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BioWare: take the feedback for once and increase difficulty going forward


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Which is probably why Bioware decided it's best to just speed up the tedious and awful combat in this game. Bioware made a fatal mistake with the Engine choice. It sabotaged any chance of meaningful PVP/Combat. The raids even suffer from the awful Engine this game runs on.


So Bioware is concentrating on what the engine does well with.

Then they should rework the game! Make it better not make it Telltales, the mmo. Some people including myself pay 15 dollars a month for this! There is no reason why we should expect to have a good story and gameplay! If I just wanted a book I would pay 9.99, not 15 dollars a month. I disagree with the statement that mmo combat is boring, there are plenty of combat systems that are fun and I did enjoy the combat of this game on launch. I enjoyed wow years and it had similar combat. Swtor trying to appeal to those who frankly don't enjoy the game instead of those who do is sad. But its w/e this is really just my final rant before I give up on mmos for good. I know nothing I say is going to change ****, and me unsubing probably means less than **** just wanted to vent my frustrations lol. Guess I will take up a new hobby like piano. If this is the new direction of mmos I really want no part in it.

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First, put your companion in DPS spec and pull too many mobs where you have aggro and don't heal at all.


I've discovered the 3rd way!!! I was in 162 gear (Arkanum, woot!), a DPS, with a DPS companion, and I, uhm, forgot to check my health bar between pulls, mostly trying to get leveled ASAP to get out of the Expansion Trap. So, eventually, I guess, my health did go down to zero via the collective effort of the successive mobs. 162 though. Each piece of my gear was 30 points below what I should be in. And I was worried I would be mowed down in seconds like on Makeb w/o bolster. Nope, got through 7 chapters, comp still on DPS, and I was pulling.

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Then they should rework the game! Make it better not make it Telltales, the mmo. Some people including myself pay 15 dollars a month for this! There is no reason why we should expect to have a good story and gameplay! If I just wanted a book I would pay 9.99, not 15 dollars a month. I disagree with the statement that mmo combat is boring, there are plenty of combat systems that are fun and I did enjoy the combat of this game on launch. I enjoyed wow years and it had similar combat. Swtor trying to appeal to those who frankly don't enjoy the game instead of those who do is sad. But its w/e this is really just my final rant before I give up on mmos for good. I know nothing I say is going to change ****, and me unsubing probably means less than **** just wanted to vent my frustrations lol. Guess I will take up a new hobby like piano. If this is the new direction of mmos I really want no part in it.


That would cost a ton of money to rework the game from the ground up with a new Engine. You do know how programming works right ?


Bioware is not going to do that.

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Then they should rework the game! Make it better not make it Telltales, the mmo. Some people including myself pay 15 dollars a month for this! There is no reason why we should expect to have a good story and gameplay! If I just wanted a book I would pay 9.99, not 15 dollars a month. I disagree with the statement that mmo combat is boring, there are plenty of combat systems that are fun and I did enjoy the combat of this game on launch. I enjoyed wow years and it had similar combat. Swtor trying to appeal to those who frankly don't enjoy the game instead of those who do is sad. But its w/e this is really just my final rant before I give up on mmos for good. I know nothing I say is going to change ****, and me unsubing probably means less than **** just wanted to vent my frustrations lol. Guess I will take up a new hobby like piano. If this is the new direction of mmos I really want no part in it.


The fatal mistake BW made from the start was catering to WoW players and ditching their own fans.


Guess what? It didnt work.


Now they dont have the resources to do anything more.

Edited by Mikahrone
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Yup they even made a poll to try and show their muscles, but it turns out it juts skin and bones :)


Naturally, then they proceeded to try and discredit their own poll :)


They whine on forums 24/7, same names day in day out. And then they expect that the game should be tuned to them lol It aint happening, BW listened to them in past 3-4 years and it didnt work *shocker* It has something to do with bad feedback.


Actually, for the entirety of the game, BioWare has been listening to the people that wanted everything 'easier'. If you want to claim it's been listening to the people who want it harder, how come its not harder? How come every change has made things easier and more accessible to casuals and yet it continued to bleed subs?


They were most decidedly NOT making the game harder. They certainly were not maintaining the status quo difficulty level either.


