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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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You can't die in the game?

You're not trying hard enough then if that's all this is boiling down to: you paying money to get killed. Have at it.


lol, you should not be trying to get killed in a game, you should be trying to stay alive.


But you are right, you really do need to try very hard to get killed now.

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buddy, when you cant die in a game and pay 16.50 a month on a sub for 5 hours of cut scenes with the promise of a few more cutscenes a month...thats wrong any way you look at it.


It's wrong in your point of view. Not everyone's. Art is always subjective.


Personally, I like my character (Cuz, you know, it's the character, not you. You don't really die in the game. You're the person behind the keyboard, not the little pixellated character running around on your monitor) not being able to die in my pretendy-fun-time video game.

Edited by Raphael_diSanto
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lol, you should not be trying to get killed in a game, you should be trying to stay alive.


But you are right, you really do need to try very hard to get killed now.


I agree, BUT it has helped me play through content I've missed (heroics etc) and I've been here since launch. So it's been enjoyable to get through stuff at my own pace, which I'm sure alot of people could relate to.

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it's a video game company mate, they're not concerned about doing what's right. they're concerned about returning profits to their investors.


yeah, and players like you allow it to happen.


Players like you allow more and more dodgy business practices in the gaming industry because you fight tooth and nail to defend stupid choices, like sucking all gameplay out of an MMO, and try to bash down anybody that says otherwise

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How about instead of thowing a counter question...you actually answer the question.


It wasn't a question, it was a strawman fallacy. You insultingly re-characterized everyone's stance with a simplified view and attacked that.


It's like if I asked you "So you're rather not have companions at all if they're strong enough to survive a single attack from an enemy mob?"


If you can't form your own arguments without having to resort to fallacies, you shouldn't argue. People here are satisfied with how Companions work. Even if your hypothetical is true, it's ancillary to the point. We're not specifically setting out to be in favor of a Healer Companion stalemate against similarly leveled mobs; even if that scenario happens to play out in the current build. Summarizing people's stance in that manner is insulting and should be beneath you.



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I think I taught Ashara a little too well. She doesn't even need me anymore. I'm a little afraid that she may decide to just do away with me and take my place on the Dark Council. At this rate I'm pretty sure she could easily take the Emperor lol.


I think it's kinda funny and I'm enjoying my Godbots while I can. We all know they're going to get nerfed eventually. They sure made The Bounty event super easy this time. Take that evil non-stop stun guy on Dromund Kaas. :D

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this guy. "leave if you don't agree with me and my feelings".


no, thats not what i said, poster said they were not getting anything from this thread, so go away, why waste your time here.


By all means, have your opinion, but if your not getting any kind of engagement from this debate, then go away.

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yeah, and players like you allow it to happen.


Players like you allow more and more dodgy business practices in the gaming industry because you fight tooth and nail to defend stupid choices, like sucking all gameplay out of an MMO, and try to bash down anybody that says otherwise


oh go cry somewhere else. most of the people who were polled think the changes are fine. you calling the practice dodgy doesn't make it so.










Edited by ryniloym
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I like it as it is. Companions as they are now take the tedium out of going around on my own. Yeah, they're quite strong, but seeing as that this only bears any relevance in content that doesn't seem to be designed to be super challenging for the 0.5% of us that are Very Skilled Gamers, , I see no problem with that at all.


Crying about how that have more HP than you sound like the most pathetic and childish moan in the whole game. Most of the npc's have more HP than you. Raid bosses have more HP than everything else ever.


These npc's just happen to be on our side.


And if you can't kill things faster and better than the dps companions, you're going to have to face the sad reality that you apparently suck amazingly at playing dps, because hey... I've got a maxed out companion, and in that BH's sad little 192's with blue augments, I still kill things faster than my rank 50 Mako.


By -a lot-.


A lot a lot. Dps companions have some high damage attacks, it's true, but they're also in longish cd's.


I haven't attempted any parsing, but it feels to me like I'm out dpsing my Mako in her dps role at rank 50 several times over. I wouldn't be the last bit surpassed to learn that I'm doing 4x the overall dps she is, if not better.


I just have to use more powers to do it. I have way more buttons to click than three companion AI does. If I click them with smartness and use both hands to play, and actually pay attention, there's no contest here at all.


Not even close.


Plus, in way better at selecting targets for optimal kill order and positioning than any of the AI's even try to be, and there's a big metafactor Ie exactly nobody vocally considering.


We're ostensibly smarter than our companions. Maybe some of you aren't and you'd wind up being overshadowed by household appliances if they were capable of forming even rudimentary opinions, but me, and Ir think most of us, don't really have that problem.


