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How do I uninstall 4.0??


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Let's see.. The story was fun.. Playing the first 9 chapters was pretty good.. But so far, that is all that was good..


Where are my old companions?? All of them??


Why aren't any companions on my ship besides HK and Treek?? Even my ship droid is not here and I did both of their quests...


Why must I PVP to get a companion?? I didn't PVP to get them..


Corso can't use a blaster??


Aric Jorgam can't use an Assault cannon??


What are you doing??


Heck, in this new communication thing you all have.. My character and my companion don't talk.. Is this EA's way of attempting to save money??


Maybe next time you all can just sell the expansion.. Although, at this point it would be a little iffy as to whether or not I would buy it..


Also taking away their gear was a bad move.. You essentially have to make them god like for the content.. We have no way to give them better gear if they suck for the content..


There just seems to be a lot of bad choices here..


Not to mention making early release beta test it for you.. There are way to many bugs in this release..


I don't want to get into that.. But still.. This is not what I expected and it doesn't live up to the hype...


Can I just have my old companions back?? Next time you want to make a bunch of changes like this.. Just give us some new ops and flashpoints instead...


Sorry.. Just how I feel about it.. :(

Edited by MajikMyst
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There is a terminal where you can get your old companion back, its bugged should be fixed tomorrow I believe. The gear change I think is a good thing as you don't have to worry if your companion hasn't been geared from the planet you got them on (need with the number of companions we can now get), but I can see why some people doin't like it. As for the PVP companion if you were a sith warrior or trooper you can get them back without doing PVP from what I understand. Like you I wish they had offered a none PVP mean to get them, forcing PVP is not a good for either party. I'm sorry you didn't like the changes, for the most part I'm enjoying it. Wish the companion influence wasn't as a big of a grind but it's something to work for. Edited by TheSeer
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There is a terminal where you can get your old companion back, its bugged should be fixed tomorrow I believe. The gear change I think is a good thing as you don't have to worry if your companion hasn't been geared from the planet you got them on (need with the number of companions we can now get), but I can see why some people doin't like it. As for the PVP companion if you were a sith warrior or trooper you can get them back without doing PVP from what I understand. Like you I wish they had offered a none PVP mean to get them, forcing PVP is not a good for either party. I'm sorry you didn't like the changes, for the most part I'm enjoying it. Wish the companion influence wasn't as a big of a grind but it's something to work for.


Ah the grind.. I am terrified to level any other toons to 65.. I suppose it will be a matter of time before they make the influence legacy.. :confused:

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Sorry if you feel I was ignoring the rest of your post but you did say you want your old companions back. So I was letting you known you can pull them out once they fix the terminal. It would have been nice if we could use them from the start but at least we don't have to do a lot of missions to get them back if we already had them. As for the companion weapons yeah that's a bummer but for me not a huge deal.


Yes they should have done more testing and gotten the bugs out. Honestly after playing this long it's anything but a surprise for me, as I came in expecting there to be a lot of bugs it wasn't such a big deal for me. I was pleased I made it through the chapters without getting stuck. I wish the influence was legacy or at least character wide too, so you wouldn't have to grind out each one but sadly its not. Even so I for the most part like the expansion, I see that for you it was a let down by it.

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Sorry if you feel I was ignoring the rest of your post but you did say you want your old companions back. So I was letting you known you can pull them out once they fix the terminal. It would have been nice if we could use them from the start but at least we don't have to do a lot of missions to get them back if we already had them. As for the companion weapons yeah that's a bummer but for me not a huge deal.


Yes they should have done more testing and gotten the bugs out. Honestly after playing this long it's anything but a surprise for me, as I came in expecting there to be a lot of bugs it wasn't such a big deal for me. I was pleased I made it through the chapters without getting stuck. I wish the influence was legacy or at least character wide too, so you wouldn't have to grind out each one but sadly its not. Even so I for the most part like the expansion, I see that for you it was a let down by it.


I wasn't meaning you.. Sorry if you thought I was..


It isn't the story.. I am happy with how they did the story.. That part was a kick in the pants..


But ok.. I have my ship back.. I am a commander of this alliance.. At least with some of my other toons, the missing companions will be a spouse.. My consular never married.. Still that being said, I am attached to Nadia, Tharan and Holiday, Zenith, and others.. I am glad I at least got Qyzen..


My ship is empty now.. HK and Treek are there.. Which by the way, why aren't they missing?? I found C2-N2.. Did his comfort quest.. Why isn't he on my ship now?? Do I really have to do this weekly 10 times?? (See Dulfy)


I am just looking at the changes and many of them I don't like.. The story is awesome.. I like many of the new companions.. Senya is pretty awesome.. As is Lana..


But there is nothing about the other companions.. Will we get them back and if so when??


I don't like the new communication system.. I like it when my character tanks.. This new system, there is no character talking or companion.. I miss that..


While I see the benefit of all the companions doing all three roles.. They all have fewer skills for each spec... There also seems to be less individuality between the companions.. They only real difference is faction.. Lana uses dark heals and Senya uses light heals.. But both use the same exact skills..


I guess I am feeling that they could have done the new story like Revan, and just gave us a new op and a couple of flashpoints and it would have been better.. Oh and not take our companions.. :p

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Thanks by the way for ignoring the rest of my post.. :rolleyes:

I wasn't looking to ignore the rest of your post, I was just limiting my response to the part of it where I actually had something to add (or thought I did, based on my understanding of what you were talking about). It was just that I didn't feel like including a long list of "sorry to hear you don't like this change" and/or "yeah - that bugged me, too" responses to the rest of your statements.


