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Companions - It's not about "challenge"


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I think even in that poll majority of players already said five hundred to one hundred. That more then five times the normal amount. They are fine with this change. In fact its better then before. I seemed to always face an elite one level above me. [Even though I was fine for my level]. My companion would easily die so I had to spam trade offering credits or ask a guild for help.


This is the 4th thread on this topic. Majority already said they are fine with these changes. This seems just to annoy the other crowd saying "Oh so you are fine with your companions doing most of the damage" Its like their not getting the answer they want..so they keep asking the question..we're fine with it. Companions are supposed be able to help not die off easily.


In chapter 1 of Imperial this is the first time I managed to beat the elite boss on my own even though I was levels above him and he was sill almost too much for my companion to handle. You can make videos. You can do polls. I just don't understand why people aren't accepting of answer we are giving them. Things are fine..

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First, I will apologize for making another thread about this...but this topic is somewhat different than all the others.



Now this just may be my opinion, I don't know.


For me, the way companions are in 4.0 has nothing to do about "challenge" or how difficult/easy the game is.


I think that everyone truly knows that the game has really always been easy, when you consider playing through the story solo.


For me, it's about immersion.


Pre 4.0, your character was the main character, the powerful character.


If you sent in your companions, chances are, they would need your help...and I can't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game and companions in general.


In 4.0, if you send in your companions, they simply do not need your help at all.


Pre 4.0, when you decided to fight, you, the player character, you made the difference. You were the one that made the game easy. Again, I don't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game.



Now, assuming that this design in 4.0 is working as intended...


Would you not rather it be the player characters that were the ones buffed, instead of the companions?


"If you sent in your companions, chances are, they would need your help...and I can't speak for everyone, but to me, that was an awesome aspect of the game and companions in general."


This just sounds like a massive cop out/lie you told yourself because companions were useless until geared up in level cap gear.

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This is the 4th thread on this topic. Majority already said they are fine with these changes. This seems just to annoy the other crowd saying "Oh so you are fine with your companions doing most of the damage" Its like their not getting the answer they want..so they keep asking the question..we're fine with it. Companions are supposed be able to help not die off easily.


I think this sums it up well. At a certain point, it just becomes insulting.


"Are you happy with the Companions?"






"...so you're seriously fine with how they are?"

"Oh my God, yes!"

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I think even in that poll majority of players already said five hundred to one hundred. That more then five times the normal amount. They are fine with this change. In fact its better then before. I seemed to always face an elite one level above me. [Even though I was fine for my level]. My companion would easily die so I had to spam trade offering credits or ask a guild for help.


This is the 4th thread on this topic. Majority already said they are fine with these changes. This seems just to annoy the other crowd saying "Oh so you are fine with your companions doing most of the damage" Its like their not getting the answer they want..so they keep asking the question..we're fine with it. Companions are supposed be able to help not die off easily.


In chapter 1 of Imperial this is the first time I managed to beat the elite boss on my own even though I was levels above him and he was sill almost too much for my companion to handle. You can make videos. You can do polls. I just don't understand why people aren't accepting of answer we are giving them. Things are fine..


I will tell you why...because whining apparently does help...let me give you an example:


Before 4.0 changes, there were all these players who continued to whine about the difficulty, the grind and whined about having to (heaven forbid) progress through the game and gear up their character and comp.


After 3 years of whining, they made the change...so now its the other way around. We saw how well whining about it non stop for three years worked, so now we need to whine about the changes for the next three years and maybe they will give us back a game you actually need to play.

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That way we can summon a healbot companion. Because soon enough, because of the problems groups are having without healers, they will just start auto-kicking one member at the beginning so another can pull a companion out to heal.


This is from absolutely different thread. If you still don't see why companions are broken, maybe appearence of such ideas will give you a clue. IF it still won't, then this conversation is indeed pointless.

Edited by Frenesi
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I think even in that poll majority of players already said five hundred to one hundred. That more then five times the normal amount. They are fine with this change. In fact its better then before. I seemed to always face an elite one level above me. [Even though I was fine for my level]. My companion would easily die so I had to spam trade offering credits or ask a guild for help.