Neither do I, or probably most players, set themselves into little seething balls of whining jealousy that an NPC's numbers are bigger than ours.


That's just... So beyond pathetic that I'm about tempted to start linking to websites offering deals on baby pacifiers and formula, as it genuinely seems that some of you need a damn bottle and a nap.

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it never can, because in every thread where someone dears to say that the changes in 4.0 are not that great, all hell breaks lose and all these ppl invade the thread, telling us we should not post, we should not whine, accept it and move on...the whole time failing to realise, these changes were made in the first place was because of them not accepting the game the way it was before and whining for the last 3 years.


Er...I never whined about anything. When I realized I didn't have the time to go on a grindfest, I just left. Now the grindfest is over, I'm back. Simple.

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It wasn't a question, it was a strawman fallacy. You insultingly re-characterized everyone's stance with a simplified view and attacked that.


It's like if I asked you "So you're rather not have companions at all if they're strong enough to survive a single attack from an enemy mob?"


If you can't form your own arguments without having to resort to fallacies, you shouldn't argue. People here are satisfied with how Companions work. Even if your hypothetical is true, it's ancillary to the point. We're not specifically setting out to be in favor of a Healer Companion stalemate against similarly leveled mobs; even if that scenario happens to play out in the current build. Summarizing people's stance in that manner is insulting and should be beneath you.




not a fallacy, its me saying to you....if you do not think that the game is too easy, then try out this scenario:


start new sith warrior, after DK you should be around lvl 16, skip balmora, go straight to Nar shadda, pull level 21 mobs, watch lvl 16 comp fight them.


Then come back and comment on what you experienced.


Not to hard to understand. Try it and see for your self. im not asking you to agree with my opinion, im asking you to go and try it for yourself...see it with your own eyes.

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I am very happy with having healing companions that can actually match having a player on a heal class run with me in heroic 2s. They are actually better than a lot of player healers because they pay attention to health all the time and put healing above trying to dps. I usually run one of my tank classes with a buddy who is a healer, companions healers are no better than he is at healing. They just were a lot worse than him pre 4.0., now the margin is a lot smaller and I like that.


Buffing players rather than the companions would have unbalanced all the content where no companions are allowed, so what they did was the best solution to companions being next to useless pre 4.0. In tank mode, they are still too stupid to move out of ground spots and cannot hold aggro anywhere near as well as player tank, nor pick up adds like a player tank. In dps mode they can now hit hard but they still suck at avoiding ground spots and other mechanics.


Overall, I like the companions much more now. And I do not feel like they are playing the game for me. I play mostly tank classes, I still work at holding aggro, positioning the boss, avoiding mechanics etc. My companion does their job, they keep me alive and they are effective at it. As they should be, if they were not, then if I had real control, they would be left behind at the next port.


I treat my companions and myself life a special forces team, everybody is supposed to be good at their job. Before 4.0, it felt like they were mostly dead weight on my ship. Except Treek. Best healer. Only ever ran with treek. Now that I can use other companions for good heals, I have not used treek at all.

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Er...I never whined about anything. When I realized I didn't have the time to go on a grindfest, I just left. Now the grindfest is over, I'm back. Simple.


thats nice, you did not, are you saying no one did? not one person said anything for the last 3 years...bio ware just magically decide to make these changes off their own back?

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not a fallacy, its me saying to you....if you do not think that the game is too easy, then try out this scenario:


start new sith warrior, after DK you should be around lvl 16, skip balmora, go straight to Nar shadda, pull level 21 mobs, watch lvl 16 comp fight them.


Then come back and comment on what you experienced.


Not to hard to understand. Try it and see for your self. im not asking you to agree with my opinion, im asking you to go and try it for yourself...see it with your own eyes.


but why does it bother you so much? If you have such a problem with it, the answer is simple. DONT SUMMON A COMPANION! Just don't use them if they're "so powerful they're ruining your game experience" or whatever.

Personally, I don't mind them being OP because my wife is brand new to this game and MMO RPGs altogether and having an OP companion means I dont have to babysit her. the companion does it for me xD

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but why does it bother you so much? If you have such a problem with it, the answer is simple. DONT SUMMON A COMPANION! Just don't use them if they're "so powerful they're ruining your game experience" or whatever.

Personally, I don't mind them being OP because my wife is brand new to this game and MMO RPGs altogether and having an OP companion means I dont have to babysit her. the companion does it for me xD


Don't lie... You're not Married... >_>


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