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Customer support about equipment removal


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I too would like to see these put back in the game at a vendor or two on the fleet.


One of the big problems here is they didn't tell us. What are patch notes for if you aren't going to, you know, detail all the changes that will be made in them? Same with cutting out a lot of the Heroic cut scenes and NPCs, the planetary bonus mission series', etc... People would be less upset if they at least knew beforehand and so had a chance to do something about it.


I was saving up my coms on characters while levelling them with 12XP, thinking that I'd go and finally take a good look at all the com gear once I was done. But nope, it's all gone now. And what do I have to spend my coms on instead? Decorations? God them, only emptied out one character.


When you have people gaining coms as quickly as we are now, with virtually nothing to spend them on... you have a problem.


And it being too difficult to convert the gear is absolute rubbish. Every other piece of old gear I have encountered has been converted to mastery. I have not seen one thing with the previous four stats in it. So obviously there is no problem with converting stats. And if it is a balance problem as people suggested just rip out the mods and sell empty shells.


And of course this deprives people levelling access to a decent variety of different orange armour and weapons. But there's the outfit designer right? Well not everyone wants to fork out credits to pay for each outfit slot as well as getting the items themselves. And remember the cost for adding items to the outfit designer increases with your level.


This is really just disappointing. Not surprising considering Biowares history, but still disappointing.

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I too would like to see these put back in the game at a vendor or two on the fleet.


One of the big problems here is they didn't tell us. What are patch notes for if you aren't going to, you know, detail all the changes that will be made in them? Same with cutting out a lot of the Heroic cut scenes and NPCs, the planetary bonus mission series', etc... People would be less upset if they at least knew beforehand and so had a chance to do something about it.


I was saving up my coms on characters while levelling them with 12XP, thinking that I'd go and finally take a good look at all the com gear once I was done. But nope, it's all gone now. And what do I have to spend my coms on instead? Decorations? God them, only emptied out one character.


When you have people gaining coms as quickly as we are now, with virtually nothing to spend them on... you have a problem.


And it being too difficult to convert the gear is absolute rubbish. Every other piece of old gear I have encountered has been converted to mastery. I have not seen one thing with the previous four stats in it. So obviously there is no problem with converting stats. And if it is a balance problem as people suggested just rip out the mods and sell empty shells.


And of course this deprives people levelling access to a decent variety of different orange armour and weapons. But there's the outfit designer right? Well not everyone wants to fork out credits to pay for each outfit slot as well as getting the items themselves. And remember the cost for adding items to the outfit designer increases with your level.


This is really just disappointing. Not surprising considering Biowares history, but still disappointing.


I agree, I would like to have these returned to the game...


Also, Id like to know the percentage of the player base that said "Ya know Bioware, we have to many merchants, with to much gear...we need less...and by the way make sure that mod vendors only sell green mods...while your at it just do that for all levels under 60, well I guess if we have to, we can keep the level 8 ones" Yeah, what was the percentage on that...


Or can EA/BW just come out and be honest and say, hey buy gear from the CM now...and all the low level gear you loved will be coming back in a Cartel Pack, cause ya know we listen to our players, and we love them....

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I want stuff back. I want to know where to find stuff & get it. Stuff is good. Right now I mostly want Hellfire stuff but that is no longer available. That is no remotely cool.

Bring back my stuff.

Put the vendors back & their gear back. Happy players (who pay for this game) playing their happy games.

Put the gear as quest rewards back & as loot drops back. All of it.

Okay. Simple. Do it.

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I want stuff back. I want to know where to find stuff & get it. Stuff is good. Right now I mostly want Hellfire stuff but that is no longer available. That is no remotely cool.

Bring back my stuff.

Put the vendors back & their gear back. Happy players (who pay for this game) playing their happy games.

Put the gear as quest rewards back & as loot drops back. All of it.

Okay. Simple. Do it.


^ This BioWare

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I want stuff back. I want to know where to find stuff & get it. Stuff is good. Right now I mostly want Hellfire stuff but that is no longer available. That is no remotely cool.

Bring back my stuff.

Put the vendors back & their gear back. Happy players (who pay for this game) playing their happy games.

Put the gear as quest rewards back & as loot drops back. All of it.

Okay. Simple. Do it.

Your attitude is awful. People like you are why I would hate to be a community manager.

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Hey folks,


For the question at hand about why equipment was removed from various vendors, this is due primarily to stat changes. With the release of Fallen Empire, we essentially made that gear obsolete due to the new stat configurations and formulas. This meant the best option was to remove those items. Obviously, this raises the main concern of the support call which is the appearances of those armor sets.


The dev team informs us that virtually all of the core armor appearances previously on those vendors can still be located throughout the game. The majority of the old armor sets can be found via Crafting rewards, Missions, and Heroic Mission rewards. Now, there may be some variants of these core armor sets which are no longer available, but we’ll adjust that over time and slowly re-add pieces. If there are specific armor sets that can no longer be found, send the information to the Community Team and we’ll pass it along.


Thank you all for your understanding and hope that clears up any confusion on the issue.




This is crap, at least some of the items(a lot of weapons for instance) are no longer reachable but whatever. Why not just put up a vendor and drop all the removed shells/orange weapons there?

Edited by jankiel
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I have listened to the video, and although I do not agree with the manner in which this player handled the situation, I absolutely agree that taking away the vendors has made life incredibly difficult for those of us who RP.


I also feel that a lot of times, the majority of new content for the game is directed toward force-users, and that as a trooper (or even our honorable Mandalorian counterparts) we get little to no attention. When the customer complaining talked about his guild no longer being able to use their uniform (in a military RP/PvP guild) it hit home right away. For those of us who enjoy military RP, trying to maintain a uniform standard/regulation has now become a nightmare.


We exist not only to put Sith into the ground, but also to enrich the gameplay of those who choose to roll force-user, etc.


I know that the decision to take these vendors out and put more of an emphasis on buying packs probably wasn't the community manager's (and especially the CS call-taker's) so I have no hate in my heart for all the hard-working folks trying to perform damage-control, but this decision is SERIOUSLY impacting player morale on many fronts.


Please please please, tell the higher-ups in suits that the player-base will be considerably affected by this decision, and that they should seriously consider bringing back the vendors.


Fight as One.

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Agreed. I just discovered that they did this, and I'm livid. I've endured all the other changes with good humor and "wait and see" attitude, but this one is going to make me unsub. They're not listening to the players, they're listening to EA's accounting department.
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