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Does anyone even use Saber Throw?????


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I just don't use it at hardly any situation,

and it's range is too short.


If by saber throw you mean Deadly Throw its main use is obviously as a Mortal Strike, not using that in PvP would be quite silly indeed.


If by saber throw you mean Vicious Throw, yes its range is quite short and it's kind of weak our execute ability has such a high rage cost, but if you, for instance, combine Deadly Throw and Vicious Throw on a target trying to run chances are they won't.


The ranges are weak, however too much range on a melee class isn't always good.

Edited by Kibaken
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For PvP it's more effective to use a damaging ability or an interrupt if your on the healer which you should be.


You won't want to use Deadly Throw in your PvE rotation; I tend to use it to kill-steal mobs from my friends in Flashpoints, though :p

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