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How will Jessa be handled


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Probably if you have a LS character, then she'll be LS and vice versa for DS.


I would hate it actually, I am tired of companions being based on player preferences. I hope Bioware will have her dark for everyone else as well. So only SW who played it through can have LS Jaesa.


Same with Khem, only SI who played through would have the other option.

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Jaesa is DS by default. I put her as a decoration in my Nar Shadaa stronghold :p 5 years without the protection of the warrior, LS Jaesa will probably fall for the dark side, she's with him because she dreams of his power. Probably, the character as a whole won't be as extreme as the current DS Jaesa.

Current quotes:

DS Jaesa : "You are endebted to me"

LS Jaesa : "I was daydreaming about your power, I'll concentrate again"

(forget the translation of translations :p )

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Not only (If you romanced her like I did) did she send you a message pretty much dismissing your entire relationship (The subject of the message was "Everything ends")

"You were always going to leave me, It was inevitable the moment you killed my old master. I pace the ships corridors and eavesdrop on your acolytes, some mourn you, their grief makes me smile. Beyond that I feel nothing."


"Im free, Im alive. Im more powerful than ever and I dont fear death, not mine, not yours. The worst happened, Im still here. Someone already seeks to replace you as the dark center of my universe. Why should I cry that youre gone, why write words to a dead man, why?"


Note the line I highlighted. Risha sends you a similar message


Can I mention that Risha's message isn't really similar to that at all? I heard that before I started KOTFE and almost didn't do it on my Smuggler that romanced Risha because of it. Then I ended up starting it anyway, and the tone of Risha's message is completely different. Check the spoiler tag for an explanation, will paste the letter so don't look if you don't want to see the letter yet:



I expected Risha's letter to be about her giving up on the Smuggler and moving on quickly due to what I'd heard prior. That's not at all the case, in fact she mentions that she searched for him for 3 years. Then the way she talks about "giving up on him" is a call back to their relationship, and shows that she still loves him despite her "moving on". As mentioned, here's her email so you can judge for yourself:


Subject: You win


Don't know why I'm sending you this message after three years. You'll never see it. If you survived what happened to Marr's ship, everyone would know--and if you ran off to start over without me, I'd sure as stars have heard about it by now. You've never been any good at staying inconspicuous.


Want to hear something funny? I didn't give up on you until today. I searched all over Wild Space, even after Corso said it was time to face the truth. And then this morning I remembered the first time we kissed, and how I promised myself I'd never let you make a sucker out of me. I'm the one who was supposed to leave when things got bad.


Damn you for getting the last laugh, just like always.


I actually smiled after reading that last line. I thought this was a good one, personally.


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Personally. I would hope you can actually decide her alignment before you even encounter her. Like a "We have a potential candidate for you, a companion of the recent Emperor's Wrath" (options) "Oh really? I heard his apprentice behaved very differently from most Sith, almost calm like." or "... Behaved just like all Sith, a brute."
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I believe she's going to default to darkside for non-warrior players, because in my opinion it makes the most sense.


What happens to Jaesa without you? Either Baras turns her himself or sends another/several of his apprentices to do so. How likely is it that it's a lightsider? Not very much, there are very few lightside Sith, if you play one, you constantly get told how remarkably different you are.


And yes, she will appear, of course she wil. Her voice actress isn't credited for KotFE, but NO voice actor is credited whose character hasn't already had lines in the released chapters. All companions will appear in some form or other - and that's a guarantee.


Also, it's not really a problem that there can be two versions of her. If she's an alliance alert character it's easy, because she wouldn't affect anything else, and even if she appears in the main story the only thing to avoid is to give her a big decision to make. A few more lines to write and record are not going to make a difference.

Edited by gblXsw
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Personally. I would hope you can actually decide her alignment before you even encounter her. Like a "We have a potential candidate for you, a companion of the recent Emperor's Wrath" (options) "Oh really? I heard his apprentice behaved very differently from most Sith, almost calm like." or "... Behaved just like all Sith, a brute."


Her alignment, like all other partners, is 0. I play a lot with the LS Jaesa. 5 years without my protection, she's sure to fall dark, she craves power. I don't write the scripts, but something that would work is that twice (Nomen Karr first, you second) she tought she had found the most power (LS and DS as well), twice it failed. In the ensuing 5 years, DS Jaesa tones down, LS Jaesa tastes the dark side, and in the end all players find the same Jaesa.

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