So if your argument were valid, one could say that continually declining subscription numbers as they made the game easier and easier could possibly indicate that what they did was remove from the game any purposeful advancement so that those players who did sub subbed for shorter periods, experienced just what they wanted, and then left and that these periods of activity have grown shorter and shorter over time as the difficulty has been so reduced that its @ 10 hours to max level and you will see 'everything' in the story in that time.


So the games decline might arguably be laid at the feet of its accessibility.


We have no idea, we'll see how the recent surge and their gamble of making the new content only available to subscriptions plays out. I expect it will be more of the same. People will make the economic choice not to remain subbed and only sub periodically when the amount of new content reaches a point where it appears economically viable to purchase. EG.. most people likely will not consider 1 hour of on rails cut-screen viewing economically worth 15$ but might wait 7 months and get it all in one big chuck for $15.


In the meantime, they may bleed additional subs because their MMO-RPG contingent of subs will find that the game is no longer for them.


Again, who knows.. time will tell. My guess is that they will find its far to expensive to maintain a TTG type narrative with the model they have presently.

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I've discovered the 3rd way!!! I was in 162 gear (Arkanum, woot!), a DPS, with a DPS companion, and I, uhm, forgot to check my health bar between pulls, mostly trying to get leveled ASAP to get out of the Expansion Trap. So, eventually, I guess, my health did go down to zero via the collective effort of the successive mobs. 162 though. Each piece of my gear was 30 points below what I should be in. And I was worried I would be mowed down in seconds like on Makeb w/o bolster. Nope, got through 7 chapters, comp still on DPS, and I was pulling.


Ye, thats why Makeb was such as SUCESS...ooops, it still sucks rofl and everyone avoids it like plague


They even had to give you bis level bolster to "encourage" people to go there

Edited by Mikahrone
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Ye, thats why Makeb was such as SUCESS...ooops, it still sucks rofl and everyone avoids it like plague


They even had to give you bis level bolster to "encourage" people to go there


I don't I rather enjoy makeb at least until I get the the end.

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Actually, for the entirety of the game, BioWare has been listening to the people that wanted everything 'easier'. If you want to claim it's been listening to the people who want it harder, how come its not harder? How come every change has made things easier and more accessible to casuals and yet it continued to bleed subs?


They were most decidedly NOT making the game harder. They certainly were not maintaining the status quo difficulty level either.


So if your argument were valid, one could say that continually declining subscription numbers as they made the game easier and easier could possibly indicate that what they did was remove from the game any purposeful advancement so that those players who did sub subbed for shorter periods, experienced just what they wanted, and then left and that these periods of activity have grown shorter and shorter over time as the difficulty has been so reduced that its @ 10 hours to max level and you will see 'everything' in the story in that time.


So the games decline might arguably be laid at the feet of its accessibility.


We have no idea, we'll see how the recent surge and their gamble of making the new content only available to subscriptions plays out. I expect it will be more of the same. People will make the economic choice not to remain subbed and only sub periodically when the amount of new content reaches a point where it appears economically viable to purchase. EG.. most people likely will not consider 1 hour of on rails cut-screen viewing economically worth 15$ but might wait 7 months and get it all in one big chuck for $15.


In the meantime, they may bleed additional subs because their MMO-RPG contingent of subs will find that the game is no longer for them.


Again, who knows.. time will tell. My guess is that they will find its far to expensive to maintain a TTG type narrative with the model they have presently.


Trying to funnel everyone in raids was mistake 101, then they went damage control to try and save what could be saved.


Until SoR the only non group focused content was Makeb and they tuned it for raid level gear. And had to put bolster in because it was fail


So yeah, thats over now *shocker*


How easily some people tend to "forget" BW now 4 years of metrics to go by and dont have to rely on theory or vocal minority "feedback"

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Yup, its soooo funny:


Before: push buttons 1,2,3

Now: push buttons 1,2 OMG! ITS BRAINLESS NAU


Even funnier is that this comes from people who claim to be experts in the game.


To me it only shows how "high end" PvE is....


I want you to go into PvP and use ur 1,2,3 buttons and see how well you will perform (here is a hint you will get demolished).

