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Wild Speculation: The Emperor is YOU [KOTFE spoilers]


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I think Valk is more "the dark side incarnate" and "becomes" part of you. Similar to how Satan appears in "Faust" <speaking as a literary device, not as an advocate or detractor of any RL religion>

Always there, tempting a person to make "dark side" choices, to "own your soul" as it were.


This would make sense in light of HK-55's comment that he does not senses any different personality matrix within you.

Droids cannot sense the force - or the "soul" - <and, cannot be "possessed" by the force - as seen on Ziost>.


Even for the non-sensitive characters, this would make sense. As we have seen from past events, our non-force sensitive characters can do some things non-force users normally cannot.

<i.e we can "see" the force entity in the Maelstrom <republicside> flashpoint - whereas if you play a JC, Qyzen - a non-force sensitive, cannot see the person with whom you speak on Tython in the prologue quest>

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  • 9 months later...
I really like this idea. Would that make the eventual final battle with Arcann have like a "NO I am your father!" element? lol..


Now that we've had the final battle:


We keep saying to Arcann that Valk is NOT present. But when Arcann attacks us, we manifest a purple shield reflexively. We could be mistaken that Valk is actually still possessing us and protecting us, or its just a 'connection' to Valkorian, but Val will then say that we're now "ready" because even if we're Agents or Smugglers we are now manifesting force powers without him making us do so.

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Funnily enough, I thought of this earlier today when comparing KOTOR and KOTFE. It would certainly give me more reason to be forgiving of how ultimately vague they got with Valk in the latter half of season one.


However, I can think of one rather glaring issue:


Why do you not know and why does no one else know? If you are a distinctive part of Valkorion, then Marr should have recognized it in the same way that he recognized Vitiate in Valkorion.


If, on the other hand, you are a child of the emperor and are thus able to hide in a way that Vit/Valk cannot, why is he not simply taking over control of you as he pleases? In the JK story, I recall it seeming almost as if he did, but after that moment, you pretty much never encounter a situation where it happens. (I guess there is one moment in KOTFE where if you've accepted his power enough and then try to refuse, he'll do it anyway, but that's after you've given in a lot.)


I suppose you could be kind of like


Kira, with JK story as cannon and after that main moment of being temporarily under his control, he was no longer able to take control anymore.



But this still doesn't explain what makes you different. You'd need a kind of Harry-Potter-esque angle, where he unintentionally put part of himself in you, so he can't really take over completely, but then you aren't really him, you just have a piece of him in you (which is sort of what the KOTFE story implies, on its own).


Alternative theory:


What if you are a "child of Revan" in a similar fashion to Vitiate making "children of the emperor"? Given the conflict between Revan and Vitiate, it seems plausible that Revan could have tapped into the knowledge of how to make these "children of the emperor." He then made a few and positioned them to do what he never could... take down Vitiate for good. But unlike Vitiate, he never wanted or tried to take control of them. He just imbued them with whatever connection to the force had, strengthening what affinity they already had if they were a force user and giving them a kind of mercenary strength if they were a non-force-user.


Or, looking at it in the sense that only one of the eight originals is the cannon outlander, Revan created a "child of Revan" in the Jedi Knight. This would seem to make some sense with the path that the JK takes. And perhaps when Valk talks about you being unique or whatever, he is seeing the Revan imprint in you, recognizing it's the same imprint of the one guy in the galaxy who ever truly challenged him. So once again, you "are Revan" in a sense, but not the actual man, just a sort of force child of his to carry on his legacy and take down the emperor for good.


I think this would fit with SoR pretty well, too,


if we allow for the possibility that LS Revan was guiding you along to take down his crazed DS splinter half from the start. And he was able to reach out to you and influence you precisely because of his connection to you.


And hell, what if Revan imbued a part of himself in you, but only at the end of SoR, after he's whole again? Then I think it could more readily apply to any of the eight characters. It would still fit, I think, with the timing of Vit/Valk recognizing you as something strangely unique in the force.


He could have even, theoretically, done some sort of Lily-Potter-style protection ritual, that made you (mostly) immune to the emperor's control. Something he learned after fixing the splinter problem. Which is why, on Ziost, the emperor can't really do **** to your mind. And then Valk, when you confront him in KOTFE, figures the only way to try to get past the protection ritual is to join with you in some way, which meant allowing his host body to die. He sees you as a legit threat to him because of the protection you have and the power Revan imbued you with.


Edited by Rolodome
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He's interested because you have the same thing he has: plot armor.


Of all the toons you experience, you the player character, and he, the antagonist, have that armor and ability. Just like the Joker to Batman or Elijah Price to David Dunn. The true villain or true hero is always some sort of mirror to each other... that is how they define themselves to whatever elutriation the story is building towards. This is how the story framework works out what the purpose of the protagonist and antagonist's relationship upon the wider world.


In short, you both change the galaxy and great game. So, he's interested in you because you two are the ones that will settle out everything.


