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Are all companions this broken?


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Just noticing after coming back from a break that Khem Val is a little too powerful. I noticed this when i was running around and pulled way to much and saw that Khem was able to tank all 6 mobs 2 silvers and 4 trash mobs and take very little damage. After some playing around i found out that he gets a Buff every few seconds that reduces half the damage he takes. The little damage he takes he is able to heal himself back up on his own.


I decided to send him after the Monolith in one of the first missions i am playing in Zoist and even on the monsters most powerful attacks he takes next to zero damage. He was able to take off pretty big chunks of health.


I always thought that companions were someone you bring along for the ride while you turn into one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, but it seems that I am the companion now???


Just wondering on everyone else's experience was.

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Just noticing after coming back from a break that Khem Val is a little too powerful. I noticed this when i was running around and pulled way to much and saw that Khem was able to tank all 6 mobs 2 silvers and 4 trash mobs and take very little damage. After some playing around i found out that he gets a Buff every few seconds that reduces half the damage he takes. The little damage he takes he is able to heal himself back up on his own.


I decided to send him after the Monolith in one of the first missions i am playing in Zoist and even on the monsters most powerful attacks he takes next to zero damage. He was able to take off pretty big chunks of health.


I always thought that companions were someone you bring along for the ride while you turn into one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, but it seems that I am the companion now???


Just wondering on everyone else's experience was.


Oh, boo hoo, leveling is easy. Heroics to grind are easy.. boo hoo. Wildstar died in its first incarnation... wonder why,

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Oh, boo hoo, leveling is easy. Heroics to grind are easy.. boo hoo. Wildstar died in its first incarnation... wonder why,


Nothing wrong with toning some things down for new players on things like the lower planets until they get in the swing of things, but I don't think he should be invincible.


Also why so defensive? am i to take it that you are happy with how things are? I know some people like to watch games instead of play them or maybe watch TV while playing but don't you think this is a bit much? You don't want people to clear it too fast they will just leave and not come back for a year.

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Nothing wrong with toning some things down for new players on things like the lower planets until they get in the swing of things, but I don't think he should be invincible.


Also why so defensive? am i to take it that you are happy with how things are? I know some people like to watch games instead of play them or maybe watch TV while playing but don't you think this is a bit much? You don't want people to clear it too fast they will just leave and not come back for a year.


Defensive? No, my good man. Tired of people using passive-aggressive thought control. It's not their game. Find me a single post where someone is quitting because companions are OP.


Now find me a quitting post re: Ops, grind, rakghoul event, etc.

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Nothing wrong with toning some things down for new players on things like the lower planets until they get in the swing of things, but I don't think he should be invincible.


Also why so defensive? am i to take it that you are happy with how things are? I know some people like to watch games instead of play them or maybe watch TV while playing but don't you think this is a bit much? You don't want people to clear it too fast they will just leave and not come back for a year.



I think it's nice where it is too.


This never was the game to load up if you were looking for hard challenges.


Now they're not offending everyone equally about the matter; just those that seem to wish they were playing Everquest 1 circa 1999 again.

Edited by Uruare
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I think it's nice where it is too.


This never was the game to load up if you were looking for hard challenges.


Now they're not offending everyone equally about the matter; just those that seem to wish they were playing Everquest 1 circa 1999 again.


Can you describe hard challenges? Cause i think in this case its all a matter of perspective. are we saying that if you die once at all then the game is considered hard, or are we saying that if we die multiple times facing different challenges then we are calling it hard? At this point i don't see a situation where you should ever die. thats not me being an elitist but just the thinking that if your tank can kill everything himself before he dies without needing you then where is the threat?


I don't remember anyone complaining that the leveling at launch was very hard but at the same time if you pulled too much or fought something that was was out of your scope your companion wasn't the one who saved you.


I also think that out of the two( your companion and you) that you should be the stronger of the pair. That's why i think this is really broken.


nothing wrong with being accessible but making it so i don't get to kill anything is kind of nuts imho.

Edited by DaForceiswithme
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Can you describe hard challenges? Cause i think in this case its all a matter of perspective. are we saying that if you die once at all then the game is considered hard, or are we saying that if we die multiple times facing different challenges then we are calling it hard? At this point i don't see a situation where you should ever die. thats not me being an elitist but just the thinking that if your tank can kill everything himself before he dies without needing you then where is the threat?


I don't remember anyone complaining that the leveling at launch was very hard but at the same time if you pulled too much or fought something that was was out of your scope your companion wasn't the one who saved you.


I also think that out of the two( your companion and you) that you should be the stronger of the pair. That's why i think this is really broken.


nothing wrong with being accessible but making it so i don't get to kill anything is kind of nuts imho.


