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Fallen Empire campaign - Not meant to be played in a group?


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There is no SP or MMO in RPG. RPG, being Role Playing Game, can be either Single or Multiplayer. RPG does not mean you are the center of the story, it means you are experiencing the story as a participant. You are playing a 'role' of a character. Most single player games make your character the main character. Multiplayer games tend to make you one of many characters.


SWTOR is trying to make each player the main character of many characters. This just doesn't work in an MMO environment. Thus, the class stories and the last couple of expansions have been very lacking in multiplayer content. In effect we have a lot of leaders and no followers. I can really hope this will change but I don't see it changing.


I'd very much rather be a part of a team that helps the leader get into a position of power instead of being the leader who is actually playing a planet side version of the space missions (space ship on rails).


I'll admit it was a bit entertaining the first time through but when the same things happened the second time with different options taken, I was a bit put off. I'd much rather play the MMO version of this game and have BW create an episodic cinematic of KotFE that I can watch separately. At least I feel like we just watched a movie that makes us click continue once in a while.

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KOTFE does have group content (Star Fortresses, Eternal Championship, Heroic 2+s) so its not all single player.


I also read that in the next expansion the story can be played with friends, not sure how they are going to do that, but we shall see.

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KOTFE does have group content (Star Fortresses, Eternal Championship, Heroic 2+s) so its not all single player.


I also read that in the next expansion the story can be played with friends, not sure how they are going to do that, but we shall see.


Something that has achievements to do it solo cannot reasonably count as group content

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KOTFE does have group content (Star Fortresses, Eternal Championship, Heroic 2+s) so its not all single player.


I also read that in the next expansion the story can be played with friends, not sure how they are going to do that, but we shall see.


There were no new heroics introduced in 4.0 of KOTFE, although they did revamp them making the new meta to gain credits, that doesn't count since they been here sine vanilla. The EC is not group content as it is not scaled properly for a group at all. Star Fortresses is just a copy of solo mode with literally nothing different than the tedium, as adds don't have any additional mechs, just more health and slightly more damaged.

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Once you start KOTFE, all you can do is play solo with a companion, unless you repeat the old group-friendly content.

After 4.0, we got the star fortress, the eternal championship and a new pvp map. That's all the new "group content" we got after SOR.

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I absolutely loved the game from 1 - 50, as the amount of content, group and solo, was amazing. My husband and I had some good times playing together and doing the group conversation interactions that the OP is talking about - there were some good laughs to be had if one of us were to choose a conversation option that seemed to come from left field. In addition to group content, the original class quests with companion interactions on top of the main story arcs for each planet really created an immersive game for me.


When I finished KOTFE, I remember thinking, "That's it? This isn't the game the got me interested in subbing the first place! Where are the planets? Where are the quests? Where are my companions???" I haven't even cared enough to replay KOTFE on any character other than my main, as the Zakuul story and characters feel super-weak to me as compared to the original content. I've actually found more enjoyment in going back to vanilla planets and doing the original quests and things I missed the first time through.


When I heard the devs say that if you liked KOTFE, you're going to love KOTET, I remember thinking, "Oh, no..."

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There were no new heroics introduced in 4.0 of KOTFE, although they did revamp them making the new meta to gain credits, that doesn't count since they been here sine vanilla. The EC is not group content as it is not scaled properly for a group at all. Star Fortresses is just a copy of solo mode with literally nothing different than the tedium, as adds don't have any additional mechs, just more health and slightly more damaged.


Not true. The H2 Star Fortress has the Exarch boss fight at the end. IF you are well geared, know your class, have a high influence companion it is soloable, but its not easy. Out of my 100 account guild I know of only 4 who have the title for it. Same for doing EC without dieing.


As for EC, it has a group mode where you can do it with 4 people to get the achievement etc (if not the daily quests).


The H2s were existing game content, but made relevant again. Most of the people I know simply skipped them while leveling. A lot of them I had never done before before KotFE.


While there wasnt a new OP of FP (a mistake imho) saying "there was no group content in KotFE" isnt strictly true.

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Not true. The H2 Star Fortress has the Exarch boss fight at the end. IF you are well geared, know your class, have a high influence companion it is soloable, but its not easy. Out of my 100 account guild I know of only 4 who have the title for it. Same for doing EC without dieing.


Alright... so two parts are different between the star fortress in solo mode and heroic... either way its still tedious as all hell and doesn't have any form of mechanics meant for multiple people. There is no solid DPS check requiring a group, a healer, or perhaps some form of a tank with mitigation to survive his attacks, just merely a tank and spank fight with a interrupt thrown in. I admitably REALLY liked the boss the first time with the music, visuals, and general underline tone of "it ends here!" moments, but the gameplay, as always with this game, was just lacking and each boss turned out to be a reskin with only 1 thing different.