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I want you to go into PvP and use ur 1,2,3 buttons and see how well you will perform (here is a hint you will get demolished).


How does that connects to difficullty of story content?


Please, explain, for purely entertainment purposes.

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I want you to go into PvP and use ur 1,2,3 buttons and see how well you will perform (here is a hint you will get demolished).


I could use three buttons and have some success in PVP with any class. I wouldn't be a top player, but I bet I could kill a lot of folks using only three buttons.


You people trying to paint SWTOR combat system as (complex) or (interesting) are just silly.

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I want you to go into PvP and use ur 1,2,3 buttons and see how well you will perform (here is a hint you will get demolished).


What the hell does PVP have to do with PVE content?


PVP always favors the higher lvls and those with PVP gear this is a commonly known fact.

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I like how everyone is claiming that their point of view represents the majority. If anything so far this thread has been supporting the op position.


Heres a hint - GW2 is starting pro league, now, when you make something THERE come back and report how well you did.


No gear, no expertise, no lowbies, just you and your skill.

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Ye, thats why Makeb was such as SUCESS...ooops, it still sucks rofl and everyone avoids it like plague


They even had to give you bis level bolster to "encourage" people to go there


I've played Makeb a few times. When I said without bolster, I meant undergeared and without a bolster, like when you die, and did not re-apply it. Tbh, it's the repetitive nature of the story, and the fact that Makeb became totally obsolete in the leveling progression that killed it imo.


This new expansion has even more problems, because it is just a sit-through the same yarn experience. It is basically like watching TV. Not really engaging. I have 2 more chapters to go (and now I am 65, so I can put my mirror's 212 set on, woot!), but I am neither eager to resume, nor I foresee myself playing it on another char any time soon.


It's just... boring.

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Tell me honestly before the companions/etc...were changed, how often did you die in a fight? (especially against regular enemies) How often did you beat an enemy by the skin of your teeth and think "wow that was a challenge, it took all my skill and strategy to beat them!" The "challenge" of SWtOR combat was always just hacking away at bloated health bars. The chance of failure was always very low, and even if you did die all you do is revive on that very spot and try again.


Yes, they had dumbed it down significantly due to whines from players so that a long time, experienced player, never ever feltany danger. But it was still a matter of degrees. Once can be 'invincible' and have a different perception of their invincibility based on the context of the experience.


For example - Prior Invincibility was because player was wearing fully augmented purple gear and had their companion decked out in the very best gear as well AND they knew they were fighting something that due to a level disparity was only able to hit them maybe 20% of the time. (Or 1% if they were greater than 10 levels ahead). They perception of their invicibility comes from knowing they had things that made them achieve that they had to collect/gather etc. This became easier once gear could be shipped off to any character and filled with mods, so that you never had to re-achieve what you had before. Little 'QoL' improvements that essentially made the gameplay even easier. But still the perception of your invincibility was different.


Current invincibility is that you are forced back to the level of your opponents, or just above them. You haven't necessarily gatherd all the new tiers of equipment yet, but you still feel as invincible and even more so because supposedly these are opponents that 'should' be a challenge but they are not.


The perception is different. Before you could press a button and they all die and you know this was because you had the best stuff and the best outfit AND you were picking on things half your size. Now you can do the same, but they are your size or only a small bit smaller, and you're noteven in the best stuff yet. you haven't even maxxed out your comps Influence or gatherd up a full set of biS gear. And the outcome feels 'inevitable' because for you to fail you have to _actively_ seek ways to lose where prior, you could easily loose if you actually went up against the content designed for your level.


I shouldn't be able to solo a tactical flashpoint that is scaled to level 65 with just my Ship Droid at Rank 13 influence and not even a full set of gear because the character I was running through was a pre 4.0 character who I spent lots of planetary comms on prior buying up stuff for comps that needed to be geared and sending some to another character as well. So they aren't even in full 208 'BASIC' gear. And I was able to do every encounter of the Korriban Incursion Tactical FP by myself. I didn't even need to use the med units most fo thetime, though I would click them occasionally because.. why not, it was funny to see my health stick primarily at full in a boss encounter that used to be at least a little difficult when playing with other players.


