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Video Proof that Companions are Too powerful! KOTFE


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I've not seen anyone complaining about companions being over-powered in-game.


My respectful suggestion is to take any OP companion into the Heroic 2 Star Fortress flashpoint that Theron sends you on. If anyone can beat it, great! It's no cakewalk, though. It's a struggle for every advance you make and I still can't win when two gold elites come out to play together.


I already did Alderaan and Nar Shadaa solo with Lana. Only death I had was when lana got knocked off the edge by the droid boss. It happened again the next time, but much later in the fight and I defeated it anyway. Didn't take any more time than it would have with someone else.

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Not that the game was very difficult before but with the new companions, I am kind of enjoying it. For different reasons. My son turned 13 this year and is a huge star wars fan, so I fired up an account for him so we can play together. With the new companions, I can duo flashpoints with him and actually teach him how to play without dying constantly or making other people suffer from his mistakes. It still takes effort and coordination to do but we do it and have fun and if the new companion model allows for him to break a cc now and then, I'm ok with it.


It's not like you ever really died before, and if you did, you went to the bathroom until you could med probe and go again which didn't happen often. Leveling is bland and the point is the story, now you can focus on that and do ones you might have done otherwise.


Just my personal take on it. When you can get the best gear in the game using companions, then there may be a point but for leveling and daily grinding, nah, it's better this way.

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I was hoping there would be a fix for companions in today's patch. I just cannot imagine that the astronomical amount of Presence on our toons is working as intended. To test, I went back out to Yavin today to run dailies after the patch.


Same thing: Xalek is in tank mode, and is taking on EVERYTHING and killing EVERYTHING without needing a single heal. Double golds, trash mobs, Champions... at one point he had a champ, 2 golds and 3 trash mobs on him, and only then was his health beginning to drain. Shot him an Innervate and he was good to go, and from that point never fell below 90% as he finished off all of them.


I really want to like the changes in the game, and I really want to start the KotFE content, but all I really feel compelled to do is uninstall the game from my SSD to free up some space.


Definitely going to cancel and let the sub lapse for now, maybe come back after the first of next year.

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Story content is easy? Nothing new here.

Could you please show us how companion solo two Knight of Zakuul and 2 standard enemies in heroic Star Fortress.


Story content was always easy but you needed to actually play it, or to work pretty hard to max your companion's gear out. Now you don't need to play because your companions show up more powerful than they've ever been right out of the gate.


Why does a companion need to be able to solo content designed for two humans and two companions to be considered overpowered? And if someone did show you that video, would you just move the goalposts again?

Edited by ReverendAnderson
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I was hoping there would be a fix for companions in today's patch. I just cannot imagine that the astronomical amount of Presence on our toons is working as intended. To test, I went back out to Yavin today to run dailies after the patch.


Same thing: Xalek is in tank mode, and is taking on EVERYTHING and killing EVERYTHING without needing a single heal. Double golds, trash mobs, Champions... at one point he had a champ, 2 golds and 3 trash mobs on him, and only then was his health beginning to drain. Shot him an Innervate and he was good to go, and from that point never fell below 90% as he finished off all of them.


I really want to like the changes in the game, and I really want to start the KotFE content, but all I really feel compelled to do is uninstall the game from my SSD to free up some space.


Definitely going to cancel and let the sub lapse for now, maybe come back after the first of next year.


A part of me likes to think that this problem is more complicated than we think it is. Maybe they are trying to figure out a happy medium between people like us and a brand new player. Even though I don't think you can prove to me there is much difference. I would love to see a brand new account attempt this and see what happens.


I remember at launch Crit and surge was completely broken and it took them a whole 6 weeks to implement diminishing returns on those stats.


I would love just to see a Dev post to at least either acknowledge it or let us know whats going on. There has been post after post on this for days now.

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Story content was always easy but you needed to actually play it, or to work pretty hard to max your companion's gear out. Now you don't need to play because your companions show up more powerful than they've ever been right out of the gate.


Why does a companion need to be able to solo content designed for two humans and two companions to be considered overpowered? And if someone did show you that video, would you just move the goalposts again?


I am debating this weekend I am actually going to be buying a new account and record my experiences I want to see if its as different as people suggest that it is.


I am willing to bet its not.

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The only thing it proves is that the hits your Lana dealt out, those she received and all the percentages and chances were in your favor.


When I ran KOTFE with my sorc I had to heal her, and the others, plenty of times. Apparently the hits dealt and received, and the percentages and chances were not in my favor. Oh my.


Also, why would they nerf the comps? Hell, someone started a poll. Last I checked a bit over 1,000 people voted on it (most in favor of keeping it the way it is.) What that tells us is that the people who want the nerf are a fringe minority in the player base. So, again, why would BW nerf the comps?

Edited by Diefenbaker
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When the next patch comes and still not a nerf, Could you please quit the game? That would make my grin I am having right now so much bigger.