No offense, but that's your opinion. The metrics showed Bioware what people wanted. It might not align with your vision, and that's cool.


But this game is a true story MMO. They went all in for it.

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Defensive? No, my good man. Tired of people using passive-aggressive thought control. It's not their game. Find me a single post where someone is quitting because companions are OP.


Now find me a quitting post re: Ops, grind, rakghoul event, etc.


well its hard to find said post because companions have never been this OP before.


People complaining about the Ops grind and the rakghoul event are probably not happy about a lot of things but i think that companions had very little to do with it. Can you point out a thread that specifically says im quitting because my companion sucks? Finally, for your post, check out thread titled "Sorry, but Fallen Empire is your swan song" he mentions it. It is probably as indirect as the examples you are trying to point me.

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well its hard to find said post because companions have never been this OP before.


People complaining about the Ops grind and the rakghoul event are probably not happy about a lot of things but i think that companions had very little to do with it. Can you point out a thread that specifically says im quitting because my companion sucks? Finally, for your post, check out thread titled "Sorry, but Fallen Empire is your swan song" he mentions it. It is probably as indirect as the examples you are trying to point me.


What I am trying to say is there are about 30 people posting about how "OP" companions are. This means there are probably 45-60k people playing right now not complaining about them being OP.


Some of those are new subs that dig the new direction. I like more money going into this game.

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What I am trying to say is there are about 30 people posting about how "OP" companions are. This means there are probably 45-60k people playing right now not complaining about them being OP.


Some of those are new subs that dig the new direction. I like more money going into this game.


Ok For a second i will assume that you are right that everyone that might think its too much is complaining and everyone else is playing and they don't care. What about the maybe 65K more people that may try this game when the expansion launches or the other 65 K that tries it when the movie comes out. They download the game and try it and get through everything in 1 month. Why would they sub if they can just beat everything without even pressing any keys?


How will it make that new player feel that their companion who is not their equal at least according to the story is stronger than they are?


you say its a story driven game.... I agree with you on that 100 percent. you go through 1-55 being fed that you are the only hope for the galaxy. then you hear the music you know some epic boss fight is in near you are getting hyped up and BOOM one epic fight turns into the adventures of <insert companion> with his trusty side kick <insert your name here>


I am actually very excited for this new story driven focus on this game as i sense you are. I am not saying lets have another incarnation of daemon souls. That would suck. Also I am not saying lets make our companions useless. I do want a happy medium though where if i do a quest line and face a boss i want the battle to feel like I beat them. Not get to the point where i am tagging along for the ride.


Take a look at some of the posts here about people saying that companions are fine. They are saying that they like it because they can play while they watch TV?! does that sound like the type of game this should be?


This does bring me back to launch though. I am not sure if you were around for this, but in a developer get together one of the goals of the legacy system was to make you companion so powerful that you can solo early level hard modes. Maybe that was the intention here. Make the end game easier for people. To me though you are killing the very thing you are trying to get people to pay attention too. That being that YOU are the story and you are not just a side kick.


Sorry for the long rant.

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Why do some of y'all always say the metrics show bioware this and that? Did you see the metrics? Or just because bioware said so? They also said better that cross server, choices that matter, and so on.....and that did not tell the truth there.


Was there even a post where this was supposed to be this way? If this was their intention then i guess its my fault for not paying attention.

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Ok For a second i will assume that you are right that everyone that might think its too much is complaining and everyone else is playing and they don't care. What about the maybe 65K more people that may try this game when the expansion launches or the other 65 K that tries it when the movie comes out. They download the game and try it and get through everything in 1 month. Why would they sub if they can just beat everything without even pressing any keys?


How will it make that new player feel that their companion who is not their equal at least according to the story is stronger than they are?


you say its a story driven game.... I agree with you on that 100 percent. you go through 1-55 being fed that you are the only hope for the galaxy. then you hear the music you know some epic boss fight is in near you are getting hyped up and BOOM one epic fight turns into the adventures of <insert companion> with his trusty side kick <insert your name here>


I am actually very excited for this new story driven focus on this game as i sense you are. I am not saying lets have another incarnation of daemon souls. That would suck. Also I am not saying lets make our companions useless. I do want a happy medium though where if i do a quest line and face a boss i want the battle to feel like I beat them. Not get to the point where i am tagging along for the ride.


Take a look at some of the posts here about people saying that companions are fine. They are saying that they like it because they can play while they watch TV?! does that sound like the type of game this should be?


This does bring me back to launch though. I am not sure if you were around for this, but in a developer get together one of the goals of the legacy system was to make you companion so powerful that you can solo early level hard modes. Maybe that was the intention here. Make the end game easier for people. To me though you are killing the very thing you are trying to get people to pay attention too. That being that YOU are the story and you are not just a side kick.