But they want it to be a Single Player Game now, and provide a single player experience, and that's fine, but if that's the case my sub goes buhbye, as do others and I think they are going to find their coffers are much more barren when the people who were supplying 80+% of their cartel market revenue stop.

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Yes, they had dumbed it down significantly due to whines from players so that a long time, experienced player, never ever feltany danger. But it was still a matter of degrees. Once can be 'invincible' and have a different perception of their invincibility based on the context of the experience.


For example - Prior Invincibility was because player was wearing fully augmented purple gear and had their companion decked out in the very best gear as well AND they knew they were fighting something that due to a level disparity was only able to hit them maybe 20% of the time. (Or 1% if they were greater than 10 levels ahead). They perception of their invicibility comes from knowing they had things that made them achieve that they had to collect/gather etc. This became easier once gear could be shipped off to any character and filled with mods, so that you never had to re-achieve what you had before. Little 'QoL' improvements that essentially made the gameplay even easier. But still the perception of your invincibility was different.


Current invincibility is that you are forced back to the level of your opponents, or just above them. You haven't necessarily gatherd all the new tiers of equipment yet, but you still feel as invincible and even more so because supposedly these are opponents that 'should' be a challenge but they are not.


The perception is different. Before you could press a button and they all die and you know this was because you had the best stuff and the best outfit AND you were picking on things half your size. Now you can do the same, but they are your size or only a small bit smaller, and you're noteven in the best stuff yet. you haven't even maxxed out your comps Influence or gatherd up a full set of biS gear. And the outcome feels 'inevitable' because for you to fail you have to _actively_ seek ways to lose where prior, you could easily loose if you actually went up against the content designed for your level.


I shouldn't be able to solo a tactical flashpoint that is scaled to level 65 with just my Ship Droid at Rank 13 influence and not even a full set of gear because the character I was running through was a pre 4.0 character who I spent lots of planetary comms on prior buying up stuff for comps that needed to be geared and sending some to another character as well. So they aren't even in full 208 'BASIC' gear. And I was able to do every encounter of the Korriban Incursion Tactical FP by myself. I didn't even need to use the med units most fo thetime, though I would click them occasionally because.. why not, it was funny to see my health stick primarily at full in a boss encounter that used to be at least a little difficult when playing with other players.


But they want it to be a Single Player Game now, and provide a single player experience, and that's fine, but if that's the case my sub goes buhbye, as do others and I think they are going to find their coffers are much more barren when the people who were supplying 80+% of their cartel market revenue stop.


Ahhh, as we established before, for you its a matter of envy, now "scrubs" and "lowlifes" dont have to grind raid gear to have ti same as you had to before.


As said, you continue to make this point, and it continues to be awfully hilarious.

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Yes, they had dumbed it down significantly due to whines from players so that a long time, experienced player, never ever feltany danger. But it was still a matter of degrees. Once can be 'invincible' and have a different perception of their invincibility based on the context of the experience.


For example - Prior Invincibility was because player was wearing fully augmented purple gear and had their companion decked out in the very best gear as well AND they knew they were fighting something that due to a level disparity was only able to hit them maybe 20% of the time. (Or 1% if they were greater than 10 levels ahead). They perception of their invicibility comes from knowing they had things that made them achieve that they had to collect/gather etc. This became easier once gear could be shipped off to any character and filled with mods, so that you never had to re-achieve what you had before. Little 'QoL' improvements that essentially made the gameplay even easier. But still the perception of your invincibility was different.


Current invincibility is that you are forced back to the level of your opponents, or just above them. You haven't necessarily gatherd all the new tiers of equipment yet, but you still feel as invincible and even more so because supposedly these are opponents that 'should' be a challenge but they are not.


The perception is different. Before you could press a button and they all die and you know this was because you had the best stuff and the best outfit AND you were picking on things half your size. Now you can do the same, but they are your size or only a small bit smaller, and you're noteven in the best stuff yet. you haven't even maxxed out your comps Influence or gatherd up a full set of biS gear. And the outcome feels 'inevitable' because for you to fail you have to _actively_ seek ways to lose where prior, you could easily loose if you actually went up against the content designed for your level.