Wow this community is toxic. There's a word for people like you but it'll probably be censored on this forum.

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When the next patch comes and still not a nerf, Could you please quit the game? That would make my grin I am having right now so much bigger.




prepare to waste your time responding to another one of these posts. They will keep coming with more evidence to prove we are right.


Maybe you should quit?

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Wow this community is toxic. There's a word for people like you but it'll probably be censored on this forum.


don't worry about it. People love their easy button and get mad when other people that want game balance want to take it away from them. Even i probably shouldn't of responded to him. Every this is OB crusade goes through the same thing.

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One thing I don't get on here is people who claim that others are trying to ruin the game for them, but then say "just play this way" as if they aren't trying to get the person to play how they think they should.


Or how they think they earned OP comps even though there are people who want balance work done who have played just as much if not more than them.


Or the "if you don't like it, don't play" stance. New flash, you people have the option to not play either.


Seriously, is this forum always like that? I'm not saying there aren't toxic people on our side of the fence, but the entitlement and "me! me! me!" attitude is abundant.

Edited by Brodoin
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Wow this community is toxic. There's a word for people like you but it'll probably be censored on this forum.


Toxic? I could show you toxic but I am a nice guy.


I just find it funny that this "Easy mode" is starting to be an issue now. When the game has always been easy. Now with how strong the followers are. The game is less tedious.


The gameplay and combat blows, and now here comes this lone hero of the people trying to nerf something to make things back to tedious mode it was before.


No thanks, and since he won't leave because of how easy the game is. I guess that supports the fact that does not matter about his two cents. The change makes tons of people happy, and if he is going to keep paying for it. He can adjust to the changes.


MMMM so much fun.

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One thing I don't get on here is people who claim that others are trying to ruin the game for them, but then say "just play this way" as if they aren't trying to get the person to play how they think they should.


Or how they think they earned OP comps even though there are people who want balance work done who have played just as much if not more than them.


Seriously, is this forum always like that? I'm not saying there aren't toxic people on our side of the fence, but the entitlement and "me! me! me!" attitude is abundant.


Yea its always been like that. Not just this game though but every game.


they don't understand that we have a right to play with our companion too. They tell us to where no gear but How would that of fixed that fight. They say that to take them off tank mode but what does that do to my healer toons?


I leveled as a healer at launch and believe me that was very do-able so that argument was invalid.


This is not going away until we at least get official word that its not going to be changed and the reason why. Once that comes then its on us to make a decision weather or not we should cancel our Subs. I don't think that is too much to ask.


But looking at the desperation at some of these posts like this straw pool one. its showing to me at least that people know this isn't how it should be and they are trying desperately to keep it.

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leave companions like they are seriously I love them no reason at all to nerf them. They made them fun to use now.


Do you think its ok for them to solo this fight or are you talking about them taking any role we want. I dont want that changed I just want their effectiveness looked at.


Can you explain why its better? are they doing something for you they weren't before other than just making it really easy for you?

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Do you think its ok for them to solo this fight or are you talking about them taking any role we want. I dont want that changed I just want their effectiveness looked at.


Can you explain why its better? are they doing something for you they weren't before other than just making it really easy for you?


Yes we do. It makes fights less tedious. Since the fight we would win anyway.

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Do you think its ok for them to solo this fight or are you talking about them taking any role we want. I dont want that changed I just want their effectiveness looked at.


Can you explain why its better? are they doing something for you they weren't before other than just making it really easy for you?


It was already really, easy. Soloing things just got less tedious and faster, not easier. I was winning those fights anyway.

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Personally, I love the change. I'm not a fan of grinding and with the elimination of the 12x xp bonus I have to do more of it for the planet missions. Having the companions the way they are makes it soooo much faster.


That's how I like to play. I like challenges, sure, but I mostly play for the story and RP elements. There is never going to be a KOTOR 3 so this is basically the closest I'm going to get. And the stories are actually a lot of fun! The change makes it so much easier to enjoy and get through the side missions without wasting so much time slowly moving through enemies. Basically I don't see a point, for me, to spend 30 minutes in combat when I can just take 15.


I do acknowledge there are those who take enjoyment from the grind and continual challenge, and it does suck that this has impacted their play style. I really can't think of a middle ground where both sides are happy, unless it's something like optional consumables that will lower your companion's efficiency? Or if they nerf the companions then an option to up their efficiency.


Selfishly I hope they don't nerf them. But I do understand it sucks for the people who enjoyed the previous play style.

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I saw two huge nerfs in TERA. I was there. And compared to this TERA is still difficult, you actually have to do your own work, even if you can do it now with auto-attack. So...now I'll just make popcorn while I wait when the threads about BAD new players begin to roll. How much does it take time now to get to the famous elder game? Not a week, I guess? Good luck to anyone doing end game group content. You have seen nothing yet. Edited by tahol
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