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Video Proof that Companions are Too powerful! KOTFE


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Even if his Rep and Imp was maxed and he had every conceivable presence boost he could get through the in game achievements, how does that matter?


It seems like achievement hunters, veterans of the game, people who play with keybinds and a gaming mouse are now being punished for their skill and commitment to playing the game by having all of their challenge taken away.


Instead of playing the game like I used to, I find myself here on the forums hoping against hope that I am not alone feeling ripped off by 4.0. Last week I was excited about what level synch was going to do for me, opening up the entire game world with engaging content only to find out that 2VR can solo an entire planet of Sith, and Talos Drellik can pistol whip Emperor Malgus to death.


the changes announced in 4.0 made me completely abandon any thought about buying the new GW2 expansion, after playing GW2 since the day it launched, and after a week of this garbage companion debacle I am grudgingly ready to become a most casual 'preferred' player.


Hate to see you go, but good bye

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Or maybe just maybe you did not have enough stats or gear for yours. It is ok, common mistake. This thread BS has you confused.


Yes because him having enough stats is going to effect how his companion is going to do in combat ... I'm sure you were the guy who went on about his logic in this or a previous thread, must have mistook you with someone who actually makes sense.

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Exactly QQ All day long. I bet their keyboards are soaked with their tears.


Heh I don't think your breather is helping your argument any.


FYI statements like that are what are considered troll statements if you want to refer to an earlier post of yours accusing people of being trolls. ;)

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Heh I don't think your breather is helping your argument any.


FYI statements like that are what are considered troll statements if you want to refer to an earlier post of yours accusing people of being trolls. ;)


How long exactly are you going to keep trolling people on this topic though. The community is getting tired of this trolling.

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How long exactly are you going to keep trolling people on this topic though. The community is getting tired of this trolling.


As soon as you stop posting irrelevant crap that I feel a need to reply to. When and if there is constructive arguments to reply to I'll do that too, unfortunately you're not one of those posters.

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As soon as you stop posting irrelevant crap that I feel a need to reply to. When and if there is constructive arguments to reply to I'll do that too, unfortunately you're not one of those posters.


There hasn't been an argument against companions being unbalanced more constructive than, "Bioware might make it worse."

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no video or screenshots -- but I did some research for myself ----


one of the heroic x2 things we need to go and do for alliances on Voss ...... 3 deaths and 14 k in repairs later ( and after finally getting that awful named on Voss only because of a kind passerby, or I'd still be out there trying ) .....

MY conclusion is that MY companions are not op .... you just have good gear --- after all, isn't that what MMOs are all about anyway --- gear ?

as the very old song goes "don't worry, be happy " sheeesh --- some of us don't have that elite gear yet ( working on it, but not there ) --- put some really awful gear and weapon on your toon and then go out and try that x2 heroic mob ..

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As soon as you stop posting irrelevant crap that I feel a need to reply to. When and if there is constructive arguments to reply to I'll do that too, unfortunately you're not one of those posters.


Please stop trolling. The community like that poster above me is sick to death of it.

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Here's a novel idea, put your companion away. They're going to get stronger the more influence you have over them.


I actually like it when my tank doesn't die every fight.


the whole point to the companion changes where so players didnt feel pigeon holed into using a comp because of the role it filled.


not to make the players contribution to the game play pointless.

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There hasn't been an argument against companions being unbalanced more constructive than, "Bioware might make it worse."


The best I've heard for being against reversing the change is that it would make grinding too grindy or something along those lines which isn't really an argument against weakening the companions since it's more an argument against the monotonous nature of this games game play ( which i agree with coincidentally ).

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All the support for the current state of combat is proving is that MMO gaming as we used to know it is going to face a slow and ugly death.


What we will be left with is less game and more interactive movie such as KoTFE.


What I don't get is why even bother having mobs, elites etc. etc. if they were going to be so inconsequential that your companion can beat them solo?

There are no rewards to be gained, no exp to be gained after 65- there is just no point.


Might as well as just have had boss fight to boss fight except they needed the game chapters to seem artificially longer than they actually are so they added in a "chore" for people to do which they are lapping up.


Makes me see why games like Disney infinity succeed which is pretty much what this game has become now with a slightly higher rating ( Teen or whatever it is ).



I've been thinking, why not just put a button that insta-kills everything, why have combat at all? But you see, these people still need to have an ILLUSION of a game. Thats why there is elites and mob labeled as "hard", no matter that you can kill them with a teaspoon. These people want to feel as good as the players who are actually good. Somehow they think being good has come to "elites" without any effort, just like that. How unfair. Now they can feel as good too.