I shouldn't be able to solo a tactical flashpoint that is scaled to level 65 with just my Ship Droid at Rank 13 influence and not even a full set of gear because the character I was running through was a pre 4.0 character who I spent lots of planetary comms on prior buying up stuff for comps that needed to be geared and sending some to another character as well. So they aren't even in full 208 'BASIC' gear. And I was able to do every encounter of the Korriban Incursion Tactical FP by myself. I didn't even need to use the med units most fo thetime, though I would click them occasionally because.. why not, it was funny to see my health stick primarily at full in a boss encounter that used to be at least a little difficult when playing with other players.


But they want it to be a Single Player Game now, and provide a single player experience, and that's fine, but if that's the case my sub goes buhbye, as do others and I think they are going to find their coffers are much more barren when the people who were supplying 80+% of their cartel market revenue stop.


Did you try the Flash-point on HARD mode ? I doubt you would get past the first set of trash mobs, solo with a companion.


Also if people that liked difficult content supplied the VAST majority of Bioware's revenue stream for SWTOR. Bioware wouldn't have made this expansion AT ALL. It would have been an expansion that catered to raids, and heavy group content.

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Trying to funnel everyone in raids was mistake 101, then they went damage control to try and save what could be saved.


Until SoR the only non group focused content was Makeb and they tuned it for raid level gear. And had to put bolster in because it was fail


So yeah, thats over now *shocker*


How easily some people tend to "forget" BW now 4 years of metrics to go by and dont have to rely on theory or vocal minority "feedback"


I was not a raider. I am a 'casual'player and never really had the time norinclination to sit around trying to groupfind Operations or jump into a guild with people I didn't know (I'm anti-social in game... generally because when I am in game my time is my time and I want to do what I want to do, and that doesn't always allow for being 'social') so I never have had BiS slot gear.


I solo'd Makeb with the 'entry rank' PVP gear worn and using groupfinder or /1 messages to find people for the group portions of the content. Bolster for Makeb was added after I had already completed it, again, not in raid gear.


I don't think the problem there was Makeb but that Makeb was released ater BioWare had made repeated mistakesin the scale of their 'gearflation'. Instead of a slight increment when they released a new tiwer they had level 50's running around with the equivalent of level 65 equipment very early on in the first year and a half. This was a mistake with BioWare's gear introduction and tuning and not them trying to funnel everyone into raiding.


Again, The only ops I had completed, until recently when I rofly stomped early ops in a duo because I overleveled it by 10 levels, could be counted on one hand. I am most certainly not a raider. But I could craft 'top tier' gear, I could send it to my legacy when I was done with it on one character, but none of this gear was close to what was BiS. Makeb was not difficult and if you found it so, its because you didn't even bother to grab the cheap planetary comms mods for level 50 they made available when Makeb was released. basically it was 'hard' for the casual crowd because they generally want to pay no attention at all to anything in the game that has an RPG aspect, they want to go mash the keyboard and win and see cutscenes.


That may work out for BioWare. Time will tell. I'm not going to pay for it, and I've removed my CC from renewal and have about 5 more months to see how things go.. though later this month I'll be playing FO4 exclusively.

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Ahhh, as we established before, for you its a matter of envy, now "scrubs" and "lowlifes" dont have to grind raid gear to have ti same as you had to before.


As said, you continue to make this point, and it continues to be awfully hilarious.


We established? I see.. you might need to point to that because I was unaware we 'established' anything.


I am not a raider, never have been. I can point you to my character in game and you can look at my legacy. You'll not find much at all in the Ops/Raiding achievements. But I do have 100% completion for all the cartel gear/drops excepting two measly items. In fact, I'm going to go screenshot my legacy for yah and post it up. Its a mess now because they stripped some of my 100%'s with 4.0 and I've been loathe to regrind them.. but I am not now, nor have I ever been a 'raider'.


Generally I was a casual PVP/Quester. I would queue for FP's in groupfinder and PVP matches (not ranked, just normal PVP) and the reason I refer to some players as 'lowlifes' and scrubs' is because they are the players that do not bother to even learn what an interruptis, or what a ground target means, or how to use cleanse, how to deal with CC'd targets, etc. EG.. People who do not bother to even learn the basics of gameplay that would make their game more enjoyable and feel more rewarding because they could go to Makeb without raid gear and still succeed but instead they run and complain on the boards about how everything is too hard and they need it fixed because waaah instant gratification!

