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Hottie’s 4.0 Guide to PvP Operative/Scoundrel Healing


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Haven't tried that yet. I get focused enough on Shadowlands as it is. LoL

But funny as hell to watch.


No one really cares on Harb because people do it a lot. I guess not many bug out holo on Shadowlands? Everyone freaked out over it. We all had a good laugh. haha

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No one really cares on Harb because people do it a lot. I guess not many bug out holo on Shadowlands? Everyone freaked out over it. We all had a good laugh. haha


Think I have seen it happen once and that was months ago. But I'm online during the day and not week nights or weekends.

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  • 1 month later...

I just got back to the game. What's the best stat distribution with 208 gear?


I'm running with:

Critical: 37.05%

Critical multiplier: 67.81%

Alacrity: 11.29%


Mastery: 4325

Endurance 5441

Power: 2288

Critical 1260

Alacrity: 1132



That's from stock Exemplar gear and 8x alacrity augments and 6x critical augments . The ration Endurance / Mastery seems a bit weird.

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I just got back to the game. What's the best stat distribution with 208 gear?


I'm running with:

Critical: 37.05%

Critical multiplier: 67.81%

Alacrity: 11.29%


Mastery: 4325

Endurance 5441

Power: 2288

Critical 1260

Alacrity: 1132



That's from stock Exemplar gear and 8x alacrity augments and 6x critical augments . The ration Endurance / Mastery seems a bit weird.


Looking at your stats, they look solid to me. You shouldn't have any trouble maximizing your HPS with this stat step up. Your END/MASTER is perfect, you should have more END over Mastery.


Let me know if you have any other questions. :)

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  • 2 months later...
So basically (1+7/10)(1+4/10)=(17*14)/10~240%


So 6k*240%+20%(surgebonus)*6k=17.3k.


That's about the value I'd expect. Throw in relic procs bedside manners and kolto cloud 5%+ healing bonus and voilá, 19-20k


Not exactly true....


(1 + 0.7 + 0.2) * max(1, 0.4 + 1 * n) = 2.66 when n = 1

= 4.56 when n = 2


The surge bonus is actually multiplied by your crit chance ;)


6k * 4.56 = 27k... Add Bedside Manners and stuff and the 30k is close with 2 stacks...

How can you even get 3-4 autocrits buff?? Acquiring a second buff from the same set should be impossible.... Or it is a rather nice bug...

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  • 1 month later...
I just picked up some healing gear for my operative and I'm trying my hand at it. It's not going particularly well. I find I get squashed by melee pretty easily, but that's not my main concern. I'm looking at your suggested healing rotation, and I'm not seeing a whole lot of room to do anything but refresh hots (if I'm trying to keep them up on 4 people). I don't know how to fit in 4 to 5 different abilities after the last hot has been applied to the 4th person, because by then the hots on the first person are starting to fall off. What am I missing? Great guide btw, I'm just a little overwhelmed.
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I just picked up some healing gear for my operative and I'm trying my hand at it. It's not going particularly well. I find I get squashed by melee pretty easily, but that's not my main concern. I'm looking at your suggested healing rotation, and I'm not seeing a whole lot of room to do anything but refresh hots (if I'm trying to keep them up on 4 people). I don't know how to fit in 4 to 5 different abilities after the last hot has been applied to the 4th person, because by then the hots on the first person are starting to fall off. What am I missing? Great guide btw, I'm just a little overwhelmed.


Not sure if OP is still playing SWTOR. KP has 18s or 12 gcd duration, so you should be able to roll hots on 8 persons indefinitely if that's all you do, so my guess is that you're trying to apply 2 hots on everyone all the time. That's not needed. As long as the person has a KP on him applying another one refreshes both of them. The other ability that refreshes the hots is surgical probe. So if you're hotting 4 people you have at least 5-6 free gcds before you need to reapply the hots.

Edited by Tsetso
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Not sure if OP is still playing SWTOR. KP has 18s or 12 gcd duration, so you should be able to roll hots on 8 persons indefinitely if that's all you do, so my guess is that you're trying to apply 2 hots on everyone all the time. That's not needed. As long as the person has a KP on him applying another one refreshes both of them. The other ability that refreshes the hots is surgical probe. So if you're hotting 4 people you have at least 5-6 free gcds before you need to reapply the hots.


