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Companion Skills Resetting


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The single most annoying thing I have encountered in this game is that everytime I die or get off from a taxi my companions skills get reset. I'm playing an Inquisitor, and I often use Crowd control. It's annoying to have to always turn off Khem Val's aoe abilities because I don't want him breaking Crowd control. Is anyone else getting annoyed by this as well?



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I want to be able to remove companion skills from their bar and/or disable them permananetly.


I'm not a moron - although I realize many who play are - or BioWare must think they are, since they don't let people mess with this stuff.


I'm fully capable of putting companion skills back on its bar if I want them back. I don't need my hand held.


Some of the companion skills are utterly annoying.


For ex, I detest the harpoon taunt on corso... My character is a ranged dps..the last thing I want is that moron, who is usually behind me, pulling beefy mobs to him, behind me, breaking my cover.


I use all 4 bars, I don't want to see the companion bar. I disable the toggle key for it because I don't want to see the companion bar. I'm sick of having to disable his harpoon ability every time I blink.


Who beta tested this game, and/or did BioWare completely ignore players? Because there is no way that this didn't get brought up violently.

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I couldn't agree more. It is definitely the most annoying bug I've encountered thus far. I ended up having to switch from M1-4X as my combat companion to Tanno Vik simply because I cannot STAND having to remember to disable M1's Tow Cable ability every single time I dismount my speeder, rez him, zone, or die. The problem is even more frustrating since I can't move companion abilities around on their bar. What's the point of having those 4 quick-slots under the character portrait if I can't put the abilities I want to quickly access on there? At least if I could put Tow Cable on there, I could quickly disable it without having to expand the bar.
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Interestingly enough this doesn't happen with all abilities. Khem Val's Cleave ability will remain unchecked if you uncheck it. But his other aoe ability, which happens to be 8 on the ability list, always resets.


Yes this is interesting.

I checked with mako and skills 3 and 4 dont reset but 5, 6, 7, 8 and 9 do.

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Semi off topic.


But another Companion thing that HAS to be fixed is when Companions finish missions and KICK you out of stores/ auction house/ and even BUG reports.


Was typing a nice detailed BUG about a quest and a companion finishes his mission and KICKS me out of the Bug report, erasing all the typing I had just done. I mean; if Bioware doesn't WANT me to file Bug reports...Hell, then I won't.


If you do want Bug reports....maybe you should fix that...

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Semi off topic.


But another Companion thing that HAS to be fixed is when Companions finish missions and KICK you out of stores/ auction house/ and even BUG reports.


Was typing a nice detailed BUG about a quest and a companion finishes his mission and KICKS me out of the Bug report, erasing all the typing I had just done. I mean; if Bioware doesn't WANT me to file Bug reports...Hell, then I won't.


If you do want Bug reports....maybe you should fix that...


Ironically I mentioned this in another thread. I felt that when I was in "Combat" that when a companion finished a mission, instead of them popping up they should just put the "Pending" in the top right.



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I'm not a moron - although I realize many who play are - or BioWare must think they are, since they don't let people mess with this stuff.
Never assume maliciousness when incompetence, apathy or a lack of time will explain something.


ie, either they just haven't thought about it, haven't cared, or intended for it to work and its not. No need to assume they made a positive decision to make us crazy!


Any ways here is hoping it gets fixed, andronickus needs to stop breaking my cc's

Edited by Xzulld
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As a Commando, I love having Elara around to keep me healed (she's a healer after all).


However, every single time I die/zone/dismount/smoke she suddenly gets her carbonfreeze ray and a special offensive shot back.


And to make matters worse, I also have to check to see if she's even on Medwatch! Sometimes it remains on, but usually upon logging in and summoning her for the first time she isn't even on Medwatch!


So I really hope BW fixes this so abilities that I don't want active don't become active again and again.


Next to that we really need an 'unlock' for the companion abilities and the ability to arrange the abilities we want to see on the mini-bar (instead of the pointless ones that are there now).


Also made an ingame bug-report regarding this btw and I suggest everyone does the same.

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Who beta tested this game, and/or did BioWare completely ignore players? Because there is no way that this didn't get brought up violently.


They ignored or put a lot of the stuff beta testers fed back to them on a list. :rolleyes:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Still experiencing this companion glitch. This with Khem's "Consume Essence" ability automatically being toggled on after being re-summoned. Khem Val will used this AoE ability to break any Crowd Control abilities of nearby enemies, making it quite the disruption.


Steps to reproduce:


Create a Sith Inquisitor, set level to 25

Learn riding skill + mount skill

Learn ability to summon companion Khem Val

Toggle the companion ability "Consume Essence" off on Khem Val by right clicking the ability to make the green toggle box disappear on icon

Use any mount to make Khem Val disappear

Dismount to have Khem Val re-appear

Companion ability "Consume Essence" will be toggled back on

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