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THEE worst change in 4.0...


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Oh boy, let me me tell you EA/Bioware. You've messed up now. You may have thought this little change would go unnoticed, but no. We PvPers DEMAND answers, and we demand them now. You think you can just remove the Light Post in the PVP section of the fleet!?? You honestly believe this wouldn't matter!?? Where the ef are we supposed to stand now. Its not enough that some of us have high ratings, we need to feel physically higher than the rest of these plebs.


This IS a serious issue. We will not stand for this. We do need a suitable place to stand in-between warzone games. If this change is not reverted, you can bet you will lose many subscribers. Just look at this utter nonsense. You tell me there isn't something seriously messed up with this picture.


I believe I speak for all the good players on the fleet when I say, we expect changes, and we expect them soon. BRING BACK OUR LIGHT POST!





(no but really can we have an answer?)

Edited by BHAvalon
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I have to agree this was the worst removal of content from any patch to date. I'd even be so bold to say this is worse than removing 8v8 ranked. Is there honestly a good reason to ever remove quality content from the game?


We NEED this pole back and we need it now. It is the only possible way to distinguish ourselves from the clusterf***k of doorknob lickers surrounding the pvp vendors. Without it I am nothing and I may be forced to unsub and delete my account.


A simple hotfix reimplementing the pole will ease the pain of many pvpers around the world. Please do not eff this up.



Edited by Tommytwotoes
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It's the greedy hutt's fault. He made them move it so he could have all the things. What are we honest pvpers supposed to do between warzones now. Next thing you know someone will say we should do dailies or crafting or some other waste of time like that, instead of jumping around.
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Just when I learned how to get up on that **** too... That light post was a beacon for all pvpers and now we just run around confused on fleet like chickens with our heads cut off. WHERE DO I STAND NOW?! :eek:


So it's like pug warzones now.


Maybe we can get the devs to put the light post at the objectives in the warzones, this way they can hang around them and fight instead of off in the middle of nowhere.

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Bumping for awareness. This is unforgivable, Bioware. My standing spot is four feet away from that pole. My life hasn't been the same. I am a creature of habit. I will be holding group therapy meetings tonight for victims with PTSD from the removal of the pole.



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I was extremely sad when I saw that pole was gone. It just doesn't seem the same! Now my teammates can't LOS me around the pole when I (unsuccessfully) attempt to pull them to their deaths 500 times! They'll actually have to...run farther away. Oh the humanity!
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