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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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Yes, you've said you're happy...BUT! And I can't stress this enough.... are you happy happy? Or just "happy"? Because if you're just "happy" happy, and not happy happy, then I can make nine more threads trying to convince you of why you're wrong.


Too much happy in this thread.... D:

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ummm, soooo, which is the argument:


that before 4.0 comps were to weak and died to easily, or that comps were just as strong as they are now?


Companions were pretty useless until they were kitted out in gear at level cap. Now they dont need that, and level up and stat develop along with you as your toon grows.

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I think I'm done posting here for a bit. The crowd keeps asking "So your fine with your companion shooting to the moon and blowing up the deathstar"


US: "Yes"


Them: " So your okay with your companion saving you from an endless grind fighting dying from repeated mobs"




Them "So your okay with poor quality control and you are sure you don't want companions changed back"




Them: "Let me post a poll just to be sure and a video..."


....."Poll backfires in their face


Them:.... "The poll doesn't reflect a majority of user base..


US: Then why post it.../facepalm...

Edited by RogerApple
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Companions were pretty useless until they were kitted out in gear at level cap. Now they dont need that, and level up and stat develop along with you as your toon grows.


invincible level 16 comp multiple groups of lvl 21 mobs is not a comp leveling with you, that is an invincible comp right from the get go.

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You realize that is called trolling. I think that's exactly what the other poster meant but said it in a poor way. You people are bored in game. So you come here on forums. You are not really asking if we're fine with it. Because we told you in a poll ..five hundred to one hundred..that we are...you are just trying to entice a response. If that's the case which you just admitted too...not trying to get a legit answer but trying to get a rise out of people...then yes you are trolling and you should seriously stop because that's not allowed heree.


It's unfair for us who enjoy the changes for you to be on here just trying to entice a response to one we already gave you. You just said in plain English. You are just whining for sake of whining not trying to get a legit answer. For reals..




Then why did they create the poll in the first place...because they thought a majority did agree then when they didn't..they blast their own pol saying..oh a this isn't a majority of player base..then why even make the poll..if it was other way...you can claim it was


We get it...you love the new companions. Stop pretending you speak for everyone because obviously you don't.

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invincible level 16 comp multiple groups of lvl 21 mobs is not a comp leveling with you, that is an invincible comp right from the get go.


Video/pic or it didn't happen.


Companions are mostly fine currently. Maybe some minor tweaks to how presence/influence affects companions.

I'm saying this after soloing all Star Fortresses as dps Vanguard with healer companion. No, tank companions can't survive some of the champion fights.

Edited by Halinalle
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invincible level 16 comp multiple groups of lvl 21 mobs is not a comp leveling with you, that is an invincible comp right from the get go.


My companion (since 4.0) has never been invincible. I have T7 tanking on my Sentinel and he's been close to dying quite a few times; that's NOT with any rogue pulls.



Bioware should add a disclaimer for companions and gameplay now: "EXPERIENCES MAY VARY".

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I think I'm done posting here for a bit. The crowd keeps asking "So your fine with your companion shooting to the moon and blowing up the deathstar"


US: "Yes"


Them: " So your okay with your companion saving you from an endless grind fighting dying from repeated mobs"




Them "So your okay with poor quality control and you are sure you don't want companions changed back"




Them: "Let me post a poll just to be sure and a video..."


....."Poll backfires in their face


Them:.... "The poll doesn't reflect a majority of user base..


US: Then why post it.../facepalm...


then **** off, just accept that there are people out there that are not happy with the change and will continue to post why...no one is forcing any of you to come in here and try to counter any of our opinions.


If the majority of the player base are fine with it, then you have nothing to worry about, just ignore these threads.

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My companion (since 4.0) has never been invincible. I have T7 tanking on my Sentinel and he's been close to dying quite a few times; that's NOT with any rogue pulls.



Bioware should add a disclaimer for companions and gameplay now: "EXPERIENCES MAY VARY".


Like i have said many times now.


Start a new sith warrior, after DK you should be around level 16, skip balmora, go straight to nar shadda,


put healer stance on comp and pull lvl 21 mobs, watch fight...

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then **** off, just accept that there are people out there that are not happy with the change and will continue to post why...no one is forcing any of you to come in here and try to counter any of our opinions.


If the majority of the player base are fine with it, then you have nothing to worry about, just ignore these threads.


Really? Nice rebuttal... Very mature. So, someone doesn't agree with a carbon copy post of the same topic and your response when faced with adversity is basically treat them like an ill-begotten immigrant? Nice work.

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then **** off, just accept that there are people out there that are not happy with the change and will continue to post why...no one is forcing any of you to come in here and try to counter any of our opinions.


If the majority of the player base are fine with it, then you have nothing to worry about, just ignore these threads.


wow, look at this guy. and we're supposed to take him seriously? I bet he's pouting right now :p

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Like i have said many times now.


Start a new sith warrior, after DK you should be around level 16, skip balmora, go straight to nar shadda,


put healer stance on comp and pull lvl 21 mobs, watch fight...


AND like I said: Experiences may vary. GG.

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the polled majority don't care, bro.


and thats why the game is screwed now...majority does not always mean right.


if majority voted the sky was blue, doesnt make it right.


If the majority of the player base think games should not have any kind of challenge to them and are happy to support companies that gut the gameply from a game and sell you slithers of cutscenes for a monthly sub...doesnt make it right.

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Agreed they need to nerf Companions, Ive reached lvl 35 on Lana Beniko and she is 97k health to my 65k health, she rips through things faster then I can. So there needs to be an adjustment to how they base the stats of a companion from our stats. When I switch her to a Tanking role she has 127k health, Tell me where in the game someone has 127k health. People always try to stop the overpowered from disappearing because it helps the underpowered progress, Stop posting on here that everything is fine, because its not this needs a serious NERF!
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Yes, you've said you're happy...BUT! And I can't stress this enough.... are you happy happy? Or just "happy"? Because if you're just "happy" happy, and not happy happy, then I can make nine more threads trying to convince you of why you're wrong.


I'm so happy happy I might end up painting everything blue in my neighbourhood, including my wife and kid.

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I personally enjoy how the companions are my equal. I do believe that I should have more bad *** abilities and some that are genuinely "more powerful than anything you can possibly imagine" but I'm happy either way. Edited by BlackFx
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and thats why the game is screwed now...majority does not always mean right.


if majority voted the sky was blue, doesnt make it right.


If the majority of the player base think games should not have any kind of challenge to them and are happy to support companies that gut the gameply from a game and sell you slithers of cutscenes for a monthly sub...doesnt make it right.


well businesses tend to go with what's profitable and if the majority say they like what the business is selling, guess what the business is going to continue to do?

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