Sorry for the long rant.

I just think its how they now do MMOs all must emulate Blizzard's WoW not realizing that 50% or more have quit because of the crap they did. Problem is its cheaper to copy and less risky for a company.


PvP is this loner stun fest why anyone learn to use team support, when you can keep stunning for an easy kill to feed someone's low esteem, so usually its lost due the child like playing.


Raids or OPS heaven forbid you are not epic geared, and follow a youtube video. Here again immature rushing through with bunch of over geared lone wolves pound on keyboard like in a youtube vid.


The grow ups as myself want the teamwork to beat a raids by various ways and various skill levels and PvP to actually win. Its the grow ups who have the credit card not the kids so why make it child like?

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I always thought that companions were someone you bring along for the ride while you turn into one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, but it seems that I am the companion now???


We became the companions when 3.0 launched (if not before). Just sayin'.

Edited by eartharioch
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Just noticing after coming back from a break that Khem Val is a little too powerful. I noticed this when i was running around and pulled way to much and saw that Khem was able to tank all 6 mobs 2 silvers and 4 trash mobs and take very little damage. After some playing around i found out that he gets a Buff every few seconds that reduces half the damage he takes. The little damage he takes he is able to heal himself back up on his own.


I decided to send him after the Monolith in one of the first missions i am playing in Zoist and even on the monsters most powerful attacks he takes next to zero damage. He was able to take off pretty big chunks of health.


I always thought that companions were someone you bring along for the ride while you turn into one of the most powerful people in the galaxy, but it seems that I am the companion now???


Just wondering on everyone else's experience was.


Sorry to disagree with OP

If the NPC Companion was a Player Avatar would you not expect the best performance from the other player.

what would you do if you have healer as partner who does not heal you... or a Tank who does not Tank properly.?

People are thrown out of groups for being incompetent. Now we finally have competent companions and some people ( I think a minority) complain purely for ego reasons.


Let me be frank. Any Player who feels less worth because the NPC without a brain seems to be better in a game needs serious counseling.


As far as game-play and enjoyment is concerned... frankly... things will be never quite like as I want them. I could gripe all day long about the many things I want to change... if i decide to gripe about them... but I do not.

If anyone thinks the Companions are overpowered.... send them away and play without one.


Well, I have one gripe... a really big one.... it is the constant changing and tuning of stats because a minority (me thinks it is a minority) of players want to dictate their personal preferences on the rest of the tribe. Don't like how things are... go and play a game where things are as you like them.... oh...there is not such game... Bugger.

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Sorry to disagree with OP

If the NPC Companion was a Player Avatar would you not expect the best performance from the other player.

what would you do if you have healer as partner who does not heal you... or a Tank who does not Tank properly.?

People are thrown out of groups for being incompetent. Now we finally have competent companions ...........


I just want to say that people will be thrown even more out of groups ,because companions now are more efficient then

average players.

Say,you have weak group with new tank that struggles to hold aggro and healer can't cope. Kick healer summon healer companion and it's easy mode now because superman now heals it. Same for dps.

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I just want to say that people will be thrown even more out of groups ,because companions now are more efficient then

average players.

Say,you have weak group with new tank that struggles to hold aggro and healer can't cope. Kick healer summon healer companion and it's easy mode now because superman now heals it. Same for dps.


This is true, but on flip side, it is nice to have a companion that you can count on to do their job. I understand some players are new to game and looking that's awesome. I like playing with other players, but not all the time can we group. Sometimes you cant find someone to fill that last spot, now we can have a reliable fill in.

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The issue is the insane amount of Presence. As a level 62 healer, I have 1096 Presence now. My tank no longer needs to tank, or be healed.


Since 4.0 went live, all I have done is follow Xalek around and loot his corpses, with a sprinkle of node gathering in between his godlike kills. He even took on a champion and beat it, never falling below 75% health. All this truly makes for a super-compelling gaming experience!


I HOPE that 4.0.1 remedies this when it goes live on Tuesday, or I am definitely done here and on to another game.

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This is true, but on flip side, it is nice to have a companion that you can count on to do their job. I understand some players are new to game and looking that's awesome. I like playing with other players, but not all the time can we group. Sometimes you cant find someone to fill that last spot, now we can have a reliable fill in.


What's more, you don't have to fill group content, like FPs, with a full group; if you have just ONE friend, you can run with them and your comps.

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The issue is the insane amount of Presence. As a level 62 healer, I have 1096 Presence now. My tank no longer needs to tank, or be healed.