Sounds like it just takes a lot of practice to know when to refresh kp. I personally can't configure my interface to get a good look at the icon for it on people's health bars, so I just have to guesstimate.

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Sounds like it just takes a lot of practice to know when to refresh kp. I personally can't configure my interface to get a good look at the icon for it on people's health bars, so I just have to guesstimate.


You can sort the buffs so that yours are first and also by time remaining. Increasing the size can also help. Not sure if there is an option to show time remaining.

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I'd just like to correct a small thing, the HoTs last for 21 seconds, or 14 GCDs for heals. This gives you 10 GCDs to heal. That can be anything from 6 and 9 healing abilities, depending on RNG and amount of burst you need to heal through.
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I'd just like to correct a small thing, the HoTs last for 21 seconds, or 14 GCDs for heals. This gives you 10 GCDs to heal. That can be anything from 6 and 9 healing abilities, depending on RNG and amount of burst you need to heal through.


Thanks for the correction. I've been running mostly dps lately on my op so i guess i'm a little rusty.

Edited by Tsetso
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  • 3 weeks later...
Hello boys and girls. I have resubed and hopefully going to get into early access in 5.0. I will be revising a guide to fit the new 5.0 content. I will be testing everything, theory crafting with my guildies and be updating everyone on my findings :).


Nice to see you again. Welcome back

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You can also set up a star parse interface that shows the HOTs.


I would strongly recommend this. If your lazy (like me teehee) and want an easy way to track HoTs without clicking on your targets and looking at their HoT CD try this awesome program. The only downside is that StarParse Raid Hots is that it is meant to be for PvE so you will have to manually remove all the names off the list after every game. The benefit to the HoT management far outweighs the task of clear it every game.

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Upcoming break down of 5.0 Operative Healer changes:


This is what we know so far. My source is https://swtor.jedipedia.net/en/news/5-0-class-changes#op. Which was all the abilities which were data mined from PTR. I wanted to give a quick overview of what these charges are and what this might mean to Operative Healers/Scoundrel healers in the next patch.


***I am going to be talking about healing numbers, please be aware in 5.0 the scaling of healing abilities will be increased/different. I am talking about abilities and the healing they do in 4.0 and using that as a bases to talk about how new abilities might function. Abilities might be worse or better and scale completely different in 5.0 so please be aware of that.***


*Looking briefly at the changes I believe the skill cap to Operative/Scoundrel healers might increase slightly. With the new addition passive it will be a very mechanic heavy class and needs a lot of awareness with procs are up.


*Looking at an overview of the changes players speculate that time to kill might increase. Remember this is just a speculation based on the data we have so far so there is no real way to know until the patch is released on PTR. What would this mean for Operatives/Scoundrels if time to kill is increased? It means meta might shift away from a heavy burst to a healing over time meta. This would be a great change in relation to Operatives/Scoundrels it will allow our heals to be more effective since its strength lines in managing healing over a period of time verse burst healing in a small amount of time. Operatives might be FOTM? Please Jesus yes.

*Operative basic changes revolve around a lot of abilities being merged together. This is a great thing addition because it lets you remove extra clutter on your hotkey bar.

Sneak – Sneak in 5.0 is being merged into Stealth. This means when you go in for a sap or scared for a player to find you, you no longer need to spend that extra GCD in using Sneak to decrease your detection rate. Sneak will be activated when you stealth and you will not be able to be found unless the enemy has some far of stealth detection. Small change but worth it.


Worthless/irrelevant abilities that are being removed completely:


Take Cover – For those who like to RP. I’m sorry but you will no longer get to RP as a Sniper. REMOVED.

Crouch – Can’t RP crouch anymore. REMOVED.

Snipe/Charged Burst – More RP Sniper abilities. REMOVED.

Slice Droid – PvE HK sap crap. REMOVED.


All of these removals mean literally nothing to us. They are being removed to probably help newbies learn to play Operative the “right” way without being distracted with abilities which are crap and not even in the damage rotation.


