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Maybe the game is getting too casual?


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People just don't learn how to play their roles anymore, because everything is getting too easy.

And then as soon as it gets a little challengeing, people are overwhelmed. I was in a flashpoint yesterday via GF, and it

was all dd's.....but still people didn't feel the need to heal themselves up before fights. Plus the tank didn't even know what that was.

On the other hand you can't blame them, when you have companions that can do most of the content alone :)

I would like if players took their time again and wait and discuss strategies before just pulling everything.

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People just don't learn how to play their roles anymore, because everything is getting too easy.

And then as soon as it gets a little challengeing, people are overwhelmed. I was in a flashpoint yesterday via GF, and it

was all dd's.....but still people didn't feel the need to heal themselves up before fights. Plus the tank didn't even know what that was.

On the other hand you can't blame them, when you have companions that can do most of the content alone :)

I would like if players took their time again and wait and discuss strategies before just pulling everything.


So, you want them to punish these people and get them to cancel subs and quit playing? Yeah, great plan.

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So, you want them to punish these people and get them to cancel subs and quit playing? Yeah, great plan.


Honestly I felt the game (PvE) was at the right difficulty before 4.0, now it is just too easy IMO which leads to problems like the one the OP is saying. It's not punishing them, it's getting them to learn the game and enjoy it.

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Honestly I felt the game (PvE) was at the right difficulty before 4.0, now it is just too easy IMO which leads to problems like the one the OP is saying. It's not punishing them, it's getting them to learn the game and enjoy it.


Maybe they enjoy it without having to learn companions? They made a choice to design the game like this. No one needs to learn anything. They have metrics on what people do. Newsflash - people do not raid in this game. They barely do hardmodes. So why is it an issue to do heroic quests/story quests with a companion? You think they want it to be longer?


Make it a difficult grind - people leave.

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Maybe they enjoy it without having to learn companions? They made a choice to design the game like this. No one needs to learn anything. They have metrics on what people do. Newsflash - people do not raid in this game. They barely do hardmodes. So why is it an issue to do heroic quests/story quests with a companion? You think they want it to be longer?


Make it a difficult grind - people leave.


But the problem is that if you make it too easy people will leave as well, honestly have you ever seen threads on the forums complaining that the game is too hard? I haven't, but now I've seen at least three threads, made by long time players, suggesting that the game is too easy. Also saying people don't raid isn't true because on fleet I can always see people searching for groups and the reason why less people might raid is due to lack of new raids and this is coming from someone who doesn't do raids.

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But the problem is that if you make it too easy people will leave as well, honestly have you ever seen threads on the forums complaining that the game is too hard? I haven't, but now I've seen at least three threads, made by long time players, suggesting that the game is too easy. Also saying people don't raid isn't true because on fleet I can always see people searching for groups and the reason why less people might raid is due to lack of new raids and this is coming from someone who doesn't do raids.


You mean long time players who don't like the new vision of KotFE? Bioware told you it was fundamentally changing the game for the new casual player. It's brought a lot of people in. Old subs are just that.


And please don't argue about the raiding thing. It barely gets done beyond LFR in the most popular game. I doubt people are itching to get a new SWTOR op.


The game has changed, Son of Flynn. And it's for the better.

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You mean long time players who don't like the new vision of KotFE? Bioware told you it was fundamentally changing the game for the new casual player. It's brought a lot of people in. Old subs are just that.


And please don't argue about the raiding thing. It barely gets done beyond LFR in the most popular game. I doubt people are itching to get a new SWTOR op.


The game has changed, Son of Flynn. And it's for the better.


Well, I won't claim to know what lies ahead or what the best thing for the game is but for me the game lacks a challenge now, which I find sad because learning was the fun part for me whereas now it seems we have issues like the OP is saying. I hope SWTOR does well because I'll likely continue to play it.

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Well, speaking from the casual perspective. Between career stuff, working out, doing any needed yard work, home improvement projects, doing family stuff, by the time I finally pop a cold brew and login, I'm pretty damn spent intellectually and physically.


Some casual SWTOR fun while knocking back a few cold ones is just what the doctor ordered.

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The times, they are a changing. People don't have the time these days to sit in ultra hardcore things when they want to play games. It's not 2005 - 2008 anymore. People don't want those insane type things that only a person with the utmost skill can beat and you have to spend hours upon hours to get that ONE thing to MAYBE beat it in the end. People want to jump in, do stuff, immerse themselves, have fun, talk to people, get their stuff, and keep doing that for the remainder of their play session :)
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Why some guys only think in extremes? I don't want the game to be ultra hard.....but also not brainless easy.

Trust me i suck at this game....i only use the W and the rest i navigate with the mouse, but still i managed to learn how to do a flashpoint.

I am far from an elite player, but i would just like people if they join group content to take their time and and act as a team. Listen, learn, give input and so on

This was how i experiencend group content ( raids and flashpoints).

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You mean long time players who don't like the new vision of KotFE? Bioware told you it was fundamentally changing the game for the new casual player. It's brought a lot of people in. Old subs are just that.


How do you know? Are you privy to some stats that none of the rest of us have seen? The expansion isn't even live yet for subs who did not subscribe for the last few months. Already you're making claims you can't substantiate.


It's going to be months before anyone has any evidence that the expansion drew people in or drove them away. Why months? because subs last as long as six months at a time. People who have decided to leave will still be subbed for the remainder of their subscription whether they play or not. There are no refunds. And you can be sure BW will not tell us because sub numbers are always secret.


A few months from now we all will still be reading tea leaves before making our grand pronouncements. EA official FTC reports give the barest hint of the numbers. Server population densities may show something, but as of now they have not changed. I just looked. PvE is standard, PvP and RP are light.


There is no justification to claim ANYTHING has happened one direction or another as a result of the expansion. You're just blowing smoke.

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You mean long time players who don't like the new vision of KotFE? Bioware told you it was fundamentally changing the game for the new casual player. It's brought a lot of people in. Old subs are just that.


How do you know it has brought new players in? Bioware keeps that info private.

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Honestly I felt the game (PvE) was at the right difficulty before 4.0, now it is just too easy IMO which leads to problems like the one the OP is saying. It's not punishing them, it's getting them to learn the game and enjoy it.


I was thinking the same thing yesterday. With super-powered comps and easy content people are going to play the game with ease, but once they get to the harder end-game content the difficulty spike may put them off.

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Why some guys only think in extremes? I don't want the game to be ultra hard.....but also not brainless easy.

Trust me i suck at this game....i only use the W and the rest i navigate with the mouse, but still i managed to learn how to do a flashpoint.

I am far from an elite player, but i would just like people if they join group content to take their time and and act as a team. Listen, learn, give input and so on

This was how i experiencend group content ( raids and flashpoints).


I question the same thing. People in this community always seem to jump to the most extreme conclusion. More than once I've had to resist posting that Jackie Chan W-T-F meme.


EDIT: W-T-F is censored on here?

Edited by Brodoin
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I was thinking the same thing yesterday. With super-powered comps and easy content people are going to play the game with ease, but once they get to the harder end-game content the difficulty spike may put them off.


Vast majority never gets into "harder endgame".

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