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it's retarded easy, but that's what playerbase wants. personally i found the history gameplay disgusting, really too easy and same as sm ops, where you still see bads wiping shamelessly.

luckily token rain sends you in hm really shortly.

finally about pvp... fotm or premade or it's unplayable.

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I was not a raider. I am a 'casual'player and never really had the time norinclination to sit around trying to groupfind Operations or jump into a guild with people I didn't know (I'm anti-social in game... generally because when I am in game my time is my time and I want to do what I want to do, and that doesn't always allow for being 'social') so I never have had BiS slot gear.


I solo'd Makeb with the 'entry rank' PVP gear worn and using groupfinder or /1 messages to find people for the group portions of the content. Bolster for Makeb was added after I had already completed it, again, not in raid gear.


I don't think the problem there was Makeb but that Makeb was released ater BioWare had made repeated mistakesin the scale of their 'gearflation'. Instead of a slight increment when they released a new tiwer they had level 50's running around with the equivalent of level 65 equipment very early on in the first year and a half. This was a mistake with BioWare's gear introduction and tuning and not them trying to funnel everyone into raiding.


Again, The only ops I had completed, until recently when I rofly stomped early ops in a duo because I overleveled it by 10 levels, could be counted on one hand. I am most certainly not a raider. But I could craft 'top tier' gear, I could send it to my legacy when I was done with it on one character, but none of this gear was close to what was BiS. Makeb was not difficult and if you found it so, its because you didn't even bother to grab the cheap planetary comms mods for level 50 they made available when Makeb was released. basically it was 'hard' for the casual crowd because they generally want to pay no attention at all to anything in the game that has an RPG aspect, they want to go mash the keyboard and win and see cutscenes.


That may work out for BioWare. Time will tell. I'm not going to pay for it, and I've removed my CC from renewal and have about 5 more months to see how things go.. though later this month I'll be playing FO4 exclusively.


OMG, this ISNT about you, or pretty much anyone on forums, forums are NOT representative of playerbase.


Ive been finding my own challenges in MMOs since year 2000, because MMOs are EASY....to me. BUT....i know that vast majority dont give a f.... about most of stuff and just want to kill big baddy by mashing buttons.


Theres PLENTY of challenges to be found in gear/stat based MMOs, it VERY simple to challenge yourself, so finding a challenge is NOT the problem.

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it's retarded easy, but that's what playerbase wants. personally i found the history gameplay disgusting, really too easy and same as sm ops, where you still see bads wiping shamelessly.

luckily token rain sends you in hm really shortly.

finally about pvp... fotm or premade or it's unplayable.


Yup, all "pro premades" doing solo queue. Played 12-13 matches yesterday 100% against premades. Almost won 1 :)


I dont even know why its called solo queue any more lol.


But at least its CHALLENGE, instead making my own premade and faceroll.


See, challenge all around you. Want even more challenge? Put on comm vendor mod gear and go PvP.

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OMG, this ISNT about you, or pretty much anyone on forums, forums are NOT representative of playerbase.


Ive been finding my own challenges in MMOs since year 2000, because MMOs are EASY....to me. BUT....i know that vast majority dont give a f.... about most of stuff and just want to kill big baddy by mashing buttons.


Theres PLENTY of challenges to be found in gear/stat based MMOs, it VERY simple to challenge yourself, so finding a challenge is NOT the problem.


Or people can do like I do, EQ on project 1999 server. I mean no game is ever going to come close to that difficulty. Never happen.


EQ is still the king, and always will be of Hard game play.

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Nope, it was one of yours.


It makes couple of you even more ridiculous.


Oh really?


Link to the OP of the poll thread: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8556036&postcount=1


Link to the OP stating they like companions as is: http://www.swtor.com/community/showpost.php?p=8564570&postcount=350


Starts out with:




Feel free to apologize for continuing to talk about how we created a poll that backfired on us whenever you're ready. But you won't.

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