Discipline Changes:


We get a new lv68 healing passive that actually doesn’t suck. Woot.


Curative Swell/Panacean Punch Kolto Infusion/Kolto Pack grants Curative Swell/Panacean Punch, increasing the critical change of your next Surgical Probe/Emergency Medpac by 100%. This effect can only occur once every 18 seconds.


I believe they made this change to help Operatives/Scoundrel deal with the fact they have literally no burst healing anymore. This will help slightly. This will allow you to have a crit on your Surgical/Emergency Medpac every two Infusion/Kolto Packs casted (since there is a 18 second internal CD).


Also be aware of what 100% crit change means. That means it will have 100% more surge as well with how they merged crit/surge in 4.0. Right now you can crit someone with Surgical Probe/Kolto Pack for 6K~ healing but with the surge bonus it will be a 12K~ heal when Curative Swell/Panacean Punch is active.


This means we will have a little burst every 18 seconds after we cast Infusion/Kolto Pack. I like this idea about having Infusion/Kolto Pack impact more in the game because it costs a Proc yet it’s effectiveness is minimal when you are trying to save an ally when bursted.


If the scaling stays the same it might be better to save your instant (gained from popping your Stimboost) Injection/Infusion or Underworld Medicine/Kolto Pack for Infusion/Kolto Pack instead of Injection/Underworld Medicine (UNLESS IT’S A CRIT PROC). The new passive ability I believe will let you burst heal better than the ladder. This is something I will be testing. If this is the same or better it might be changing the burst healing rotation. This is all speculation though. We won’t really know till we see how healing scales in 5.0 but it’s something to think about.




More things being merged and as well we get 3 new utilities to work with. We do not know at this time where these utilities will be in the tree so we can’t really be sure if they will be worth a point until we see where they are placed.


Mobile Assailer/Slippery Shooter – Changes how Overload Shot/Quick Shot works. It makes it work at 30 meters and has a knock back. This seems like an Operative DPS utility and I think will not be relevant for Healers.


Eye for an Eye/Back At YaEvasion/Dodge grants a charge of X, reflecting 150% single target Tech or Force damage while active. This is pretty overpowered in my opinion. This means every time you pop your Evasion/Dodge, not only will you dodge all White damage, cleanse all dots/roots/slows, it will also reflect one yellow damage ability or Force ability. This can be huge. This means you can reflect a Heat seeker or a Backstab back at a player who is attacking you. This will also make players less hesitate to attack you while your buff is up. Good Operatives can use this to extremely advantage and will take a lot of awareness to use properly.


Curative Counteragent– Allows you to instantly stack two HoTs on a target and countermeasures heals you for 1% of your maximum health per second for 5 seconds. This just seems bad and I am hoping it will be in the skillful tree because it wouldn’t be worth it else wise. I like how they were going with it with giving healing

Operatives/Scoundrels more utilities to pick from but the gain from this ability is only 1 GCD. We will see if it’s worth it and I only see myself picking it if there is literally nothing else that is better. I also personally feel like the Countermeasures heal is so random that they added it because they knew the utility itself was terrible. Countermeasures addition doesn’t make it better just more clunky.




Flash Powder – REMOVED. Added into Utility Curbing Shots now called “Curbing Strategies”. This merges the ability to have your Overload Shot/Carbine Burst reduce the movement speed of a target by 40% for 6 seconds and having your Flash bang reduce a targets accuracy by 20% for 8 seconds.


I personally hate this changes because I loved using the Flash Powder utility. Developers decided to merge the two I feel it’s only worth taking for DPS Operatives/Scoundrels.


Pin Down/Stopping Powder – REMOVED. Added into Utility Precision Instruments/Anatomy Lessons. Reduces cost of Debilitate/Sever Tendon by 5 and now also immobilizes target you use Sever Tendon to for 2 seconds. Irrelevant for healing Operatives/Scoundrels. I’m pretty sure we can ignore this change.


