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Sith Inquisitor Lore


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Hey all,


So I've been playing through the SI storyline, and the more I think about it, I don't think that a Twi'lek could be the SI in canon. The SI is descended from Kallig, who wore a mask which clearly couldn't be worn by a Twi'lek. The game also heavily suggests that you're "supposed" to wear it once you become Lord Kallig, or at least when you fight Zash. Otherwise, why have an entire mission dedicated to recovering something you couldn't even wear?

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Hey all,


So I've been playing through the SI storyline, and the more I think about it, I don't think that a Twi'lek could be the SI in canon. The SI is descended from Kallig, who wore a mask which clearly couldn't be worn by a Twi'lek. The game also heavily suggests that you're "supposed" to wear it once you become Lord Kallig, or at least when you fight Zash. Otherwise, why have an entire mission dedicated to recovering something you couldn't even wear?


IMO a human fits the SI storyline the best, due to the varied status levels they have.

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The Inquisitor was almost certainly not Twi'lek. Kallig's codex entry mentions that he was born into nobility. The Empire having Twi'lek nobles is laughable.


Most fitting race is human, honestly. Alien nobles--not just Twi'leks--would have been rare in Kallig's age, and I have a harder time seeing Pureblood due to the lack of attention they get on Korriban.

Edited by Abvora
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Actually it's not that terrible lore wise.


Select quotes from wookipedia:

"The Human species was able to interbreed with the Coynite,[1] Echani,[2] Ferroan,[3] Hamadryas,[4] Kiffar,[5] Miraluka,[6] Nagai,[7] Theelin,[8] Twi'lek, and a number of other species"

"On the other hand, Humans were unable to interbreed with the Anzati, Qiraash, Rattataki, or Umbaran species without genetic manipulation. Humans were only able to breed with the Sith through the use of Sith alchemy."


So the old EU canon, the one that swtor is part of, has it that most humanoid species can interbreed.


So you could be a Twi'lek whose ancestors thousands of years ago, where all Twi'leks except a human here or there, etc.


The genetics of it are kind of funky, but if you don't think of the genetics too much, and just imagine that "mostly X ancestors + a Y ancestor or two = mostly X", where "X" and "Y" are two star wars humanoid 'species', you're all good :)

Edited by squirtai
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The Sith Inquisitor is almost certainly Human, just like the Sith Warrior is 100% certainly Human or Pureblood. Of course people can play SI as whatever they like, but the story was made for a human nonetheless, that seems rather clear to most people. And as you're supposed to wear Kallig's old helmet during the confrontation with Zash, being a twi'lek is 100% against the story, the quest shouldn't exist if it was designed for a twi'lek.
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really they could make children with twi'leks I mean I am sure they can try to breed but can they have children with them?

Also the one scene in the cartoons where there was a twi'lek female married with a human clone and had children it means she had children he adopted them and as the war started only year ago at the battle of Geonesis it can not be his children as the youngest is at least 3 years old. So sorry they can not breed.

Edited by adormitul
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"Able to interbreed" means exactly that - able to have children together.


Assuming wookiepedia is not flat out lying and using false references to published EU books, there are apparently official EU publications that state various humanoid species can interbreed.


Also, "genetic manipulation" tends to solve most problems in a sci fi setting... (a bit of a cop out if you ask me, but again, this is apparently in the EU canon).


Different human-like 'species' being able to interbreed, but rarely doing so, is not an unusual circumstances in fantasy and sci-fi settings. How you explain the genetics, what the children look like, that's all awfully complicated so generally it's just never explained (or never explained satisfactorily).

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But the wikia also says they can not interbreed without genetic tampering. So yeah I guess a sith inquisitor could be a desceneded of that great sith lord. But we have to assume somewhere down the line someone did gebetic tampering for that to happen.
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All sorts of odd reproduction is possible if the Mother Machine the Inquisitor meets is telling the truth. Zabraks and Twi'leks explicitly, much broader implications. Someone at some point could have banged a Twi'lek.


The armor, time period and culture all call for the original Lord Kallig being human or Sith. That Sith Empire was also racist and Kallig is a significant figure, considered a legit rival to Tulak Hord. Talos refers to Kallig as "oddly pro alien."

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There is a expression in my country I may be racist but not all parts of my body agree with me. It not exactly how is said in my country but I think everybody gets the point.

So that sith lord might have been as racist and elitist as the other sith but something just did not agree with that mindset.

But I truly doubt that he is the one who breaded with a twi'lek and had children I think its someone more further down the line.

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There is a expression in my country I may be racist but not all parts of my body agree with me. It not exactly how is said in my country but I think everybody gets the point.

So that sith lord might have been as racist and elitist as the other sith but something just did not agree with that mindset.

But I truly doubt that he is the one who breaded with a twi'lek and had children I think its someone more further down the line.


Telos tells the SI hpw Kallig was pro-alien. That said, Twi-lek is not the race of the SI. Twi-lek wasn't even an option for SI in the beginning. That right there, tells you it wasn't an option.


What I can't remember, is if Chiss was an option or not. Though, even that isn't going to be the canon species for that class. Human/Cyborg would be the right one.

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Telos tells the SI hpw Kallig was pro-alien. That said, Twi-lek is not the race of the SI. Twi-lek wasn't even an option for SI in the beginning. That right there, tells you it wasn't an option.


What I can't remember, is if Chiss was an option or not. Though, even that isn't going to be the canon species for that class. Human/Cyborg would be the right one.


Are you sure Twi-lek was not a option it is now. If not the other are human, rattataki also some kind of human, Zabrak sorta human and sith pureblood which is pretty much 90% human.

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Telos tells the SI hpw Kallig was pro-alien. That said, Twi-lek is not the race of the SI. Twi-lek wasn't even an option for SI in the beginning. That right there, tells you it wasn't an option.


What I can't remember, is if Chiss was an option or not. Though, even that isn't going to be the canon species for that class. Human/Cyborg would be the right one.

Actually, if you play as an alien, Talos says outright that Kallig was an alien.


In any case, I play a Twi'lek Inquisitor, and I find the solution to be quite simple: Kallig had both lekku chopped or burned off, which might be why he wears the mask in the first place.

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Actually, if you play as an alien, Talos says outright that Kallig was an alien.


In any case, I play a Twi'lek Inquisitor, and I find the solution to be quite simple: Kallig had both lekku chopped or burned off, which might be why he wears the mask in the first place.


Yeah Talos does state it if you are an alien. I mean when the original dark jedi landed there must of been a few aliens that came long with them right? I mean Jedi weren't only humans back then I think.

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Yeah Talos does state it if you are an alien. I mean when the original dark jedi landed there must of been a few aliens that came long with them right? I mean Jedi weren't only humans back then I think.


Yeah well the Chiss are aliens the Zabrak are also but they still are humans they just suffered some mutations because of their environment but it does not change the fact that they are still humans.

A twi'lek on the other hand well its not and that goes to the fact how did the descendents of a twi'lek became human or well near human that are still human in the end.

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