This is the 4th thread on this topic. Majority already said they are fine with these changes. This seems just to annoy the other crowd saying "Oh so you are fine with your companions doing most of the damage" Its like their not getting the answer they want..so they keep asking the question..we're fine with it. Companions are supposed be able to help not die off easily.


In chapter 1 of Imperial this is the first time I managed to beat the elite boss on my own even though I was levels above him and he was sill almost too much for my companion to handle. You can make videos. You can do polls. I just don't understand why people aren't accepting of answer we are giving them. Things are fine..


You keep saying "majority" as if you have some magic crystal ball and know this as fact. A few people on the forums is hardly indicative of the overall population.

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I will tell you why...because whining apparently does help...let me give you an example:


Before 4.0 changes, there were all these players who continued to whine about the difficulty, the grind and whined about having to (heaven forbid) progress through the game and gear up their character and comp.


After 3 years of whining, they made the change...so now its the other way around. We saw how well whining about it non stop for three years worked, so now we need to whine about the changes for the next three years and maybe they will give us back a game you actually need to play.


You realize that is called trolling. I think that's exactly what the other poster meant but said it in a poor way. You people are bored in game. So you come here on forums. You are not really asking if we're fine with it. Because we told you in a poll ..five hundred to one hundred..that we are...you are just trying to entice a response. If that's the case which you just admitted too...not trying to get a legit answer but trying to get a rise out of people...then yes you are trolling and you should seriously stop because that's not allowed heree.


It's unfair for us who enjoy the changes for you to be on here just trying to entice a response to one we already gave you. You just said in plain English. You are just whining for sake of whining not trying to get a legit answer. For reals..


You keep saying "majority" as if you have some magic crystal ball and know this as fact. A few people on the forums is hardly indicative of the overall population.


Then why did they create the poll in the first place...because they thought a majority did agree then when they didn't..they blast their own pol saying..oh a this isn't a majority of player base..then why even make the poll..if it was other way...you can claim it was

Edited by RogerApple
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This is from absolutely different thread. If you window-leackers still don't see why companions are broken, maybe appearence of such ideas will give you a clue. IF it still won't, then this conversation is indeed pointless.


All you've done is given your opinion here. No 'meat' to your argument, Therefore ,in your words, this conversation is indeed pointless.

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This is from absolutely different thread. If you window-leackers still don't see why companions are broken, maybe appearence of such ideas will give you a clue. IF it still won't, then this conversation is indeed pointless.


I find any time you feel vindicated in calling people who disagree with you "window-leackers" (I assume you meant "lickers"?), then yes, conversation was pointless.

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I think this sums it up well. At a certain point, it just becomes insulting.


"Are you happy with the Companions?"






"...so you're seriously fine with how they are?"

"Oh my God, yes!"


My question is


"are you happy with a level 16 comp participating in a never ending solo fight with a group of lvl 21/22 mobs?"


If you are fine with that...well then, I fear for the quality of the gaming industry, especially if you are the majority.

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Problem with old companion system wasn't the difficulty of story content, or should we say lack of difficulty. So, maybe difficulty was the problem because story content has always been easy.


Main problem was "Help! Save me, Master!" whine from companion. Yes, I know... It was RP from healer companions but companions like Xalek, Torian, Blizz, Vik and few others shouldn't have to ask for help.

Edited by Halinalle
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This is from absolutely different thread. If you window-leackers still don't see why companions are broken, maybe appearence of such ideas will give you a clue. IF it still won't, then this conversation is indeed pointless.


i like how you're calling people "window leackers" because ya know...that's labeling someone as an idiot and...well.... I'll let you window lick to your own conclusion. :rak_04:


also, "appearance".


and yes, the conversation is pointless. we're fine with the change. thanks for the concern.

Edited by ryniloym
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All you've done is given your opinion here. No 'meat' to your argument, Therefore ,in your words, this conversation is indeed pointless.


So, you do have nothing to answer on topic, instead resorting to "it's just you pointless opinion"? Well, **** you too, my friend. It's not like your opinion is any better.

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Problem with old companion system wasn't the difficulty of story content, or should we say lack of difficulty.


Main problem was "Help! Save me, Master!" whine from companion.


