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Prestart biggest fail is this


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Early access cost a $5 fee, wasn't free, rift early access was over million people, they no where near have that many online. Shouldn't play favorites, money is money. If they were, they should have told people the plan, BEFORE they spent money, then they could have decided if they wanted to invest early.


The biggest screw up is just NOT communicating to the user community (the people that spent money). If I don't get on by the 15th, I will be attempting to get my money back, as it was plainly put that I'd get 5 days early access.:mad:


Early access doesn't cost a thing. I've not paid one red cent to BioWare yet and got in yesterday (pre-ordered 07/23). The $5 you put down means you'll pay $5 less when the game comes out.

Edited by benseac
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I think that most people get mad at the fact that they took off from work or waiting all night/early morning and the day following Expecting to be let into the game on the 13th. As well as if they have any kind of accolades for First 50 or First anything or first to find specific items like most MMO's do they have essentially been held back and kept out of that race. Not to mention the fact that most of the EGA people have been snatching up all the decent names which would not be an issue on a PS3/XBOX game. Its not a fair opportunity if you are not allowed to participate in the race until people are about to cross the half way mark. No Troll just an observation as a person who still has not been allowed to play as of yet.


i do see your point, and agree with you to a certain degree. the point i was making was that you cant expect the statement "EGA of up to 5 days" to mean definately getting in early, and if not, compensation is expected.


i wouldnt have considered it a troll anyway. i value the opinions of others, and welcome a good debate. im with you there though, im still not in either lol.

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Prestart biggest fail is this : some people who preordered are able to play the real game 1 to 6 days longer then others ... ESPECIALY LONGER THEN EU clients that OLSO preordered this game!




reminder that the game olso said on your account that we have acces untill january somewhere... then we have to extend our subscription AGAIN for those who preordered


I love the jokers who throw it in your face that they deserve to get in before anyone else just because they put $5 down to preorder a game on day 1... Who cares...


In addition, we do deserve guaranteed access as we provided the early cash incentive for EA. Believe me, Marketing has already figured how many preorders were just for Beta access and how many will be active Subs.

Edited by Ambrogino
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Im so so so confused as to why people are moaning about "OMG they got 7 days extra than me, they will be so much better forever etc etc etc"


What a load of crock.

I joined WoW about 2/3 years ago (Free trial and was bored in college at the time, just before the newest expansion.)

2 years ago, i joined as a level 1, did i complain that everyone was level 60s? Did i DEMAND that they restart the entire server because they had played more than me because i hadnt bothered to play it when i was younger or take an interest? No...


I just got on, i met up with some good friends, sure my friends i joined to play with all had 60s but i met some great people at level 1.

Couple of weeks later, i had hit 60 and was participating with my guild in Raids.

I then went on and carried on playing when Cata was released and guess what. I managed to hit the servers first 85.

A guy that started possibly a full 10 YEARS after everyone and i was highest level on my server all of a sudden? Thats how MMOs work.

By having people joining early doesnt affect your gameplay nor does it make them "Better".


OP You moan that you "Didnt know about this game" (Ive reworded it to english) till a couple of months back (Even though you created an account on here a month before preorder) I, among others have been waiting YEARS for ToR. Even before when Galaxies went under we were awaiting the new SW MMO.

I preordered and entered my code within 20 minutes of having the option. Does this make me a nerd? **** yes. Im a SW nut and im proud of it.


You're saying "Oh but just because you were here before doesnt mean you should get it before me" well... In every single aspect of geek life it works like that im afraid. Did i queue up with my dad as an 8 year old for the first showing of Ep.1 7 hours before? Yes. Did i then, when the tickets went on sale, allow the guy whos just pulled up to go in front of me?


There was a LostAThon (Im a massive lost fan) in London, all series one after another. 300 free tickets. First 300 recieved them. Did i go up london with my best mate and camp for 2 days awaiting this? Yes. Should i then say to the 700th person to turn up 20 minutes before the showing "Oh ive been here 2 days in the cold but take my ticket"? No.



And guess what.

I GUARANTEE you would have hated being in the game the last 2 days OP.

All you have done is ***** and whinge about not getting in because now you "Wont be the first level 50". And how "Those damned Star Wars Nerds" etc

You know what happened on the 2 servers i started on? It has been a constant star wars fan kingdom. "In Jokes", People arguing about star wars this and that.

No one that ive seen has truly been "Hardcore Levelling". Its just been about "Ok, Wow. Its another amazing Star Wars MMO. How lucky are we *Cough Cough* Jar Jar Sucks *Cough Cough*"


Also. About the whole debate on this being the most people coming into the game before release date.

It isnt. YET. There is already just over 700 republic on my server. I'd assume there is at least 300 sith. So going on 1k minumum. 1k is considered "Light". So the BARE Minumum just for EU is 30-45k at LEAST in 2 days. There is more on the NA side. SO. We can put a rought estimate at 150k people ONLINE ATM. Thats not including those with a life and dodgy connections (Like mine ATM ¬¬).


Rift as you pointed out had CLOSE to 1Million people in EGA. It also had major problems with lag and server spikes for a couple of days.

League Of Legends when bringing out Dominion had MAJOR problems when it released it early. 25 minutes plus to matchmake when it should have taken minute or less.

DC Universe Online when it went Free 2 Pay. A whole WEEK because they didnt stress test their servers when it hopped from 50k active users to over 500k.


Preorders ALONE for NA has hit almost 1 million. Those users WILL be in the game from today to the 19th (If not, then you have reason to be annoyed) Thats not including the EU Preorders (Only preorders this year to beat it over here was MW3. Not even Skyrim beat it on Preorders.)

So by the 20th BW and ToR Will have the biggest EGA ever for an MMO.



As a final passing comment before i go out shopping.

Seriously, if you, like you have posted on the thread before this, have a problem with "Star Wars Geeks". This is really not the game for you.

If you are going to label someone that preordered the game the first day released a geek. You really will not fit in with the community (Until the WoW immature players decide to test it out) if you consider Star Wars fans "Geeks".

Star Wars isnt JUST a Sci Fi space opera. For a lot of people playing this game already its a way of life.


Thanks to anyone that sanely read this long *** post, i didnt expect to type this much haha. *Waits for the TL:DR Comments to turn up*

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i Dont care about not getting in now or then as long i get to play around the 20th. But good thing this game aint danish, cause what they are doing is utterly ilegal. Everyone buying the same product has the same rights, meaning gaming time, support etc.. They would have been ruined by court rulings in no time :p If it were they would already have broken 3 danish law rules. Edited by Kakaduen
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So... you're complaining that someone gets more free time than the free time you're gonna get? Isn't there an occupy camp you can go whine with until the 20th?


Oh, please no. We don't want people like that.


And guess what.

I GUARANTEE you would have hated being in the game the last 2 days OP.

All you have done is ***** and whinge about not getting in because now you "Wont be the first level 50". And how "Those damned Star Wars Nerds" etc

You know what happened on the 2 servers i started on? It has been a constant star wars fan kingdom. "In Jokes", People arguing about star wars this and that.

No one that ive seen has truly been "Hardcore Levelling". Its just been about "Ok, Wow. Its another amazing Star Wars MMO. How lucky are we *Cough Cough* Jar Jar Sucks *Cough Cough*"


Well, now you're just making me sad I'm not in yet. :p That's okay, though. I got a lot of that out of my system during beta. Doesn't mean I'm not still going to geek out in the game when I start, anyway. ;)


To everyone who ever posted a rage thread or raged in one:


I hope you quit. Seriously. Don't play this game. Demand your refunds and go cry somewhere else. The game will be more fun without you.

Edited by Zarggg
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