Sedatives – REMOVED. Added into Counterstrike now called “Cunning Competencies/Dirty Trickser”. This allows your countermeasures to purse all movement abilities while also allowing your sleep dart to reduce damage of a target by 50%. Another utility that probably will only be used in duels or for DPS Operatives/Scoundrels and is Irrelevant for us.




Jarring Strike/K.O. – When used from stealth Back Stab/Back Blast knocks down the target for 3 seconds as well as interrupts and immobilizes them for 3 seconds. Another irrelevant change for healers.


Circumvention/Sleight of Foot– Reduces the CD of Holo/Trick Move by 10 seconds, purges movement impairing effects and grants a TA. Meh. An OK change. Could be useful for Operative/Scoundrel healers depending on where it is in the utility tree. It is a pretty decent upgrade from the utility before which was garbage compared to other choices.

Edited by kissingaiur
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5.0 Operative Healer changes


Curative Swell: Kolto Infusion grants curative swell, increasing the critical chance of your next surgical probe by 100%. This effect can only occur every 18s.


How critical chance works: Any critical chance over 100% is converted to surge or critical modifier.


Without applying other critical passives to the class, this would be a ~60% increase in critical modifier increase every 18s on surgical probe.


IF surgical probe did 4000 healing, then:

Principle*(Current Surge + Autocrit overage + [Passive modifier]) = Total critical heal





Operative healers are still disadvantaged since 3.0. That disadvantage was the process of smart heals that both merc and sorc got in 3.0 that is very synergetic with their overall styles. These changes don’t really go onto the operatives strength in that is raw output through HoTs. The biggest problem that we faced was Bioware’s passive stance on Kolto Wave. An ability that requires a group to stack up and required to be casted. Bioware furthered decreased out HoT potential in 4.0 when they increased the length of Kolto Probe. This decreased our HoT potential (as well as decreasing our burst potential) as the following:


Pre-3.0: Kolto Probe was: Heal/15seconds

Post-3.0: Kolto Probe is: Heal/18seconds


A common burst technique was if a target had two kolto probes, if you surgical probe, you’d not only get healing done by surgical probe but a double kolto probe would also generate a heal. Thus decreasing burst healing from surgical probe.


Onto 5.0. The change is nowhere near what operatives needed.


First, Kolto Wave still remains a big problem for the kit. It kills mobility for the class to kite. If it was a cast to place on the ground and no channel, then it would be better or if you change the number of people to heal to 2-4 and increase healing done by it, then it will work.


Second, HoTs don’t do enough healing. Burst healing is almost pointless on an Operative because our burst potential is judged on casting and praying to the gods, the other healer or dps won’t interrupt the ability. Interrupt Injection spam = dead target. Sure the new passive will attempt to sustain the person through burst, but during that 18s cooldown you’re back to praying.


Third, cleanses. This is broader towards all healers, but all healers can’t cleanse all CC. Ops/mercs can’t cleanse force and sorcs can’t cleanse tech. Another tangent is that healers can only cleanse 2 debuffs. this is the biggest flaw because the damage modifiers applied by dps clogs up debuff bars and you can’t guarantee a cleanse to a CC if they’re on that person. A simple fix is just to have cleanse clear ALL cleansable debuffs or prioritize CC over damage modifiers (Damage modifiers are a useless concept btw).


A new passive I would have personally like to have seen is something that revolves around HoT healing increases like:

Currative Swell: Surgical Probe has a 30% to trigger Currative Swell, causing all periodic heals to be increased by 15% for the next 12 seconds. This effect can only occur every 18 seconds.

[This is just an example of what I wish to see in operative changes, values subject to changes]



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Well boys the new Operative/Scoundrel utility they added which lets you stack 2 HoTs at once is in the Legendary tree. This makes it literally worthless to us as healers in PvP. Really depressing to find out :(.


Wouldn't that save you four GCDs in your standard rotation of keeping probes on four players? That seems pretty significant to me. You could even drop probes on an entire ops team at no extra cost to time...

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Wouldn't that save you four GCDs in your standard rotation of keeping probes on four players? That seems pretty significant to me. You could even drop probes on an entire ops team at no extra cost to time...


No, Assuming hots are already rolling, you need only 1 to refresh both

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