I wonder if V will figure out that hes just a character in a story and become a self-aware, super-sane, 4th-wall breaker like Joker and Deadpool :p

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Just thought of one more thing that adds to this theory:

Quote from Kira's letter to the Jedi Knight (romance letter).

"Sometimes, I dream that you're standing in my doorway, but you're not you anymore. You're him."

Kira could be reffering to him living Inside your head, but what If this means that you're actually him? :p

(Apologies. Since someone already necroed this thread, I thought I'd comment on it.)


She could be meaning that you're really V, but it could just be that she's having a sort of PTSD-style nightmare, a bit like Ripley does at the beginning of Aliens.


More interesting from my point of view is the post-KotFE version of the letter that you get from Spindral (?sp) after you complete the SI base story.


I won't spoil the actual content (mostly because I don't have it to hand), but it's a clear reference to Chapter II. I don't know if you got a letter from Spindral before 4.0 came out, or what it said if you did, but it would not surprise me to find that either the current content or the whole letter itself is new for 4.0.


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Why do you not know and why does no one else know? If you are a distinctive part of Valkorion, then Marr should have recognized it in the same way that he recognized Vitiate in Valkorion.


Marr finally senses the emperor clearly *when both Valkorian and the PC are standing together*


Marr references how elusive the emperor is in general in a later scene.

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My speculation is that you being a emperor spin-off is a different concept than the Children, which was a plan of Vitiate to infiltrate for the purposes of his doom-plan


But Emperor Vitiate states he wants to live other lives. a simple man, etc. So Valkorian is an alternative pathway for Emperor. The emperor is living our his lives, making different choices (meta much?). This time he has 2 sons who he sets up to be rivals to each other, eventually one killing the other. But that plan goes wrong somehow, and Arcann must be stopped. (and it ignored his daughter, so now he pays for that mistake with women now in charge :))


This emperor has complexified his interests beyond that of death for everyone. He specifically pops in to tell you that Kaliyo's anarchy will be tolerated in his ideal world. And so he also tolerates 8 versions of himself trying out different lives and and facing different challenges, all leaving their mark on the galaxy.


Its a lot simpler if this is only Valkorian and canon-JK emperor fragment of course, instead of 8 versions of you. But when SCORPIO who has an intellect beyond comprehension (is valkorian beyond comprehension? no he is not) says to all the non-Agents "you are a slight variation on what was expected" I think that's a hint that SCORPIO has figured out the plot :)

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Wouldn't this be a case of taking the "plot" of KOTOR (s) and change a few names and cherry pick a little.

Here the protagonist turned out to be "revan" though with amnesia and not seeing it,

That would the same as the now "resurrected after 5 years" forgotten it all, become the emperor and then. redoes KOROR(s)


I doubt it

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I think Valk is more "the dark side incarnate" and "becomes" part of you. Similar to how Satan appears in "Faust" <speaking as a literary device, not as an advocate or detractor of any RL religion>

Always there, tempting a person to make "dark side" choices, to "own your soul" as it were.


This would make sense in light of HK-55's comment that he does not senses any different personality matrix within you.

Droids cannot sense the force - or the "soul" - <and, cannot be "possessed" by the force - as seen on Ziost>.


Even for the non-sensitive characters, this would make sense. As we have seen from past events, our non-force sensitive characters can do some things non-force users normally cannot.

<i.e we can "see" the force entity in the Maelstrom <republicside> flashpoint - whereas if you play a JC, Qyzen - a non-force sensitive, cannot see the person with whom you speak on Tython in the prologue quest>


Wow. :eek:Very insightful. How cool would this be? It'd make perfect sense for DS and the temptation for LS/corruption...wow.

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I think it's pretty obvious that (spoiler for Sith Inquisitors)



Vitiate/Valkorian is grooming us so that he can take over our body like Zash tried to do. When he "left", I don't think he went out, I think he went further *in*, where we can't feel him. Maybe he even joined with our consciousness, which is why Arcann still feels him.


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(Apologies. Since someone already necroed this thread, I thought I'd comment on it.)


She could be meaning that you're really V, but it could just be that she's having a sort of PTSD-style nightmare, a bit like Ripley does at the beginning of Aliens.


More interesting from my point of view is the post-KotFE version of the letter that you get from Spindral (?sp) after you complete the SI base story.


I won't spoil the actual content (mostly because I don't have it to hand), but it's a clear reference to Chapter II. I don't know if you got a letter from Spindral before 4.0 came out, or what it said if you did, but it would not surprise me to find that either the current content or the whole letter itself is new for 4.0.


Regarding the letter it was the same prior to KOTFE.


The moon in question is almost certainly Yavin 4. The individual in question is probably Revan, given that we did technically FAIL to stop him. The Emperor returned on Y4 as a result of Revan's plan - that Revan failed too doesn't change the fact that we failed.

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