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Level 60 Boost Legendary Status


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I used my free level 60 token to make a Bounty Hunter on my server because it was the last one of my legendary requirements but it didn't finish the legendary status. I have a level 55 powertech on a different server and i was hoping that I wouldnt have to transfer to get the last bit of progress. Any suggestions?

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Does this mean that they do NOT get the master/darth title ??


They also do not get titles or anything associated with class story, yes.


As far as OP, you'll have to transfer your character over to get credit. Insta-60 won't give you any sort of story credit.

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No offence but I thought that would be obvious. Could you imagine if you could buy your way to legendary account? All you'd need to do is buy a 60 token for every class you didnt do, that would kind of diminish the value of the achievement now wouldnt it?


Except its even worse than that. As long as you dont level the free 60 to 61 you can delete it and it gives you the token back. So you could use the one free 60 to roll each class and delete it to get your legendary account.


When you buy a 60 you are bypassing the 1-60 game, not auto-completing it. For the sake of the story narrative NPCs refer to you as if you completed the 1-60 story, but gameplay wise you do not count as having done it. You do not get the achievements for the acts and so you don't get any of the rewards. No class legacy emote, no buff unlock for use on other classes, no titles associated with your story quests, and no credit towards Legendary Status.

As it should be.

Edited by Terro_Fett
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Just like buying a couple shurikans and a katana doesnt make you a ninja, buying a level 60 doesnt make you a Master of the Great Hunt.


You have to -earn- those ninja skills :p




I am ninja. I gain my mad ninja skills because I bought two katana. Which means I have twice the ninja power.

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No offence but I thought that would be obvious. Could you imagine if you could buy your way to legendary account? All you'd need to do is buy a 60 token for every class you didnt do, that would kind of diminish the value of the achievement now wouldnt it?


Yeah, thats such an achievement.....




I am ninja. I gain my mad ninja skills because I bought two katana. Which means I have twice the ninja power.


Why do people think ninjas used katana en masse?

Edited by Dras_Keto
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No offence but I thought that would be obvious. Could you imagine if you could buy your way to legendary account? All you'd need to do is buy a 60 token for every class you didnt do, that would kind of diminish the value of the achievement now wouldnt it?


If the insta 60 counted towards legendary then you could get all classes done on the free insta 60 you get. Make a 60 of one class then delete and make a different class and so on.

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This is a major issue with offering a free boosted character. It locks you out of any Legacy Presence stats. Can not get the 10 Presence for each companion and the Legendary also gives you some Presence Both are Locked out now and incomplete. Whey offer such a thing and not make it clear that you would loose out on such a important Stat in 4.0


I have already invested in this character (spent cartel coins on him) and did all the new content up to chapter 9. If this is not some bug then I am going to ask for a refund and just level a new character from scratch.

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This is a major issue with offering a free boosted character. It locks you out of any Legacy Presence stats. Can not get the 10 Presence for each companion and the Legendary also gives you some Presence Both are Locked out now and incomplete. Whey offer such a thing and not make it clear that you would loose out on such a important Stat in 4.0


I have already invested in this character (spent cartel coins on him) and did all the new content up to chapter 9. If this is not some bug then I am going to ask for a refund and just level a new character from scratch.


You get what you paid for... oh wait, it was FREE.


That character was designed to allow you to start KOTFE content, not to give you an OP character to do the original storyline with with. If you want those titles and status, all you need to do is start a new character and finish the achievements like the rest of us.

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  • 2 months later...

Hey Guys,


I want to share my experience and maybe someone experienced the same.


Last week I reactivated my subscription and got 1 free 60 boost.

I boosted up a character and played the KOTFE campaign until I finished Chapter 9.


Ofc. I got no legendary status for that character.


Since yesterday (thursday - patch 4.0.4 day).


I logged in and got the legendary status all of a sudden for this character.

So maybe on a patchday you get the legendary status for a boosted character? or on thursdays in general (reset day?)


I bought a 60 token and boosted another character and am now waiting to see if it turns legendary next week aswell.


Share your thoughts !!

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Hey Guys,


I want to share my experience and maybe someone experienced the same.


Last week I reactivated my subscription and got 1 free 60 boost.

I boosted up a character and played the KOTFE campaign until I finished Chapter 9.


Ofc. I got no legendary status for that character.


Since yesterday (thursday - patch 4.0.4 day).


I logged in and got the legendary status all of a sudden for this character.

So maybe on a patchday you get the legendary status for a boosted character? or on thursdays in general (reset day?)


I bought a 60 token and boosted another character and am now waiting to see if it turns legendary next week aswell.


Share your thoughts !!


Did it ever turn legendary for you?

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Well, i bought a level 60 token and used it to get a level 60 sith warrior and i got legendary status of it and that was before i finished the story on another sith warrior, i didn't get the achievement for finishing the class story, but i got the part of the legendary status.


I don't plan to spend that much money for the coins just to unlock the legendary status, i am not a fan of the ranged characters, but i will likely unlock the legendary status at some point, but i don't have any of that need to brag about a status that does jack to your experience.

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Well guess everyone has pointed out why you don't get it with the free 60 token. I still feel though that brought ones should get it or still allow you to do the class story's. To me the level 60 token is not about what you gain but far more about what you lose. You lose an awful lot as it happens considering the high cost of that token. Edited by DreadtechSavant
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