I was sure there must be a mistake in somewhere, some script not working right. But as Bioware doesn't comment this in any way, I have begin to think it is as intended. And when I look the game now as a whole, I think it is a calculated, cunning move. I'm not going to write a novel about it, so I just say EA obvioiusly has had someone trained in psychology/human behaviour as an advocat. They have made a DESICION that loosing the "elite"-players is worth the risk. They know that game in this state can't hold most players for long, but it doesn't matter, they believe there will be constant stream of new ones. They don't give a hoot if people stay or not. But, at the same time, they get to keep subs because content is so strictly gated behind a sub now. There is a bigger chance that people keep their subs going on even if they play less, and play other games on side.


They have made this game now to super-casual growd. I always thought I'm a casual player but obviously not. At least not casual enough for this game. For example I have never augmented a one piece of gear. I never bothered to learn rotations, because I didn't do group-content.


And of course there will be not much of a new groupcontent, and if it comes it will be so hilariously easy teamwork is not reguired. There is no other option because there is a new playerbase forming, one that can't play. Everything will be done in their terms. "Elites" leave, but no one will miss them.


I got Kofte to ch5 yesterday, and yes, it is frieking awesome movie. I don't have an ill meaning when I say this. First time in this game I cried for my SI. Now I anxiously wait for meeting Theron, at last. But stuff like that is not enough to keep me playing months. This whole game is now a big interactive movie, and as much I love stories soon I will feel like a hamster in a wheel. I have no interest to try to accomplish anything in this game anymore, because I know it doesn't reguire anything from me. There is no need to get better in anything. The idea of developing myself as a gamer (even begin to do those augments if I decided to do ops), and at the same time enjoying the awesome story-side, was something that hooked me in to this game. Now? Keep it. I enjoy the fluff but I'm not going to pay for it much.

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Just one little comment:


1.You cant proof anything when you dont have base data for it. If BW said that fight with two elites should be impossible if you just stand down and let companion fight them, then your video would be proof. But i saw nothing like that so it might as well be working as intended. ;)


2. If you look on post "The Companion Nerf poll" you can see that 68% (the moment i wrote this) wants them the way they are. I cant say it is accurate, to most of community. But right now it is as best as we can get to know community opinion.

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I'm happy for any sort of compromise that takes the game off more or less auto play but lets me still use my companion as the story dictates.


Yes, I think that would work.


Since players can choose not to spec with presence in their gear, if we set the class bonus presence to a toggle in Legacy, players would be able to shut that off.


Without the Legacy presence bonus and avoiding the stat in gear, it is likely companions would be much less powerful overall.

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What do you mean? I save my companion in this fight from certain death.



"But you're not supposed to solo that quest."


Why have achievement for doing it then?



i went back to try to replicate this.


im actually surprised that how well tuned the heroic star fortresses are when you run through them solo, with no alliance buff.


however, while running star parse with a my comp running as heals, it was healing for in between 6-8 hps at influence 29. most of it was over healing, so the ehps was trash.


6-8 hps though.


single target.


that is more then most players can achieve.

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I've been thinking, why not just put a button that insta-kills everything, why have combat at all? But you see, these people still need to have an ILLUSION of a game. Thats why there is elites and mob labeled as "hard", no matter that you can kill them with a teaspoon. These people want to feel as good as the players who are actually good. Somehow they think being good has come to "elites" without any effort, just like that. How unfair. Now they can feel as good too.


I was sure there must be a mistake in somewhere, some script not working right. But as Bioware doesn't comment this in any way, I have begin to think it is as intended. And when I look the game now as a whole, I think it is a calculated, cunning move. I'm not going to write a novel about it, so I just say EA obvioiusly has had someone trained in psychology/human behaviour as an advocat. They have made a DESICION that loosing the "elite"-players is worth the risk. They know that game in this state can't hold most players for long, but it doesn't matter, they believe there will be constant stream of new ones. They don't give a hoot if people stay or not. But, at the same time, they get to keep subs because content is so strictly gated behind a sub now. There is a bigger chance that people keep their subs going on even if they play less, and play other games on side.


They have made this game now to super-casual growd. I always thought I'm a casual player but obviously not. At least not casual enough for this game. For example I have never augmented a one piece of gear. I never bothered to learn rotations, because I didn't do group-content.


And of course there will be not much of a new groupcontent, and if it comes it will be so hilariously easy teamwork is not reguired. There is no other option because there is a new playerbase forming, one that can't play. Everything will be done in their terms. "Elites" leave, but no one will miss them.


I got Kofte to ch5 yesterday, and yes, it is frieking awesome movie. I don't have an ill meaning when I say this. First time in this game I cried for my SI. Now I anxiously wait for meeting Theron, at last. But stuff like that is not enough to keep me playing months. This whole game is now a big interactive movie, and as much I love stories soon I will feel like a hamster in a wheel. I have no interest to try to accomplish anything in this game anymore, because I know it doesn't reguire anything from me. There is no need to get better in anything. The idea of developing myself as a gamer (even begin to do those augments if I decided to do ops), and at the same time enjoying the awesome story-side, was something that hooked me in to this game. Now? Keep it. I enjoy the fluff but I'm not going to pay for it much.


