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Quarterly Producer Letter for Q2 2024 ×

[BUG] Torian Cadera vanished ...


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Yes same issue. It's pretty game breaking if you intended to romance him as a female BH, as perusing conversations with Mako suggests that you either weren't interested or it didn't work out. I'm especially peeved about this as I just was able to continue playing the character I subscribed to play. I had the bug that meant your story mission was wiped... took two weeks for the developers to reply to my ticket and fix. How long do I have to wait now? Such a waste of money, and they thought throwing a couple of exp. boosts at me would be compensation. Been subscribed for 4 weeks or something now, played 1 before launch and about 2 hours since on this character. It's so expensive with the AUS dollar rate as well, I don't subscribe continuously because of it and now this.... AGGGHH

and now torian and mako romance is progressing.... she wants him to cook for her.... i hope devs do something about it too... i doubt they will even care:confused::confused:

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Yes same issue. It's pretty game breaking if you intended to romance him as a female BH, as perusing conversations with Mako suggests that you either weren't interested or it didn't work out. I'm especially peeved about this as I just was able to continue playing the character I subscribed to play. I had the bug that meant your story mission was wiped... took two weeks for the developers to reply to my ticket and fix. How long do I have to wait now? Such a waste of money, and they thought throwing a couple of exp. boosts at me would be compensation. Been subscribed for 4 weeks or something now, played 1 before launch and about 2 hours since on this character. It's so expensive with the AUS dollar rate as well, I don't subscribe continuously because of it and now this.... AGGGHH


A little update, I got a reply to the ticket I submitted about this....

However the reply had bugger all to do with anything I actually wrote to them about. Instead they sent me some generic message about lvl 60 character tokens?! ARE YOU KIDDING? The customer service I have received over the last month is appalling

Edited by cottonbud--
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Now i'm 65, having that partner missing, prevents me to craft with 6 partners at once, which slows me down badly ...


Except you can get like 20 other companions.


The issue is that this is a missing companion of a story.


I'm assuming it's taking so long because they have no idea how to fix it at this time.

But hey the CM is still getting out on time.

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Same issue. It's game breaking for anyone who wanted to romance him. I've literally just stopped leveling my BH until it gets fixed.


Same here.

Also got the bugged quest from Mako (All Work and No Play) that has no text or objectives just before Torian vanished.

BH parked until it's fixed (and she was my main on the Empire side, so it's a pretty big bummer).

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I just hit level 65 on my BH, I have completed all the major story lines including Oricon, SOR, Makeb. I have not even touched the KotFE content with her. Torian is still gone from the crew, and I can't finish the convos with Skadge or Blizz. It's been close to a month now that this has been a problem.
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Ya i just got him today, was excited to get an honorable companion and wanted to use him from now on.... he's gone ...... and then i found this thread ....... No offense but this is a massive gamebreaking bug that needed to be fixed f*cking weeks ago. Get your act together bioware. This is totaly unacceptable.
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i bet it starts with mako's broken romance scene for female Bounty Hunters. whatever they did in 4.0 they should have tested it more thoroughly rather than releasing a patch with a new story arch knowing full well that its going to break something. when did testing these things stop?
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Ya i just got him today, was excited to get an honorable companion and wanted to use him from now on.... he's gone ...... and then i found this thread ....... No offense but this is a massive gamebreaking bug that needed to be fixed f*cking weeks ago. Get your act together bioware. This is totaly unacceptable.


Well you sholud have understood by now that bioware doesnt give a flying f**k about its players

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My is Bounty hunter bugged.


First the mission "Settling Accounts" that bugs-out and refuses to acknowledge that it is completed.

--> Still not fixed/no fix to this date... and if anyone has info on it, let me know.


Then Mr. Cadera which joins but is gone and non-selectable.

Thanks for the fact the patch will fix it... Better late than never.

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