Since 4.0 went live, all I have done is follow Xalek around and loot his corpses, with a sprinkle of node gathering in between his godlike kills. He even took on a champion and beat it, never falling below 75% health. All this truly makes for a super-compelling gaming experience!


I HOPE that 4.0.1 remedies this when it goes live on Tuesday, or I am definitely done here and on to another game.


I have to agree. You may be right about the root of the problem. I have not looked into too much. However, I do know that i took several abilities away from Khem and he is just still too dominant.


Judging by that i think you might be right about presence being too high.


Also to the other people who say that you can just put them away or to alter my play style and not have my tank companion go first on fights so i get in on the killing, Why should i have to alter what i do? Why should I have to put my companion away. He was fine before the patch. I love the utility changes its just that their combat effectiveness is just too high.


As other people have posted the game is easier but all you have done is just made it worse for new players. SWTOR was my first MMO. When i started i didn't know about main stats or crowd control or aggro. By grouping up with some amazing people on here though I learned a lot and they taught me a lot. Don't get me wrong i am not the best player by an means, but what are we going to do when the new players come and they get get through the whole game with these super powerful companions? To the new players that don't like it and want more of a challenge are we to tell them to put the companion away even though the game clearly wants you to travel with them based on the story? To the people that like this and get carried by their companions. What happens when those new players don't learn things as they go like the rest of us out there? What happens when they start using the group finder for ops or HMs? Most of them are going to feel terrible cause they know they aren't doing very much to help and when the other people do nothing but grind stuff out they are not going have a lot of patience. Its just bad all around in my opinion.

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Nothing wrong with toning some things down for new players on things like the lower planets until they get in the swing of things, but I don't think he should be invincible.


Also why so defensive? am i to take it that you are happy with how things are? I know some people like to watch games instead of play them or maybe watch TV while playing but don't you think this is a bit much? You don't want people to clear it too fast they will just leave and not come back for a year.


No reasons for such stupid postings either. These kinds of posts shouldn't even be allowed.


As me and another guy have dicovered, the Datacrons that ppl have gotten' play a Big role in how strong our Companions are along if we had our Companions armored Pre-Kotfe.


Ppl who didn't get Datacrons that have new characters were shown that their Companions were not Nearly as powerful as the ppl who had already gotten' a certain amount of 'Crons.


Also the stupi whiners here don't get that Most ppl wanted Lvl-sync Only Optional. When the Devs didn't make it optional at least thousands of ppl left.


The way Companions are right now is okay, of course ppl who didn't get their holos and are also new have crappy Companions that don't work well.


If the Devs do something stupid like like like the way you want, then only more ppl will leave in Droves, because Facts are us ppl that are 15 to 20 levels higher than Any Planet should still be able to 1 Shot kill most things anywhere.


I think the Devs also did this to try to appease the Masses like me that way out-lvl any Plenet or thousands more Subs like me will gladly leave this game.


This makes the game More Balanced. You don't like it you can always play another MMO where it isn't worth playing because us Veterans deserve things a hell of a Lot easier because We Earned it.


MMO's are Supposed to be FUN FUN, and the way your kind want it will only makes thousands of more ppl like me leave this game.

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I have to agree. You may be right about the root of the problem. I have not looked into too much. However, I do know that i took several abilities away from Khem and he is just still too dominant.


Judging by that i think you might be right about presence being too high.


Also to the other people who say that you can just put them away or to alter my play style and not have my tank companion go first on fights so i get in on the killing, Why should i have to alter what i do? Why should I have to put my companion away. He was fine before the patch. I love the utility changes its just that their combat effectiveness is just too high.


As other people have posted the game is easier but all you have done is just made it worse for new players. SWTOR was my first MMO. When i started i didn't know about main stats or crowd control or aggro. By grouping up with some amazing people on here though I learned a lot and they taught me a lot. Don't get me wrong i am not the best player by an means, but what are we going to do when the new players come and they get get through the whole game with these super powerful companions? To the new players that don't like it and want more of a challenge are we to tell them to put the companion away even though the game clearly wants you to travel with them based on the story? To the people that like this and get carried by their companions. What happens when those new players don't learn things as they go like the rest of us out there? What happens when they start using the group finder for ops or HMs? Most of them are going to feel terrible cause they know they aren't doing very much to help and when the other people do nothing but grind stuff out they are not going have a lot of patience. Its just bad all around in my opinion.


I hope to God ppl as ignorant as ur kind leave this game. Everything is working as it should be as it should be. Either this way, or make Lvl-sync an Option like it should have been in the first place so we can finally use our True power and kill everything with 1 shot.


For ppl like me in which most of us left the game, this a trade-off as things should be even easier for us

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