads to anger. Anger leads to hate. Hate leads to suffering... you get the idea ;)


No.. because you are ignorant.


Yeah I'm sure that Nyxaq'zaibq (most lletters in it are actually alt-ascii characters, but I can't be bothered) is a legit guy with 15 hypercrates for a mil less than the next guy.


You just want us other nerds to think you are some kind of "I fight for the little guy, let's not accuse people, we might hurt someone's feelings" on the forums...


that's why I hate you people.

Edited by SquareRoot
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No.. because you are ignorant.


Yeah I'm sure that Nyxaq'zaibq (most lletters in it are actually alt-ascii characters, but I can't be bothered) is a legit guy with 15 hypercrates for a mil less than the next guy.


You just want us other nerds to think you are some kind of "I fight for the little guy, let's not accuse people, we might hurt someone's feelings" on the forums...


that's why I hate you people.


So how many of these people are you reporting a day? Everyone that undercuts you that isn't using a name you can spell? Because, quite frankly, I'm coming away with the impression that there's more to this than a PSA about a potential problem. It sure seems like you're awfully irate that people aren't buying your stuff.


Does this seem like something that should require a tin foil hat? Welcome to my world. You see, if you simply reported them and moved on, most wouldn't even give you a second look. But instead, you not only come here with your "PSA", but then vehemently attack anyone that says anything against it, including people that have listed that some of these "suspect" listings are their own. Sorry you're overpricing your stuff.

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So how many of these people are you reporting a day? Everyone that undercuts you that isn't using a name you can spell? Because, quite frankly, I'm coming away with the impression that there's more to this than a PSA about a potential problem. It sure seems like you're awfully irate that people aren't buying your stuff.


Does this seem like something that should require a tin foil hat? Welcome to my world. You see, if you simply reported them and moved on, most wouldn't even give you a second look. But instead, you not only come here with your "PSA", but then vehemently attack anyone that says anything against it, including people that have listed that some of these "suspect" listings are their own. Sorry you're overpricing your stuff.


Hear Hear!


I don't care who puts what on the GTN, I don't care if their name is complete and utter nonsensical gibberish; if their prices are the cheapest, then they're the GTN seller whose merchandise I'll buy.


Trying to put price floors on things, as well as trying to dictate from whom people people buy things really reveals a lot about their own motives; they're not getting any sales, they should try undercutting the undercutters. The solution is obvious, and IRL you cannot generally, legally, force people to buy your overpriced stuff.


Nor can you here...

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