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Idea of how things should of been done


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First off I am one of many who dispise these changes. Im to the point I wont be resubbing if something isnt done. I was sitting down thinking of what they did, and what, IMO, should of been done. Maybe not the best idea, but in my mind I think it works better.


1. Companion system. Although I love the fact you can switch their roles so you can use whatever companion you want, im not fond of the fact of the time I spent getting companions geared on eight level 60's. I personally think its a slap in the face. Why couldnt they do something with the gear? Maybe put all the stats on the companion gear so when you switch their role, the appropriate stat will take effect. Might work, or at least something along those lines I would think,


2. Level sync. This is the biggest joke IMO. I do not believe your level should be toned down to that of the planet you are on. Thats like being a master jedi, and being dropped back down to a padawan just for going back to tython. IMO I think your level should stay whatever level your are. If you want to help a low level guildie or other player, you group with them, then your level syncs to the planet. This seems like a more viable system. From what I gather they did this for two reasons. One, to make it where you can level back on any planet again, and two, stop the ganking. What the fail to realise now is that now the lower level players are ganking any higher level they see because they know they are damn near on the same playing field. Ive seen this happen already. So all they did was switch the ganking situation around.


3. Lastly, it pisses me off they removed skills from everyone that we have to earn back. Thats a bunch of ******** IMO. If anything they should of added a new skill, not take ours away. Especially main skills. My operative is pretty much useless without her backstab. Thats a big skill to lose.


These are just my opinions on what should of been done. Who knows if they would actually work, but I dont think they spent much time on this update other then the story.

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So, lemme see if I got this straight....


If they don't go back and redo the companion system, undo level sync and and make up 'new' skills for all the classes, you're going to take your whopping $15 a month and go away.


Hmmmmmmmm....I just can't imagine which one of those options they're going to go with.


also, it's spelled 'despise' and would it kill you to actually use punctuation?

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So, lemme see if I got this straight....


If they don't go back and redo the companion system, undo level sync and and make up 'new' skills for all the classes, you're going to take your whopping $15 a month and go away.


Hmmmmmmmm....I just can't imagine which one of those options they're going to go with.


also, it's spelled 'despise' and would it kill you to actually use punctuation?


Oooh buddddy are you dense, to tell the truth there seems to be alot of people with your mind set around.


Let me spell it out for you......They added 3 steps in the right direction, and 15 steps in the wrong direction with this update. There is quite a large grouping of people that are about at the point of leaving for good. Sure that $15 isn't much, but what happens when the entire role playing community leaves, because they are being ignored? or what happens when people get sick of re-earning things that they had already unlocked/payed for? $15 dollars sure can add up fast...



Edit: *sigh* Who am I kidding, people with that mentality don't use reason. This conversation is irrelevant.

Edited by MystkX
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You're emotional ( I'm guessing), and so was I. We care about the game and worry when we see big changes like this.


Money talks. I don't believe this game has seen changes of this magnitude but I'm not a founder. If a lot of players don't like them they will leave and you're right that $15 does start to add up. We won't know for awhile.


Don't let the bullies get to you. They don't understand that by being mean to you doesn't help the game's cause nor their own cause.


Hang in there. Give it a few more weeks of patches and tweaks and let yourself adjust. I'm in the same boat! :)

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You're emotional ( I'm guessing), and so was I. We care about the game and worry when we see big changes like this.


Money talks. I don't believe this game has seen changes of this magnitude but I'm not a founder. If a lot of players don't like them they will leave and you're right that $15 does start to add up. We won't know for awhile.


Don't let the bullies get to you. They don't understand that by being mean to you doesn't help the game's cause nor their own cause.


Hang in there. Give it a few more weeks of patches and tweaks and let yourself adjust. I'm in the same boat! :)


They dont bother me. Im too old to give a damn what they have to say. Only negative thing they bring up is spelling and grammar. lmao. Quite sad actually. Especially when I was just giving my idea of how it should of been done. There are a lot of things i used to do solo for other players, that now cannot be done. I dont feel I should have to rely on a group to do things. But whatever, it was how i played the game and that got ruined. So why should O stay if I can no longer play the game the way I wish? I dont think my idea's were game breaking, nor out of place. I think they would of been a more reseaonable change then what we have now

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