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Everything posted by MystkX

  1. This is a current known bug, and we have been advised to use the "temp fix" of zoning out (yes, from anywhere even fleet) then zoning back in to where you where. This can be achieved by going to your stronghold/Guild stronghold then teleporting back to the instance/previous location. Needless to say, it's pretty much halted any respec's in runs that I have been in.
  2. Too many ignorant people this are souring the community, it's really depressing that people actually think that the majority of the community is "ok" with all the negative changes
  3. Oooh buddddy are you dense, to tell the truth there seems to be alot of people with your mind set around. Let me spell it out for you......They added 3 steps in the right direction, and 15 steps in the wrong direction with this update. There is quite a large grouping of people that are about at the point of leaving for good. Sure that $15 isn't much, but what happens when the entire role playing community leaves, because they are being ignored? or what happens when people get sick of re-earning things that they had already unlocked/payed for? $15 dollars sure can add up fast... Edit: *sigh* Who am I kidding, people with that mentality don't use reason. This conversation is irrelevant.
  4. Same issue is being seen all across the board, it would appear. Has there been any word from the devs on a fix for this? I just recently came back to swtor and after a nightmare time with the installer / patcher, kinda upset to see these kind of uber annoying bugs are going unfixed for days / weeks. Hopefully they can get this stuff worked out.
  5. Nice to know that every game has morons like this. It makes the forums funny to read.
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