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Hello all! Been away for a while and retirning as a sith :D few questions...


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Hi all! Tnx for taking time to read this :)


I haven"t played for like a year or so and now I have returned :) I played healers both on Rep and Imp side.

Now i decided to play as sith once more but this time i would like to kill stuff for a chage (from lvl 60) . 4.0.1 is out and I was wondering is Marauder any good as dps now copmaring to other classes?

I play mostly PvE, grop play.



Edited by LordJarrix
I misspeled words
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Hi all! Tnx for taking time to read this :)


I haven"t played for like a year or so and now I have returned :) I played as Smuggler and as Bounty hunter. Both healers.

Now i decided to play as sith once more but this time i would like to kill stuff for a chage. 4.0.1 is out and I was wondering what class is best for dps? I mostly play PvE, and group play.

Was any class significally buffed or extremly nerfed?


And yeah - I would like to swing a light sabre ;)




AP powertech is extremely strong right now, so much so that many are calling for nerfs in PvP and PvE. Most folks are disappointed with lightening sorc and operative DPS. Most others are viable with the possible exception of pyro PT.

Edited by Vodrin
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Tnx for replay. I acctually edited my post ;)


Since i played "blaster" classes, I would like to swing a light sabre for a change. What about Marauder or Assasin? Are they viable or is powertech far far better?


Pt is rather overpowered right now with completely ridiculous burst, so much so I believe it will be nerfed in the upcoming months. Vengeance jug, fury mara, and hatred sin are all pretty good right now with the other spec's for those classes all doing reasonably well in PvP now.

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To be honest, if you are not chasing highest possible numbers, you can play anything. Difference in dps is pretty minor at the moment. It is.. ugh... am I really going to say this word? Balanced? Yeah, it actually seems pretty balanced dps-wise.

Except for AP powertech. Yap.

Edited by Equeliber
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I will add that trying to find optimal gear without grinding for annihilator is impossible the optimal gear is also the top tier gear. While the other marra can use lower tier gear and be quite effective in it the annihilator one does not have that luck and the 2 main stats critical and alacrity are found in the last tier gear only while critical and power are found in the lower tier gear. To be effective with anihilator build you need around 1000 critical and about 900 alacrity.
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OP said that he mostly plays PVE. In that case, you'd want to roll an annihilation marauder. They are the second highest sustained dos in the game right now. Fury spec is second to last.


Missed that comment, but you are absolutely correct. And Carnage marauder is still in a pretty good place for PvE as well.

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I am reading forum for few hours and i see that poeple are complaining about new marauder? that it has been nerfed alot and that it is better to play jugg - simmilar dps output but better for surviving overall... is that true?

I think that may be about Rage v. Fury in pvp. For PvE, jugg dps is...not that great. Both vengeance and rage are near bottom of the barrel right now in terms of dps ranking (check out http://www.swtor.com/community/showthread.php?t=847112 , though admittedly that is more for dummy parses). For Marauders, both Annihilation and Carnage are very viable for PvE, as well as Deception Sins (since you wanted a lightsaber-toting class). Anni has on balance higher dps and survivability, while Carnage is much easier to get the hang of, and amazing burst.


Top 3 for dummies are:


Engineering (note: Roll isn't used because its a DPS loss)




With AP PTs coming in a close 4th.


When you go into a raid, its more like:



Snipers (Spec isn't really an issue)

Probably any sentinel/marauder spec bar Concentration/Fury

Probably shadows

Edited by acerexomega
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