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please do not nerf companions


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I hate grinding, That's not what I want. What I want is enough difficulty that I actually need to think about the fight before charging in guns blazing. Yes, the pre-4.0 companions were weak, but they weren't meant to carry you through the content. They're job was to fill in your characters natural weak spots and ASSIST. Playing a marauder? you need a tank or a healer. Playing a vanguard, you need extra damage or heals. That was the point. To help with what your class was lacking, not to hold your hand in case the scary monster attacked.
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People just want to have a CHALLENGE


I take it you are speaking on behalf of the entire playerbase?



I do not have úber gear - no 'crafters' or guild to gear me up - leveling up in drops I always faced a challenge ... some of my characters had to skip content simply because it was not possible to complete it ... without going off & grinding up on mobs to outlevel that particular challenging 'Boss' who kept whipping my *** ... to the point of great frustration - Level Sync took that option away - leaving me the oprion of grinding on mobs simply to level up - as huge wads of content was not possible to solo ...


* I play to have fun, to have story, to participate in the story of my characters (on all the mmo's I play)

* You play for a Challenge ...


We have different playstyles ... I am sure there are others here who have a playstyle different to the above ... but, hey, lets remove all other playstyles but your own, eh? Afterall YOUR playstyle is the most important because, as you state, "ALL players play for the Challenge" ...

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Your experience with companions is what you make of it. You can toggle your companions abilities for a reason. I for example keep their channeled heal toggled off, adjust them to your play skill. It's the same concept as changing difficulty in a SP game, not everyone plays the Witcher 3 on "Death March."
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I take it you are speaking on behalf of the entire playerbase?



I do not have úber gear - no 'crafters' or guild to gear me up - leveling up in drops I always faced a challenge ... some of my characters had to skip content simply because it was not possible to complete it ... without going off & grinding up on mobs to outlevel that particular challenging 'Boss' who kept whipping my *** ... to the point of great frustration - Level Sync took that option away - leaving me the oprion of grinding on mobs simply to level up - as huge wads of content was not possible to solo ...


* I play to have fun, to have story, to participate in the story of my characters (on all the mmo's I play)

* You play for a Challenge ...


We have different playstyles ... I am sure there are others here who have a playstyle different to the above ... but, hey, lets remove all other playstyles but your own, eh? Afterall YOUR playstyle is the most important because, as you state, "ALL players play for the Challenge" ...


Please if you are going to quote me, quote the entire sentence, otherwise it is horribly misleading.


For the record - I have no guild, I have been playing on this account since August (I played for a month back in 2012 on an account I dont have access to, so doesnt really count). I have 3 characters a level 49, 51 and 54 who have completed their class story and a level 9 agent who is just starting.


I am doing this utterly from scratch, I have no assistance, no one to help me (other than using google if I am struggling). I have NEVER said all players play for a challenge. I for one am 95% playing for the story. When I originally subbed I had every intention of getting all the classes to level 50 (max level at that point) and I UNSUBBED because it took for ever to get anywhere. I think I got to level 35 in that month and it was taking an entire evening to get up half a level. That wasnt fun.


I am not even remotely a 'power gamer' or 'hard core' gamer. I have a 5 year old and a job that I work long hours in, I play for a bit of fun a couple of hours a day. I DO NOT want a challenge that requires me to be UBERRRRR just to progress.


However right now this is absolutely no challenge at all, Period. none. The reason being that a companion who got to lvl 17 influence simply from me using them between level 32 and 49 (no gifts, not trying to please them) is so ungodly powerful that they can solo any threat I come across. On the trooper storyline there are some gold Champion droids that you come across who self heal to maximum at 50% life because you are supposed to take them out with a mission item (I hadnt read the instructions, my bad) - as a healer my companion was taking them down to their self heal point over and over again without taking any damage herself. Thats just wrong - Champion guys who cannot be killed should kill me, I wasnt even fighting them and they still couldnt kill my companion.


Do you not understand why that is broken? You complained before that the content was too hard. Fair enough, some parts were bloody difficult (the pre-boss chapter three sith warrior fight was evil incarnate, but doable when you worked it out) but now there is no challenge at all - none what so ever because your 'companion' can win without you even being there.

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