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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Instant level 60 for new players is killing the game.


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Yesterday I tried pugging a Hm FP. Nothing big. 3 of us were season players we had a competent healer and 2 dps. However our tank was a brand new character level 60 that just rushed to level 65 and didn't know what he was doing.


We wiped about 4 times on the first set of mobs until we all left.


My point here is that going from 1-60 at least before it was having people take a bit more time to learn their roles and also their powers. Now we have level 65 players running around not knowing what to do. queing for the same instances we are and costing us loyal paying subscribers time.


I think the whole insta level 60 should have been an option after you create your first chatacter at level 1 and you take it to 65.


Thanks bioware. Pugging is just a joy.

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Yesterday I tried pugging a Hm FP. Nothing big. 3 of us were season players we had a competent healer and 2 dps. However our tank was a brand new character level 60 that just rushed to level 65 and didn't know what he was doing.


We wiped about 4 times on the first set of mobs until we all left.


My point here is that going from 1-60 at least before it was having people take a bit more time to learn their roles and also their powers. Now we have level 65 players running around not knowing what to do. queing for the same instances we are and costing us loyal paying subscribers time.


I think the whole insta level 60 should have been an option after you create your first chatacter at level 1 and you take it to 65.


Thanks bioware. Pugging is just a joy.


That's the point of the first chapter of KOTFE with tutorial mode as well.

The problem is people are not paying attention or skipping it.

I doubt leveling 1-60 would make much of a difference at that point.

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As a Tank myself, I'd argue that 1-65 isn't going to teach you have to play a Tank, because you can just solo everything.


The Instant Level 60 isn't to blame here, it's the lack of meaningful group content and a willingness to learn how to perform group roles, which goes right throughout the entire game.

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Pugging was bad before, though the tacticals were easy enough to do them with a bad group. Maybe GF is going to die or has died because of the update. Only time will tell, but it was already a pain. The game already allowed players to get through their whole story without knowing how to play group stuff. Sure, it covered interrupts, and avoiding red circles etc., but it still allowed you to overcome those things via overleveling and other ways. No cleanse, no real tanking or healing requirements. 12x made it even more problematic.


Killing the game though? People already seem to avoid GF like the plague and join guilds or otherwise group up with friends to do that stuff. I think its just going to make GF worse, not the game.

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I've lost track...is this the 23rd or 24th thing this year that's killing the game?


24 I think :rolleyes: .....OP that "kick" command STILL works. Otherwise...don't pug...run with your guild. Problem solved.



Now on to #25....BW the power button on my computer is killing the game! Every time I press it, the game suddenly becomes unplayable...y'all need to fix it! :confused::D

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I've lost track...is this the 23rd or 24th thing this year that's killing the game?


Lol so true. "Level sync is killing the game, 12x xp is killing the game, no more HM is killing the game, KotFE is killing the game."

This game must be a zombie right now, but for some reason it isn't. Hmmmmmm....:rolleyes:

Edited by fdbgjfdhjgkjdhsg
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There should be benchmark tests for each tier of group play for each class.


For example: As a tank, the first time you queue with each tank AC for tactical fp, hm fp, SM op, or hm op (I'd leave Nim ops gated by the players since with level sync no one is face rolling Nim and there's no gf for it anyway) are told that you must meet a minimum of player skill level, gear setup and unlocked class ability in order to run with other players. Then you get a short, staged test with trash mobs, elites and then champions (with boss-like mechanics) pulled directly from the fps or ops you want to play. An npc will heal you and other npcs will dps the mobs. Your job is to use your available skills to hold aggro, maneuver the boss so it doesn't hit friendlies and mitigate damage.


Pass the test, you are cleared for that tier of group content Legacy-wide on that AC. If you fail, you're not. Please try again. Similar to the Raptus fight in Dread Palace, except there would actually be instructions that pop up if you fail explaining exactly what your role is and what you should be doing during each type of fight.


You know, the stuff that the single player leveling game doesn't actually teach you.


The same would apply for dps specs and heals. We're talking five-ten minutes or so per AC once per legacy, per group content tier. And the mirrored ACs crossfaction would not have to be done separately, i.e. If you passed your arsenal merc, you also passed your assault commando.


This would also require that the fps be grouped according to the complexity of their mechanics as some are dirt simple and some are actually challenging at level. For instance Black Talon type fps would have an easier benchmark than Lost Island type fps.


Imagine the number of useless bads that would be weeded out. Imagine the number of people that would actually have to pay attention for a few minutes and learn how their class works.

Edited by Nothing_Shines
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lmao this thread. So if insta level 60 is why there are bad players why were there so many in 3.0, and 2.0 and beta... and every MMO ever. It's almost like people use the term 'pug' negatively for a reason....run with guildies it'll help.
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This is no different than the bad players that came from 12x XP, which was no different than the bad players that came from 2x XP, which was no different than the bad players that leveled normally. Bad players will be bad players no matter how quickly or slowly they level.


If you don't like playing with bad players then choose your groups yourself.

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According to people EVERYTHING is literally the killing the game. I think its going be ok. I seriously doubt they will remove the cartel item from the store or a free level 60.

I hate to use it as a comparison but it is almost like the whole cancer scare stories the media puts out.

WARNING breathing air is killing this game. :D

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You realize you just told me what content I could participate in, right?


How so? I merely suggested that if you don't like the content that you don't participate or find an already accessible way of participating in a way you enjoy. Now if the only way to use group finder was by yourself and premade groups weren't eligible for rewards or something, then we could have a discussion.

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As a tank that depends heavily on the group finder for participating in group content, I will say that there have been bad players forever, in every mmo. And the bad players come in all ACs. How many people have done runs with DPS that think they're tanks, or healers that DPS rather than heal. This is, unfortunately something we just have to deal with if we depend on GF. I wish I had friends that played the game but I dont. And this has been keeping me from doing ops; I know my class, I know how to tank, but I don't know the fights. Try finding someone who's willing to teach you as a tank.
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What do you expect from randoms that are used to play solo as designed?

If you are looking for players with team spirit and play more often with reliable people , you need to find a guild. Random you will never know who will join. Your choice, always.

Edited by KnightOfTython
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That's how players learn to play. If it's a new 60 to 65, (especially a tank) instead of ************ about it here, take the player under your wing.Teach them how to be a good tank. And you never have to search for a tank again.


I see this as an opportunity. I've been looking for new healers and tanks. DPS are a dime a dozen. Tanks and healers are not. Befriend them.

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It is most certainly not killing the game. Some players are bad at the game whether or not they leveled their character to 60. It is just as before.


Besides, they have to learn how to play somehow.

Edited by lpsmash
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That's how players learn to play. If it's a new 60 to 65, (especially a tank) instead of ************ about it here, take the player under your wing.Teach them how to be a good tank. And you never have to search for a tank again.


I see this as an opportunity. I've been looking for new healers and tanks. DPS are a dime a dozen. Tanks and healers are not. Befriend them.


The problem is, 99% of the time when you do try to help/teach, they get all insulted and say they know what they are doing, and that e eryone else is bad, not them...


This is why i reguse to run a healer, nor do i pug any of my 5 tanks. Guildies and friends only...

Edited by XiamaraSimi
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