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Unkillable NPC outside of quest area?


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I ran into a Strong NPC last night (based on trailers it is a future companion) and they could not be killed! Everytime I would interrupt their heals they would perform another one! It was in the swamp outside of a quest area, and unfortunately I had to stealth away after a 10 minute battle resulting in a Pub coming up and slaughtering me (pvp server).


Anyone know whats up with this?

Edited by TitusOfTides
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I ran into a Strong NPC last night (based on trailers it is a future companion) and they could not be killed! Everytime I would interrupt their heals they would perform another one! It was in the swamp outside of a quest area, and unfortunately I had to stealth away after a 10 minute battle resulting in a Pub coming up and slaughtering me (pvp server).


Anyone know whats up with this?


who was that? Maybe the future companions are not supposed to be killed, outside story?

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I ran into a Strong NPC last night (based on trailers it is a future companion) and they could not be killed! Everytime I would interrupt their heals they would perform another one! It was in the swamp outside of a quest area, and unfortunately I had to stealth away after a 10 minute battle resulting in a Pub coming up and slaughtering me (pvp server).


Anyone know whats up with this?



You attacked another dude's companion.

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Definitely not a companion.


It said:



Strong | Etc.


Companions usually read:


Dude's Companion

Senya | Etc.


Was right outside the entrance to the quest where you discover the starship ruins or w/e. I saw someone of opposing faction fighting them, and when they died I fought her too, so it was definitely not a player character's companion.


It had several abilities that would full heal her, one I remember is "Shock and Awe."


It also had a buff that reduced all incoming damage by 50%. Was also immune to whirlwind, but not other stuns. Just whirlwind.


I'm sure if I had another with me it would have died, as it came very close several times and only 1 more interrupt would have solved the problem.


I feel like the victim of a crime that no one believes.

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I wouldn't be surprised. Based on my own exp in running thru KOTFE, I ran into duplicate senya's in one of the chapters, and when I clicked on the one that wasn't my companion, it set me back in the story to the beginning of that chapter. This was before the latest patch though, so I don't know if its been corrected. I sent in a "bug" report.

So something is wrong with Senya.


I also saw another Player character <from same faction, had a Darth title> inside of a green-quest area. <which is supposed to run solo>. He was just standing there, so I don't know what the problem is, it was in the "arena" scene inside the cantina. So there might be some bleeding over involved, although the server I'm on was relatively light at the time.

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