If I misunderstood what you meant by 'have them back' then I apologize. I suspect additional companions will continue to crop up throughout the ongoing 4.0 storyline as Chapters 10-16 are released. For now, you can have them back as functional companions once the Terminal is fixed tomorrow, but I don't believe we know exactly who is coming back in the storyline or when they will be reappearing.

Edited by DarthDymond
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I think you are missing the point..


I want my companions back in 4.0..


Thanks by the way for ignoring the rest of my post.. :rolleyes:


Well people are just coming here and carbon copying other posts at this point. Instead of having discussions in existing threads we get reruns like you posted. The expansion has now been out a week and generally speaking is liked by the majority of the players. It is also getting fond reviews on many gaming sites.


In short we have already begun to reach the "g-tfo noob" phase. Welcome to the forums.

Edited by Jnaathra
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How so? This is the NGE of SWTOR


I was there for the CU and NGE. If this was the NGE you would have logged into 4.0 and been missing entire classes, not a few companions. You also wouldn't have the same skills. The targeting system would have changed and the population of the servers would be bottoming out, not getting higher.

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How so? This is the NGE of SWTOR


Not unless they completely removed all abilities from all classes and turn it into a quasi 3 person shooter and then add back in the skills 2 classes at a time every month or so. There isn't even as much change in this as the CU had in SWG. Basic game play hasn't changed at all

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I was there for the CU and NGE. If this was the NGE you would have logged into 4.0 and been missing entire classes, not a few companions. You also wouldn't have the same skills. The targeting system would have changed and the population of the servers would be bottoming out, not getting higher.


You're wasting your time, the person clearly doesn't like 4.0, which is fine that's his/her opinion, so they picked a patch known for be largely responsible for finishing off an MMO that some people love and used it. No facts or reality were involved in his assessment. I applaud the effort though, the forums these days are so full of hypebole and ranting it's rare to see someone with a head on their shoulders. Not bad for amusement during server downtime though I admit.

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Let's see.. The story was fun.. Playing the first 9 chapters was pretty good.. But so far, that is all that was good..


Where are my old companions?? All of them??


Why aren't any companions on my ship besides HK and Treek?? Even my ship droid is not here and I did both of their quests...


Why must I PVP to get a companion?? I didn't PVP to get them..


Corso can't use a blaster??


Aric Jorgam can't use an Assault cannon??


What are you doing??


1. They are on a journey. You can summon them back outside the story.


2. You don't need to pvp to get your former companion. You only need to pvp for the optional companion and it's only one on each faction that requires pvp.


3. Corso gets his pistols back


4. Making Eric to use a rifle makes a perfect sense in that particular case. He is a sniper. His ability to use the cannon was one of the things from the core game that didn't make sense.

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Where are my old companions?? All of them??


You think someone as "smart" as you would have realized that you didn't come into contact with (all of) your old companions in the story yet thus there's no canon reason for you to have them yet.


The non-canon versions of the vanilla companions are now available to reacquire but someone how I doubt you'll be satisfied with them.


Why aren't any companions on my ship besides HK and Treek??


Uhm because of the story. Were you not paying attention to the story at all? 5 years passed and your companions went their separate ways. Any characters you recruit from 4.0 forward show up in your base after Chapter 9.


The reason Treek and HK are still there is because they are companions that can be purchased and thus will never be taken away from the player. Plus they were both kind of always non-canon characters in a way. The story never acknowledges Treek after you get her. Same goes for HK with the exception of the False Emperor Flashpoint.


Even my ship droid is not here and I did both of their quests...


Why should they be on your ship and not your base given the story context that now exists for 4.0? Explain that.


Why must I PVP to get a companion?? I didn't PVP to get them..


You don't "have" to do PVP to get them. If you're a Warrior/Trooper you can just force that character to join you or grab them from the Companion Terminal.


Corso can't use a blaster??


With the new patch now he can.


Aric Jorgam can't use an Assault cannon??


Never made sense for him to use one to begin with. He's a Sniper. If you paid attention to what he actually says or did his personal story, you'd know that.


Heck, in this new communication thing you all have.. My character and my companion don't talk.. Is this EA's way of attempting to save money??


When have you talked to your companions outside of the vanilla story? After you finish Chapter 3 of the vanilla story companions are basically lifeless.


You act as if companions were something that was really involved and intricate when they never were.


Maybe next time you all can just sell the expansion.. Although, at this point it would be a little iffy as to whether or not I would buy it..


Thanks for sharing. It really matters whether you buy it or not.


Also taking away their gear was a bad move..


No it wasn't because now you can make you companion look however you want instead of them looking like some lunatic wearing a rainbow garbage costume just because it has better stats than a green piece of a gear that looks better or whatever.


Not to mention after the 192 Yavin Companion gear was added everybody's companions looked the same because there was no reason not to have them in that gear.


You essentially have to make them god like for the content..


No they didn't have to.


We have no way to give them better gear if they suck for the content..


Uhm yes you can. You can raise their influence either through conversation influence gains or by giving them gifts.


Seriously don't just make up stuff like that or flat out lie like you just did.


I don't want to get into that.. But still.. This is not what I expected and it doesn't live up to the hype...


I seriously don't know what you were expecting. After the launches of 2.0 and 3.0 you should know what a numbered update can be like at this point not to mention just look at every other MMO on the market with the exception of WoW and look how they handle content updates. Is any of it ever "that" amazing or "hype" worthy? No, so what on earth made you think this was?


Can I just have my old companions back?? Next time you want to make a bunch of changes like this.. Just give us some new ops and flashpoints instead...


Sorry.. Just how I feel about it.. :(


Alot of your problems just seem to stem from ignorance.

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