See you say people want to feel tough etc. from this easy mode content but so far I've not had anyone say they actually like doing the grind content ( mobs etc. ) - yet the main reason I came up with the "get rid of the grind entirely instead of wasting time making content you intend people to god mode through" is because people were actually saying they hate the grind and enjoy easy mode because it speeds it up.


So therefore I'm not sure if there really are many people who enjoy actually playing the grind stuff regardless of if it's easy or not.

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Yes, I think that would work.


Since players can choose not to spec with presence in their gear, if we set the class bonus presence to a toggle in Legacy, players would be able to shut that off.


Without the Legacy presence bonus and avoiding the stat in gear, it is likely companions would be much less powerful overall.


I honestly think it's broken from what Bioware might have intended as it currently stands and fully expect it to be nerfed anyway but I've not really delved into that path as people might mistake my point with wanting BW to do so and ruin their fun.

The amount of DPS and tank stats they are getting from minimal presence seems out of line with BW wanting to encourage us to max our comps influence - almost no point at this for most players stage beyond crafting bonuses. Possibly trying to solo harder content but with limited companion control that's not really overly viable.


But yeah a situation like yours where I can at least switch off presence and get a comanion mostly weaker than myself would be nice enough, having a selectable difficulty for the content itself would be better.


Aside to your post - I don't care if others want to play the story easy, it is solo after all. I just want to have a challenge myself playing it as I do all solo story games I play ( which I mostly play in fact ).

Going to do ops or fp's or other grouped content or non story content for more of a challenge is good and all but I can really only do things a few times before I get bored storywise which is why I would have loved a more challenging story not an easier one.


Also I'm far from some lover of super difficult content, not a major dark souls etc. fan ( again repetition annoys me though ) but I like that sense of achievement I get when I beat something difficult as you get in most games, maybe a few tries on the boss but not 100. ;)

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See you say people want to feel tough etc. from this easy mode content but so far I've not had anyone say they actually like doing the grind content ( mobs etc. ) - yet the main reason I came up with the "get rid of the grind entirely instead of wasting time making content you intend people to god mode through" is because people were actually saying they hate the grind and enjoy easy mode because it speeds it up.


So therefore I'm not sure if there really are many people who enjoy actually playing the grind stuff regardless of if it's easy or not.


But you are mostly missing the point. It's not the trash mobs that people want a hard time grinding, it's the chapter ending bosses who currently see your companion and drop dead.


I don't care if my companion whips through silvers like they aren't their, but when they go through a pair of golds or my chapter 3 boss without my input you know something is wrong.


Keep the trash being rolled over, but give me an elite battle at the end of the chapter that can't be done with me afk faster than it takes to make a coffee.

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Video Link is below. This is Chapter 3 of KOTFE and is probably the 2nd real boss fight i encountered. No spoilers please I have cut most of the story sequences from this clip. This is what we are going to ask new and returning players to put up with. Think of how crappy they may feel when they find out its this easy.


Here you will see rank 1 Lana take on 2 elites by herself. Furthermore, She finished the battle unharmed and with 95-100 percent HP. Unfortunately i was not so lucky. You will see all my presence unlocks which is not even half of the legacy unlocks, and proof that she is only rank 1 influence so no bonuses there.



It kind of makes me ask why they bothered with me when she can do all this by herself. This isn't about the companions being on par with you but its about them being better than even you at fighting these things. Also 2 man heroics should be done by two people that is why they are called 2 man heroics.


Well if you get past last boss soloing 2+ Heroic The Star Fortress, i will kneel in front of you...and admit that companions are OP.

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Well if you get past last boss soloing 2+ Heroic The Star Fortress, i will kneel in front of you...and admit that companions are OP.


Why should the definition of overpowered only apply if they can do the hardest content on their own?


Wouldn't a more logical definition be 'soloing content the player can't solo.'


Sure there are players who are so darn good at this game with every boost and unlock that they can practically do anything in the game solo. However for most players that's simply not the case and my companions can solo stuff that would leave my character eating dirt.


When my companion with lvl 17 influence (none of which was bought, I just played through the last chapter and a half with the same companion.) be able to solo stuff I cannot even get close to. She has 22000 go compared to my 12000 and that's on my ship in blue mods at lvl 48 (I'm 49 and I can't buy new ones till lvl 52). So I'm geared as well as can be expected from a character my level without buckets of cash.


I'm basically playing the entire game with a person with every unlock doing it for me while I stand and watch. How can anyone have the cheek to tell me that's not overpowered?

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