As for EC, it has a group mode where you can do it with 4 people to get the achievement etc (if not the daily quests).


It has a group mode to let people in, yes, but it is not scaled, AT ALL, for them, it is literally the same as story mode. By that logic all the class stories classify as "group content." It has to be scaled specifically for a group of average players to work together using there roles to overcome the challenge imo, and the EC is solo content specifically stated by the devs anyway.


The H2s were existing game content, but made relevant again. Most of the people I know simply skipped them while leveling. A lot of them I had never done before before KotFE.


While there wasnt a new OP of FP (a mistake imho) saying "there was no group content in KotFE" isnt strictly true.


Relevant =/= new, but it's still nice to see grouping was encouraged, unfortunately it came at the death of dailies though.


No proper group content in KOTFE at least, and no im not a "raid or die!!! Snak-!!!" person, but there was nothing scaled for a group to tackle.

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Not true. The H2 Star Fortress has the Exarch boss fight at the end. IF you are well geared, know your class, have a high influence companion it is soloable, but its not easy. Out of my 100 account guild I know of only 4 who have the title for it. Same for doing EC without dieing.


As for EC, it has a group mode where you can do it with 4 people to get the achievement etc (if not the daily quests).


The H2s were existing game content, but made relevant again. Most of the people I know simply skipped them while leveling. A lot of them I had never done before before KotFE.


While there wasnt a new OP of FP (a mistake imho) saying "there was no group content in KotFE" isnt strictly true.


Maybe he should have said there's no "meaningful" group content, or something similar.


With regard to EC, although you can do it in a group, as he said, its not scaled properly. The first time I did EC, it was in a group of guildies and having just looked at my achievements, we did it in 17 minutes, with none of us having done it before and not reading any guides. In other words, it wasn't challenging at all in a group.


I also got the "deathless champion" achievement on my first solo run of EC, so I wouldn't personally class that as being challenging, same with the Star Fortresses. I'm not a casual player but neither would I consider myself that hardcore - I've done some raiding in swtor previously and I've played a bit of pvp - I've seen plenty of players in-game though who are a lot better than I am.


People only run the H2s because of the credit reward, with maybe one or two exceptions, the combat on all of them could be done by your companion whilst you are afk. I'd define group content as being something where you need to work together as a team to achieve something that wouldn't be possible on your own.

Edited by Ayakin_Solaris
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Not true. The H2 Star Fortress has the Exarch boss fight at the end. IF you are well geared, know your class, have a high influence companion it is soloable, but its not easy. Out of my 100 account guild I know of only 4 who have the title for it. Same for doing EC without dieing.


Soloing the Heroic 2 Star Fortress is beyond stupidly easy in every way shape and form... not once have I ever been concerned that I was going to die or that I needed to really turn up the DPS on them.

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Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't the story itself always been a solo experience.


For example, if two people are playing together, one person is a Jedi Knight and the other is Trooper, if you entered a Jedi Knight class story area, the Trooper could help kill mobs but when it came down to story choices, they didn't participate or decide in anyway, they were an observer.


Even if you both were the same class, you would have to do the story instance twice since it was unique to each person. Yes the person can help kill mobs but that was it, all story choices were for who the instance was locked too.


Therefore the main story was always a solo experience as far as choices.

Edited by Nightblazer
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Correct me if I'm wrong but hasn't the story itself always been a solo experience.


For example, if two people are playing together, one person is a Jedi Knight and the other is Trooper, if you entered a Jedi Knight class story area, the Trooper could help kill mobs but when it came down to story choices, they didn't participate or decide in anyway, they were an observer.


Even if you both were the same class, you would have to do the story instance twice since it was unique to each person. Yes the person can help kill mobs but that was it, all story choices were for who the instance was locked too.


Therefore the main story was always a solo experience as far as choices.


Pretty sure this is how it is. People are probably confused with aide quests. I also don't see why you would want others to decide who lives or dies or what choices are being made in your personal "canon" story.

To me that sounds absurd.


But yeah it has never been possible. You'd even have to specifically select to allow another player to enter your story area.

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KOTFE does have group content (Star Fortresses, Eternal Championship, Heroic 2+s) so its not all single player.


I also read that in the next expansion the story can be played with friends, not sure how they are going to do that, but we shall see.


Allowing people to do solo content as a group doesn't make it group content as such. I get that people have different skill levels for various reasons, so it's cool that you can help each other out, but you're still helping each other out doing solo content. There is a significant difference there.


I also like solo content so I am not against it, but I do think that people who like to meet challenges as a group have gotten the short end of the stick for the last couple of years.

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