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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

Jedi Covenant's 4.0 PVP Rekkids


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Meaning no offense... My problem wasn't what your key binds are, only the order they are arranged on your bar. My eyes like order I just couldn't get the flow of yours. I look at a bunch of screenshots and I can look at most people's UI and follow the logic of how it's laid out. So looking at yours, just threw me. Shortcoming on my part, not yours.


No offense taken! :)

I'm not the best with organizing things, so I fully understand what you mean. Lol I guess my flow is my own

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For the underclass damage record is those numbers from Mids? Reason I am asking is I play a lot of lowbie and my newest sorc, named role-play, holds my record for 2.1M damage. I am always looking for ways to increase my damage but for that amount in lowbie seems the other team would have to have a few healers as I just destroyed that team in Voidstar and had 2 min in 2nd round to spare.
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Match type: Arena

Name: Re-va

Class: Sage

Record: HPS (6563.8)




While I am sad that 2-bars of ping was the best I had all night, I am somewhat happy to see that after 4.5 years of this game being out "queue ranked" is still the go to response of anyone who lost a match and is trying to act like they aren't upset.


basically a farm game since the other team had a merc healer. good hps anyway

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basically a farm game since the other team had a merc healer. good hps anyway


I was actually rather surprised that I won. Since I was solo queued, had recently beaten my two pug dps in a prior arena, had my internet crapping out on me, and had decent reason to believe that the team I was fighting was a full premade, I assumed that the pugs wouldn't actually have the killing power to down anyone.

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I was actually rather surprised that I won. Since I was solo queued, had recently beaten my two pug dps in a prior arena, had my internet crapping out on me, and had decent reason to believe that the team I was fighting was a full premade, I assumed that the pugs wouldn't actually have the killing power to down anyone.


one of those rare solo queue games where you get a full trinity comp vs a merc healer. wish i had the same luck when i solo queued (not often, but when i do). rip.

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one of those rare solo queue games where you get a full trinity comp vs a merc healer. wish i had the same luck when i solo queued (not often, but when i do). rip.


I'd say it was a nice compensation for the all time low quality of pubs I had been with earlier. A couple warzones ago I was asking a scoundrel to use some move other than Charged Burst as his/her primary attack. Also, I've yet to figure out how a Plasmatech Vanguard managed to get a grand total of 4 alacrity on his gear.

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I was actually rather surprised that I won. Since I was solo queued, had recently beaten my two pug dps in a prior arena, had my internet crapping out on me, and had decent reason to believe that the team I was fighting was a full premade, I assumed that the pugs wouldn't actually have the killing power to down anyone.



Those matches where you do 2x the damage of your next best teammate while simultaneously off-healing a higher total than the damage they did. #PubLife

Edited by ace_boogie
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Game Type- Arena's

Category- DPS

Class- Mara

Name- Doc'pain

Record- 4100, 4000 http://imgur.com/a/GEoJB


Currently not accepting single round totals.






Hoppin - 3311.26 DPS, 3036427 overall, 880k healing (not sure if that counts for lowbies)




Welcome to JC, your reputation precedes you. Shame we couldn't get you pubside.







Gametype- Arena

Name- Marisela

Class- Assassin

Category- Overall Damage - 4671583

Lank - http://i.imgur.com/5vGFI7e.png

Edited by ace_boogie
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