You know, not once did i ever have this problem of comps being easily killed before 4.0.


And its funny, because the other weird defense that players that like the changes throw at us who dont is, that there is no difference in the comps, that comps could always solo elites even before 4.0.....so which one is it??

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i like how you're calling people "window leackers" because ya know...that's labeling someone as an idiot and...well.... I'll let you window lick to your own conclusion. :rak_04:


also, "appearance".


and yes, the conversation is pointless. we're fine with the change. thanks for the concern.


Edited, sorry. I do go over the top sometimes

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My question is


"are you happy with a level 16 comp participating in a never ending solo fight with a group of lvl 21/22 mobs?"


If you are fine with that...well then, I fear for the quality of the gaming industry, especially if you are the majority.


Let me counter with a question of my own. Do you feel that your platform can only be properly expressed via strawmen arguments? If so, it should be an indicator that it's not strong enough to stand on its own.

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My question is


"are you happy with a level 16 comp participating in a never ending solo fight with a group of lvl 21/22 mobs?"


If you are fine with that...well then, I fear for the quality of the gaming industry, especially if you are the majority.


Yes now how many different times and different ways in different threads with different people are you people to going to ask. You keep asking in all these different ways you are trying to get a no we're telling you its fine at what point do you realize its fine or do you keep I hate to use the word whining..but whining..

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So, you do have nothing to answer on topic, instead resorting to "it's just you pointless opinion"? Well, **** you too, my friend. It's not like your opinion is any better.


I've commented extensively on multiple threads. Furthermore, I wasn't stating an opinion. Merely pointing out the fallacy of your own argument.


Also: " It's not like your opinion is any better." << This, you've basically stabbed yourself in the foot again. What age are you 12?

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Let me counter with a question of my own. Do you feel that your platform can only be properly expressed via strawmen arguments? If so, it should be an indicator that it's not strong enough to stand on its own.


How about instead of thowing a counter question...you actually answer the question.


If you dont believe me about this scanario, refer to my previous post:


Start a new sith warrior, after DK, should be around lvl 16, skip balmora, go straight to nar shadda, set your comp an healer stance, send her in to fight some lvl 21's and watch the never ending fight that ensues.

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I just don't understand why people aren't accepting of answer we are giving them. Things are fine..


The fact that you don't understandd is quite revealing...


Your opinions that it's fine is just an opinion like my point of view that something is wrong is also an opinion.


There's no truth about whether or not the current state of companions is right or wrong, there's no god's rule that says "Here's how companions should be", it's a choice made by devs, this choice is motivated by different things including players feedback. So giving feedback is a normal thing to do on the forums...


And again, the arbitrary state of the companions can be changed for each character, there's nothing stopping Bioware from introducing a little option to move their efficiency some, keeping it as it is for thoses that are happy or lowering it for some that would like harder fights.

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How about instead of thowing a counter question...you actually answer the question.


If you dont believe me about this scanario, refer to my previous post:


Start a new sith warrior, after DK, should be around lvl 16, skip balmora, go straight to nar shadda, set your comp an healer stance, send her in to fight some lvl 21's and watch the never ending fight that ensues.


Your question is "are you happy with them?". They've answered your question, multiple times. YES.

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that comps could always solo elites even before 4.0.....so which one is it??


Yep, level 60 Jaesa could easily solo 3 strongs on Section X.

While level 50 Jaesa had trouble killing 2 standard enemies on Section X.

Edited by Halinalle
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Yes now how many different times and different ways in different threads with different people are you people to going to ask. You keep asking in all these different ways you are trying to get a no we're telling you its fine at what point do you realize its fine or do you keep I hate to use the word whining..but whining..


your right, i am whining, and i will keep whining for the next three years...thats how long players like you whined for to get these changes to happen in the first place.

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Yes now how many different times and different ways in different threads with different people are you people to going to ask. You keep asking in all these different ways you are trying to get a no we're telling you its fine at what point do you realize its fine or do you keep I hate to use the word whining..but whining..


Yes, you've said you're happy...BUT! And I can't stress this enough.... are you happy happy? Or just "happy"? Because if you're just "happy" happy, and not happy happy, then I can make nine more threads trying to convince you of why you're wrong.

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