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Anyone find the Eternal Fleet... familiar?


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No spoilers, just saw some cutscenes since I have an annoying habit of watching things before I play them. I found myself thinking something.


The Eternal Fleet via it's formation looked like it came from an anime series called Legend of the Galactic Heroes. Kept expecting Beethoven or Dvorak to start playing in the background.


It's doubly amusing since when I started watching the series some of it started reminding me of the original Star Wars movies. (An Alliance vs an Empire. Their pilot uniforms look like X-Wing or TIE fighter pilot uniforms, etc.)


Where's Miracle Yang when we really need him? :D

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I thought the eternal feel ships appearance reminded me of some other scifi ship... but right now I cant for the life of me remember what it was.


There are great many other things that KOTFE drew inspiration from, I feel. I remember how I long ago lobbied for having Celeste Morne's armor and lightsaber in the game, and as it so happens, Outlanders story has many similarities to that of Celeste Morne.


(putting this in spoiler just in case, since it refers to things that happen during kotfe chapters 1 upwards)



- Both have an ancient, super-powerful Sith lord inside them who provides them with abilities beyond anyone else.

- Both 'traveled in time' by being stuck inside a stasis casket of sorts, in outlanders case carbonite. Morne was stuck for 4000 years though.

- In both cases, the sith lord 'talked' to the person in question during the imprisonment. Kotfe chapter 2 is all about that.

- Both went against the current ruler of the galaxy (naturally :rolleyes:)

- Even the scene with the super-forcelightning in Asylum seems like straight from Morne's story.



Anyways, this is not a complaint, just an observation. :)

Edited by Karkais
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Please no! I don't want the Sith Empire to die like the Alliance Star Fleet!!!


I don't believe Valkorion or Arcaan to be those kind of commanders...



No, I doubt either of them would...




...order their ships to pass in review near the wreckage of their enemy and have the crews salute their recently defeated foes.



(Okay, LOGH spoiler, but still...)


Crap, now I want to rewatch the fansubs I have.


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